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Created November 20, 2013 03:55
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Proposal for new Xslate Loader
package Text::Xslate::Loader::File;
use Mouse;
use Data::MessagePack;
use File::Spec;
use File::Temp ();
use Log::Minimal;
use constant ST_MTIME => 9;
use Text::Xslate::Util ();
has cache_dir => (
is => 'ro',
required => 1,
has cache_strategy => (
is => 'ro',
default => 1,
has compiler => (
is => 'ro',
required => 1,
has include_dirs => (
is => 'ro',
required => 1,
has input_layer => (
is => 'ro',
required => 1,
default => ':utf8',
has pre_process_handler => (
is => 'ro',
has serial_opt => (
is => 'ro',
required => 1,
sub create_magic_token { "DUMMY" }
sub load {
my ($self, $name) = @_;
# On a file system, we need to check for
# 1) does the file exist in fs?
# 2) if so, keep it's mtime
# 3) check against mtime of the cache
# XXX if the file cannot be located in the filesystem,
# then we go kapot, so no check for defined $fi
my $fi = $self->locate_file($name);
my $magic = $self->create_magic_token($fi->fullpath);
# Okay, the source exists. Now consider the cache.
# $cache_strategy >= 2, use cache w/o checking for freshness
# $cache_strategy == 1, use cache if cache is fresh
# $cache_strategy == 0, ignore cache
# $cached_ent is an object with mtime and asm
my $cached_ent;
my $cache_strategy = $self->cache_strategy;
if ($cache_strategy > 0) {
# It's okay to fail
my $cachepath = $fi->cachepath;
$cached_ent = eval { $self->load_cached($cachepath, $magic) };
if (my $e = $@) {
warnf("Failed to load compiled cache from %s (%s)",
if ($cached_ent) {
if ($cache_strategy > 1) {
# We're careless! We just want to use the cached
# version! Go! Go! Go!
return $cached_ent->asm;
# Otherwise check for freshness
if ($cached_ent->is_fresher_than($fi->mtime)) {
# Hooray, our cached version is newer than the
# source file! cheers! jubilations!
infof("Cached compile code is fresher than %d", $fi->mtime);
return $cached_ent->asm;
# if you got here, too bad: cache is invalid.
# it doesn't mean anything, but we say bye-bye
# to the cached entity just to console our broken hearts
undef $cached_ent;
# If you got here, either the cache_strategy was 0 or the cache
# was invalid. load from source
my $compiled = $self->load_file($fi->fullpath, $magic);
# store cache, if necessary
if ($cache_strategy > 0) {
$self->store_cache($fi->cachepath, $compiled);
return $compiled->asm;
# Given a list of include directories, looks for a matching file path
# Returns a FileInfo object
my $updir = File::Spec->updir;
sub locate_file {
my ($self, $name) = @_;
if($name =~ /\Q$updir\E/xmso) {
die("LoadError: Forbidden component (updir: '$updir') found in file name '$name'");
my $dirs = $self->include_dirs;
my ($fullpath, $mtime, $cache_prefix);
foreach my $dir (@$dirs) {
if (ref $dir eq 'HASH') {
# XXX need to implement virtual paths
Carp::confess("Virtual paths are not implemented");
} else {
$fullpath = File::Spec->catfile($dir, $name);
$mtime = (stat($fullpath))[ST_MTIME()];
if (! defined $mtime) {
$cache_prefix = Text::Xslate::Util::uri_escape($name);
if (length $cache_prefix > 127) {
# some filesystems refuse a path part with length > 127
$cache_prefix = $self->_digest($cache_prefix);
# If it got here, $fullpath should exist
return Text::Xslate::Loader::File::FileInfo->new(
name => ref($fullpath) ? $name : $fullpath,
fullpath => $fullpath,
cachepath => File::Spec->catfile(
$name . 'c',
mtime => $mtime,
# cache_mtime => $cache_mtime,
# $engine->_error("LoadError: Cannot find '$file' (path: @{$self->{path}})");
die "LoadError: Cannot find '$name' (include dirs: @$dirs)";
# Loads the compiled code from cache. Requires the full path
# to the cached file location, and the magic token to verify against
sub load_cached {
my ($self, $filename, $magic) = @_;
my $mtime = (stat($filename))[ST_MTIME()];
if (! defined $mtime) {
# stat failed. cache isn't there. sayonara
# We stop processing here, because we want to be lazy about
# checking the validity of the included templates. In order to
# check for the freshness, we need to check against a known
# time, which is only provided later.
return Text::Xslate::Loader::File::CachedEntity->new(
mtime => $mtime,
magic => $magic,
filename => $filename,
# Loads compile code from file. The return value is an object
# which contains "asm", and other metadata
sub load_file {
my ($self, $filename, $magic) = @_;
my $source;
open my $source, '<' . $self->input_layer, $filename
# or $engine->_error("LoadError: Cannot open $fullpath for reading: $!");
or die "LoadError: Cannot open $filename for reading: $!";
local $/;
$source = <$source>;
if (my $cb = $self->pre_process_handler) {
$source = $cb->($source);
my $asm = $self->compiler->compile($source, file => $filename);
return Text::Xslate::Loader::File::CompiledTemplate->new(
asm => $asm,
is_utf8 => utf8::is_utf8($source)
sub store_cache {
my ($self, $path, $compiled) = @_;
my($volume, $dir) = File::Spec->splitpath($path);
my $cachedir = File::Spec->catpath($volume, $dir, '');
if(not -e $cachedir) {
require File::Path;
eval { File::Path::mkpath($cachedir) }
or Carp::croak("Xslate: Cannot prepare cache directory $path (ignored): $@");
my $temp = File::Temp->new(
TEMPLATE => "$path-XXXX",
UNLINK => 0,
binmode($temp, ':raw');
my $newest_mtime = 0;
my $is_utf8 = $compiled->is_utf8;
eval {
my $mp = Data::MessagePack->new();
local $\;
print $temp $self->create_magic_token($path);
print $temp $mp->pack($is_utf8 ? 1 : 0);
foreach my $c(@{$compiled->asm}) {
print $temp $mp->pack($c);
if ($c->[0] eq 'depend') {
my $dep_mtime = (stat $c->[1])[ST_MTIME()];
if ($newest_mtime < $dep_mtime) {
$newest_mtime = $dep_mtime;
if (my $e = $@) {
die $e;
if (! rename($temp->filename, $path)) {
Carp::carp("Xslate: Cannot rename cache file $path (ignored): $!");
return $newest_mtime;
use Mouse;
has asm => (is => 'ro', required => 1);
has is_utf8 => (is => 'ro', required => 1);
use Mouse;
has name => (is => 'ro');
has fullpath => (is => 'ro');
has cachepath => (is => 'ro');
has mtime => (is => 'ro');
use Mouse;
has asm => (is => 'rw');
has filename => (is => 'ro', required => 1);
has magic => (is => 'ro', required => 1);
has mtime => (is => 'ro', required => 1); # Main file's mtime
sub is_fresher_than {
my ($self, $threshold) = @_;
if ($self->mtime < $threshold) {
my $filename = $self->filename;
open my($in), '<:raw', $filename
or die "LoadError: Cannot open $filename for reading: $!";
# or $engine->_error("LoadError: Cannot open $filename for reading: $!");
my $data;
# Check against magic header.
my $magic = $self->magic;
read $in, $data, length($magic);
if (! defined $data || $data ne $magic) {
warnf("Magic mismatch %x != %x", $data, $magic);
# slurp the rest of the file
local $/;
$data = <$in>;
close $in;
# Now we need to check for the freshness of this compiled code
# RECURSIVELY. i.e., included templates must be checked as well
my $unpacker = Data::MessagePack::Unpacker->new();
my $offset = $unpacker->execute($data);
my $is_utf8 = $unpacker->data();
my @asm;
if($is_utf8) { # TODO: move to XS?
my $seed = "";
push @asm, ['print_raw_s', $seed, __LINE__, __FILE__];
while($offset < length($data)) {
$offset = $unpacker->execute($data, $offset);
my $c = $unpacker->data();
# my($name, $arg, $line, $file, $symbol) = @{$c};
if($c->[0] eq 'depend') {
my $dep_mtime = (stat $c->[1])[Text::Xslate::Engine::_ST_MTIME()];
if(!defined $dep_mtime) {
Carp::carp("Xslate: Failed to stat $c->[1] (ignored): $!");
return undef; # purge the cache
if($dep_mtime > $threshold){
$self->note(" _load_compiled: %s(%s) is newer than %s(%s)\n",
$c->[1], scalar localtime($dep_mtime),
$filename, scalar localtime($threshold) )
if Text::Xslate::Engine::_DUMP_LOAD();
return undef; # purge the cache
elsif($c->[0] eq 'literal') {
# force upgrade to avoid UTF-8 key issues
utf8::upgrade($c->[1]) if($is_utf8);
push @asm, $c;
package Text::Xslate;
use Text::Xslate::Loader::File;
has loader => (
is => 'ro',
lazy => 1,
builder => 'build_loader',
sub build_loader {
my $loader = Text::Xslate::Loader::File->new(
cache_dir => "/path/to/cache",
cache_strategy => 1,
compiler => $self->compiler,
include_dirs => [ "/path/to/dir1", "/path/to/dir2" ],
input_layer => $self->input_layer,
# serial_optってのがあったけど、あとでやる
sub load_file {
my ($self, $file) = @_;
my $asm = $loader->load($file);
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