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Created February 16, 2016 20:08
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Concerto 500 Error
I, [2016-02-16T15:00:34.605789 #7447] INFO -- : Started GET "/settings" for ###.###.###.### at 2016-02-16 15:00:34 -0500
I, [2016-02-16T15:00:34.607593 #7447] INFO -- : Processing by ConcertoConfigController#show as HTML
I, [2016-02-16T15:00:34.661042 #7447] INFO -- : Rendered concerto_config/show.html.erb within layouts/application (32.0ms)
I, [2016-02-16T15:00:34.661537 #7447] INFO -- : Completed 500 Internal Server Error in 54ms (ActiveRecord: 3.4ms)
I, [2016-02-16T15:00:35.188827 #7447] INFO -- : ** [Airbrake] Success: Net::HTTPOK
F, [2016-02-16T15:00:35.191368 #7447] FATAL -- :
ActionView::Template::Error (undefined method `select_values' for #<ConcertoConfig:0x000000073f16d0>):
50: <%= label_tooltip "concerto_config", c.key.to_sym, t("activerecord.attributes.concerto_config.#{c.key.to_sym}"), tip: c.description %>
51: <div class="input">
52: <% options = "" %>
53: <% options = options_for_select(eval(c.select_values).map,c.value) unless c.select_values.blank? %>
54: <%= select_tag "concerto_config[#{c.key}]", options, class: input_size %>
55: </div>
56: <% elsif c.value_type == "integer" %>
app/views/concerto_config/show.html.erb:53:in `block (2 levels) in _app_views_concerto_config_show_html_erb__594142510663169191_60494760'
app/views/concerto_config/show.html.erb:34:in `block in _app_views_concerto_config_show_html_erb__594142510663169191_60494760'
app/views/concerto_config/show.html.erb:28:in `_app_views_concerto_config_show_html_erb__594142510663169191_60494760'
app/controllers/application_controller.rb:114:in `set_time_zone'
I, [2016-02-16T15:00:35.192258 #7447] INFO -- : Processing by ErrorsController#render_error as HTML
I, [2016-02-16T15:00:35.200917 #7447] INFO -- : Rendered errors/error_generic.html.erb within layouts/no-topmenu (0.8ms)
I, [2016-02-16T15:00:35.201910 #7447] INFO -- : Rendered elements/_head.html.erb (0.1ms)
I, [2016-02-16T15:00:35.202534 #7447] INFO -- : Completed 500 Internal Server Error in 10ms (Views: 2.8ms | ActiveRecord: 0.8ms)
I, [2016-02-16T15:00:35.218483 #7447] INFO -- : Started GET "/settings" for ###.###.###.### at 2016-02-16 15:00:35 -0500
I, [2016-02-16T15:00:35.219609 #7447] INFO -- : Processing by ConcertoConfigController#show as HTML
I, [2016-02-16T15:00:35.329378 #7447] INFO -- : Rendered concerto_config/show.html.erb within layouts/application (29.9ms)
I, [2016-02-16T15:00:35.329960 #7447] INFO -- : Completed 500 Internal Server Error in 110ms (ActiveRecord: 2.5ms)
I, [2016-02-16T15:00:35.851417 #7447] INFO -- : ** [Airbrake] Success: Net::HTTPOK
F, [2016-02-16T15:00:35.853932 #7447] FATAL -- :
ActionView::Template::Error (undefined method `select_values' for #<ConcertoConfig:0x0000000575daa0>):
50: <%= label_tooltip "concerto_config", c.key.to_sym, t("activerecord.attributes.concerto_config.#{c.key.to_sym}"), tip: c.description %>
51: <div class="input">
52: <% options = "" %>
53: <% options = options_for_select(eval(c.select_values).map,c.value) unless c.select_values.blank? %>
54: <%= select_tag "concerto_config[#{c.key}]", options, class: input_size %>
55: </div>
56: <% elsif c.value_type == "integer" %>
app/views/concerto_config/show.html.erb:53:in `block (2 levels) in _app_views_concerto_config_show_html_erb__594142510663169191_60191960'
app/views/concerto_config/show.html.erb:34:in `block in _app_views_concerto_config_show_html_erb__594142510663169191_60191960'
app/views/concerto_config/show.html.erb:28:in `_app_views_concerto_config_show_html_erb__594142510663169191_60191960'
app/controllers/application_controller.rb:114:in `set_time_zone'
I, [2016-02-16T15:00:35.854746 #7447] INFO -- : Processing by ErrorsController#render_error as HTML
I, [2016-02-16T15:00:35.862467 #7447] INFO -- : Rendered errors/error_generic.html.erb within layouts/no-topmenu (0.8ms)
I, [2016-02-16T15:00:35.863435 #7447] INFO -- : Rendered elements/_head.html.erb (0.1ms)
I, [2016-02-16T15:00:35.863988 #7447] INFO -- : Completed 500 Internal Server Error in 9ms (Views: 2.7ms | ActiveRecord: 0.9ms)
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