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Leon Handreke leonhandreke

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  • I am leonhandreke on github.
  • I am leonhandreke ( on keybase.
  • I have a public key whose fingerprint is 17C2 D042 2B11 814D 5EB2 2912 08C3 BA58 0249 7EB1

To claim this, I am signing this object:

Leon@stockholm /Users/Leon/Development $ mkdir lol
Leon@stockholm /Users/Leon/Development $ cd lol
Leon@stockholm /Users/Leon/Development/lol $ ls
Leon@stockholm /Users/Leon/Development/lol $ git init
Initialized empty Git repository in /Users/Leon/Development/lol/.git/
Leon@stockholm /Users/Leon/Development/lol $ touch file.c
Leon@stockholm /Users/Leon/Development/lol $ git add file.c
Leon@stockholm /Users/Leon/Development/lol $ git commit -a -m "Initial Import"
[master (root-commit) ca7eeae] Initial Import
0 files changed, 0 insertions(+), 0 deletions(-)
The HaDiNet network interconnects roughly 1000 student rooms, currently using a single LAN. This network will now be upgraded to give each user a separate /29 IP subnet routed to his room. In the case that users require larger subnets, it should be easy to route another subnet to a room. Therefore, management software is required to configure the network.
Currently, the HaDiNet uses a star topology, with the core switch situated in the K3 building and other routers connected to it with 1Gbit fiber links. However, interconnection of the edges of this star is planned. Soon, all switches will be able to route IP packets. Essentially, they are giant routers with enormous backblane and routing capacity (at least to me, being a network newbie, it's pretty impressive).
In a perfect world, the central management software would put each room into a separate VLAN, attach the router closest to the actual room to that VLAN (basically, let the switch that the port leading to the room is on also be the gateway router for

The HaDiNet network interconnects roughly 1000 student rooms, currently using a single LAN. This network will now be upgraded to give each user a separate /29 IP subnet routed to his room. In the case that users require larger subnets, it should be easy to route another subnet to a room. Therefore, management software is required to configure the network.

Currently, the HaDiNet uses a star topology, with the core switch situated in the K3 building and other routers connected to it with 1Gbit fiber links. However, interconnection of the edges of this star is planned. Soon, all switches will be able to route IP packets. Essentially, they are giant routers with enormous backblane and routing capacity (at least to me, being a network newbie, it's pretty impressive).

In a perfect world, the central management software would put each room into a separate VLAN, attach the router closest to the actual room to that VLAN (basically, let the switch that the port leading to the room is on also be the gateway router for

Subject: Hinweis auf ein Video via @KITKarlsruhe
Date: Thu, 15 Nov 2012 11:40:06 +0100
From: Leon Handreke <>
Sehr geehrter Herr Elbl,
mit großem Interesse habe ich soeben die von Ihnen über den
Twitter-Account @KITKarlsruhe versendete Nachricht [0] mit dem Hinweis
leonhandreke /
Last active January 29, 2018 16:48
Klausurfragen "Einführung in die Soziologie"

Was meint das Gedankenexperiment der "doppelten Kontingenz", und was lässt sich damit soziologisch erklären? (Erläutern Sie das Problem doppelter Kontingenz an einem Beispiel!)

  • WiSe 14/15, WiSe 13/14, WiSe 15/16, WiSe 10/11, WiSe 08/09, WiSe 07/08, WiSe 06/07, WiSe 02/03, WiSe 00/01

Diskutieren Sie unterschiedliche Dimensionen sozialer Ungleichheit anhand von Beispielen!

  • WiSe 14/15, WiSe 13/14, WiSe 10/11, WiSe 08/09, WiSe 07/08, WiSe 06/07, WiSe 04/05, WiSe 02/03, WiSe 00/01

(Was wissen Sie über das Wissen?) Diskutieren Sie das Problem, dass es über den gleichen Sachverhalt unterschiedliches, sich widersprechendes wissenschaftliches Wissen geben kann.

  • WiSe 14/15, WiSe 13/14, WiSe 15/16, WiSe 10/11, WiSe 08/09, WiSe 07/08, WiSe 06/07, WiSe 04/05

Erläutern Sie den kontraintuitiven Gedanken, dass die Macht des Mächtigen auch von demjenigen abhängt, über den Macht ausgeübt wird, an einem Beispiel. (Erläutern Sie, inwiefern in einer Machtbeziehung der Mächtige von seinem Gegenüber keinesweg

set -x
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