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Created May 29, 2013 11:25
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A powershell module to remove a specific IIS website and app pool from a specified server
function Remove-IISSite{
A powershell module to remove a specific IIS website and app pool from a specified server
A powershell module to remove a specific IIS website and app pool from a specified server
Author: Lloyd Holman
DateCreated: 17/01/2013
Requirements: Copy this module to any location found in $env:PSModulePath
.PARAMETER serverName
Required. The name of the remote server to execute the command against
.PARAMETER platformName
Required. The name of the platform to remove the IIS web site and App Pool for
Optional. The FQDN of the administrator to run the commands as
.PARAMETER psSession
Optional. A valid PSSession object for the supplied serverName, saves authenticating again
Import-Module Remove-IISSiteSpecifcServer
Import the module
Get-Command -Module Remove-IISSiteSpecifcServer
List available functions
Remove-IISSiteSpecifcServer -serverName -platformName -user
Execute the module
Position = 0,
Mandatory = $True )]
Position = 1,
Mandatory = $True )]
Position = 2,
Mandatory = $False )]
Position = 3,
Mandatory = $False )]
Begin {
$DebugPreference = "Continue"
Process {
if ($serverName -eq "")
Write-Host "Please provide a serverName to execute the command against"
if ($platformName -eq "")
Write-Host "Please provide a platformName to execute the command for"
if ($user -eq "" -and $psSession -eq $null)
Write-Host "Please provide a Windows user name via -user or a PSSession object via -psSession"
if ($psSession -ne $null)
#Lets check the supplied serverName against the PSSession ComputerName
if ($psSession.ComputerName -ne $serverName)
Write-Host "The supplied serverName ($serverName) doesn't match the ComputerName ($psSession.ComputerName) of the supplied PSSession object."
$s = $null
if ($psSession -ne $null)
#Weve been passed a PSSession object so lets use that
$s = $psSession
#Create a Credential object only if a $user has been supplied
if ($user -ne "") { $c = Get-Credential -Credential $user; }
if ($c -ne $null)
#Create a new PSSession with the specific user credential
$s = New-PSSession -ComputerName $serverName -Credential $c;
$appPoolName = "$platformName"
Write-Host "Removing IIS app pool: $appPoolName on $serverName";
Invoke-Command -Session $s -ScriptBlock { param($InnerServerName, $InnerAppPoolName) & c:\windows\system32\inetsrv\APPCMD delete apppool "$InnerAppPoolName"} -ArgumentList $serverName, $appPoolName | Format-List;
$siteName = "$platformName"
Write-Host "Removing IIS site: $siteName on $serverName";
Invoke-Command -Session $s -ScriptBlock { param($InnerServerName, $InnerSiteName) & c:\windows\system32\inetsrv\APPCMD delete site "$InnerSiteName"} -ArgumentList $serverName, $siteName | Format-List;
if ($psSession -eq $null)
Remove-PSSession -Session $s;
catch [Exception] {
$result = "Woh!, wasn't expecting to get this exception. `r`n $_.Exception.ToString()"
End {
return $result | Format-Table
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