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Last active June 17, 2024 07:57
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  • Save leonderijke/c5cf7c5b2e424c0061d2 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save leonderijke/c5cf7c5b2e424c0061d2 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Fixes references to inline SVG elements when the <base> tag is in use.
* SVG Fixer
* Fixes references to inline SVG elements when the <base> tag is in use.
* Firefox won't display SVG icons referenced with
* `<svg><use xlink:href="#id-of-icon-def"></use></svg>` when the <base> tag is on the page.
* More info:
* -
* -
* One would think that setting the `xml:base` attribute fixes things,
* but that is being removed from the platform:
(function(document, window) {
"use strict";
* Initialize the SVG Fixer after the DOM is ready
document.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", function() {
* Current URL, without the hash
var baseUrl = window.location.href
.replace(window.location.hash, "");
* Find all `use` elements with a namespaced `href` attribute, e.g.
* <use xlink:href="#some-id"></use>
* See:
* Filter out all elements whose namespaced `href` attribute doesn't
* start with `#` (i.e. all non-relative IRI's)
* Note: we're assuming the `xlink` prefix for the XLink namespace!
.filter(function(element) {
return (element.getAttribute("xlink:href").indexOf("#") === 0);
* Prepend `window.location` to the namespaced `href` attribute value,
* in order to make it an absolute IRI
* Note: we're assuming the `xlink` prefix for the XLink namespace!
.forEach(function(element) {
element.setAttribute("xlink:href", baseUrl + element.getAttribute("xlink:href"));
}, false);
}(document, window));
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Great find, it took me a while to figure out the my BASE tag was the culprit.
Tip for people using Angular or React: make a SVG component that does the path replacement on render.
For my angular app, the Domload event would happen before any of the ng-repeated rows would be rendered so the paths would not be replaced. Turning the svg into a component solved that for me since on creation I could replace the path.

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lnked commented Feb 7, 2017


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This saved my team the work of re-exporting all of our SVGs, thanks!

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rik commented Apr 24, 2017

This workaround will soon not be needed anymore. Firefox and Edge are changing behaviours so by October 2017, we can remove it from our projects.

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Saved my day, thanks!!

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ztd127 commented Jun 7, 2017


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Thank you very much, Sir! 👍

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RohinMohanadas commented Jul 7, 2017

The same behavior occurs with "fill" attribute as well. Added one more statement to handle that in the workaround. Not sure if there will be more attributes that may be affected by tag.

/* * Find alluseelements with a namespacedfill` attribute, e.g.
* See:


        * Filter out all elements whose namespaced `fill` attributes doesn't
        * which doesnt have cross referenced values
        * Note: we're assuming the `url(` prefix for the cross referenced fills !
        .filter(function(element) {
            return (element.getAttribute("fill").indexOf("url(") === 0);

        * Insert `window.location` to the `fill` attribute value,
        * in order to make it an absolute IRI
        .forEach(function(element) {
            var attrVal = element.getAttribute("fill");
            var idx = attrVal.indexOf("url(");
            element.setAttribute("fill",attrVal.slice(0,idx+4)+baseUrl+ attrVal.slice(idx+4));
        });   `

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Thank you so much!

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This is fantastic. Thank you 👍

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SatyaAchanta commented Dec 29, 2017

Hello Everyone, Sorry if I my question is too naive. It seems I am having same issue in Microsoft Edge. How can I use the mentioned code snippet in my application ?. Do I have to include it in polyfills.ts file ?. Can someone help me out please ?. I tried adding it in polyfills.ts and adding this snippet using script tag in index.html file, but still not seeing icons in Edge and FF

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Just giving it another shot, is anyone still active here to help me out ?

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ignlg commented Apr 9, 2018

As a note, the mask attribute is affected too. And this kind of fix is still needed for Safari (iOS / macOS), btw.

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