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Last active August 29, 2015 14:03
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kMeans Algorithm
import random, pdb
from pprint import pprint
import pandas as pd, numpy as np
import sklearn
from sklearn.cluster import KMeans
labels = {0 : 'apple', 1 : 'banana'}
input = [
# weight, color, # seeds
[303, 3, 1],
[370, 1, 2],
[298, 3, 1],
[277, 3, 1],
[377, 4, 2],
[299, 3, 1],
[382, 1, 2],
[374, 4, 6],
[303, 4, 1],
[309, 3, 1],
[359, 1, 2],
[366, 1, 4],
[311, 3, 1],
[302, 3, 1],
[373, 4, 4],
[305, 3, 1],
output = [
sample_predict = [371, 3, 6]
class kMeans:
def __init__(self): = input
self.k = 2
self.max_iterations = 1000
def solve(self, input=input, k = 2):
#Not standardizing the variables now to get a better idea of the values used to run kMeans
#input = sklearn.preprocessing.MinMaxScaler().fit_transform( np.array( input ).astype(float))
#Sample answer 'centroids' would look like {0: [359, 1, 2], 1: [371, 3, 6]}
centroids = self.createRandomCentroids(input, k)
#Initializing book keeping vars and dummy 'oldCentroids'
iterations = 0
oldCentroids = { k : [None] for k in centroids.keys()}
while not self.converged( oldCentroids, centroids, iterations ):
#Solve old centroids for convergence test.
oldCentroids = centroids
clusters = self.findClosestCentroid(input, centroids , { k:[] for k in range(k)} )
centroids = self.getNewCentroids( clusters)
iterations += 1
self.centroids = centroids
print "Cluster groupings:"
pprint ( clusters )
print "\nCentroids are located at \n"
pprint ( centroids)
self.sk_solve(input, k)
def predict(self, input_variable=sample_predict):
#Get the euclidean distance of each datapoint with k centroids
dic = { k: np.linalg.norm( np.array(v)-np.array(input_variable) ) for k,v in self.centroids.items() }
#Get the lowest index of min value put that datapoint in the appropriate cluster
lowest_index = min( dic , key=dic.get)
print "\nInput %s belongs in the cluster with centroid mean %s" % ( input_variable, \
str( self.centroids[lowest_index]) )
self.sk_predict( input_variable);
return lowest_index
#Evaluate the centroids and get the 'average' position to reevaluate all the clusters
def getNewCentroids(self, clusters):
return { k: np.mean(clusters[k], axis = 0) for k in clusters.keys() }
def converged(self, oldCentroid, newCentroid, num_of_iterations ):
#Lets make sure I dont go on forever
if( num_of_iterations >= self.max_iterations ):
print "Maximum iterations reached. Returning results...\n"
return True
elif all( [True if set( oldCentroid[k] ) == set( newCentroid[k] ) else False for k in newCentroid.keys()] ) :
print "Old and new centroids have converged after %d iterations. Returning results...\n" % num_of_iterations
return True
return False
#Create k random centroids - We dont care where at
def createRandomCentroids(self, input, k=2):
return {k:v for k,v in enumerate( random.sample(input, k) ) }
def findClosestCentroid(self, input, centroids, clusters):
for x in input:
#Get the euclidean distance of each datapoint with k centroids
dic = { k: np.linalg.norm( np.array(v)-np.array(x) ) for k,v in centroids.items() }
#Get the lowest index of min value put that datapoint in the appropriate cluster
lowest_index = min( dic , key=dic.get)
return clusters
def sk_solve(self, input, k=2):
self.SK_Kmeans = KMeans(n_clusters=k)
print "\nSKLearn KMeans: Centroids located at \n%s \n" % str( self.SK_Kmeans.cluster_centers_ )
def sk_predict(self, input_variable):
lowest_index = self.SK_Kmeans.predict(input_variable)
print "\nSKLearn KMeans : Input %s belongs in the cluster with centroid mean %s\n" % ( input_variable, \
str( self.SK_Kmeans.cluster_centers_[lowest_index][0]) )
#Example commands for tutorials
#import numpy
#numpy.linalg.norm( numpy.array([300, 2,3])-numpy.array([400, 1,6]) )
#Make sure our inputs are floats instead of ints and standardized between 0 and 1
#input = sklearn.preprocessing.MinMaxScaler().fit_transform( np.array( input ).astype(float))
#To run program follow these simple steps
#Download the module into the working directory and then type from the shell...
#1. import kMeans
#2. kmeans = kMeans.kMeans()
#3. kmeans.solve()
and you should get an output that looks like this
Old and new centroids have converged after 3 iterations. Returning results...
Cluster groupings:
{0: [[303, 3, 1],
[298, 3, 1],
[277, 3, 1],
[299, 3, 1],
[303, 4, 1],
[309, 3, 1],
[311, 3, 1],
[302, 3, 1],
[305, 3, 1]],
1: [[370, 1, 2],
[377, 4, 2],
[382, 1, 2],
[374, 4, 6],
[359, 1, 2],
[366, 1, 4],
[373, 4, 4]]}
Centroids are located at
{0: array([ 300.77777778, 3.11111111, 1. ]),
1: array([ 371.57142857, 2.28571429, 3.14285714])}
SKLearn KMeans: Centroids located at
[[ 371.57142857 2.28571429 3.14285714]
[ 300.77777778 3.11111111 1. ]]
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