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Last active December 26, 2015 02:49
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Save lholman/7081718 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
A Powershell Module to removes a given parentPath or selective child paths based on a supplied pattern, optionally accepts a PSSession object to support execution on a remote server using PSRemoting.
function Remove-ChildFolders{
Removes a parentPath or selective child paths based on a supplied pattern.
Removes a parentPath or selective child paths based on a supplied pattern, optionally accepts a PSSession object to support execution on a remote server using PSRemoting.
Author: Lloyd Holman
DateCreated: 21/10/2013
Requirements: Copy this module to any location found in $env:PSModulePath
.PARAMETER parentPath
Required. The parent (root) path that all removal (deletion) should be confined to.
.PARAMETER removePattern
Optional. A regular expression defining the child folders to remove from under the parentPath. This defaults to empty which will result in the parentPath being deleted in its entirety.
.PARAMETER serverName
.PARAMETER runAsUserName
.PARAMETER runAsUserPassword
.PARAMETER psSession
Import-Module Remove-ChildFolders
Import the module
Get-Command -Module Remove-ChildFolders
List available functions
Remove-ChildFolders -parentPath "C:\Websites\"
Remove-ChildFolders -parentPath "C:\Websites\" -removePattern "_2012"
Position = 0,
Mandatory = $True )]
Position = 1,
Mandatory = $False )]
Position = 2,
Mandatory = $False )]
Position = 3,
Mandatory = $False )]
Position = 4,
Mandatory = $False )]
Position = 5,
Mandatory = $False )]
[]$psSession = $null
Begin {
$DebugPreference = "Continue"
Process {
$localPath = $False
if (($serverName -eq "") -and ($runAsUserName -ne "" -or $runAsUserPassword -ne "") -or ($psSession -ne $null))
Write-Host "It looks like you want to remove from a remove server but the serverName is missing, please provide a serverName to execute the command against."
if (($runAsUserName -eq "" ) -and ($psSession -eq $null) -and ($parentPath | Select-String -Pattern ":\" -SimpleMatch -Quiet))
Write-Host "Warning: No Windows user name supplied (via -user) or PSSession object supplied (via -psSession) and value of parentPath assumes we're removing from a local path."
$localPath = $True
if ($psSession -ne $null)
#Lets check the supplied serverName against the PSSession ComputerName
if ($psSession.ComputerName -ne $serverName)
Write-Host "The supplied serverName ($serverName) doesn't match the ComputerName ($psSession.ComputerName) of the supplied PSSession object."
$s = $null
if ($psSession -ne $null)
#We've been passed a valid PSSession object so let's use that
$s = $psSession
elseif ($psSession -eq $null -and $localPath -eq $False)
#Request a PSSession object, module validates runAsUserName and runAsUserPassword so no need to check again
Import-Module ".\Get-PSSessionSilent.psm1"
$s = Get-PSSessionSilent -runAsUserName $runAsUserName -runAsUserPassword $runAsUserPassword -serverName $serverName
Remove-Module Get-PSSessionSilent
if ($localPath -eq $True)
#Local Implementation
if ($removePattern -eq "")
#Remove the parentPath
if (Test-Path $parentPath)
Remove-Item -force -recurse $parentPath -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
Write-Host "Path: $parentPath removed"
Write-Host "WARNING path: $parentPath not found"
#Remove based on removePattern, maybe use Select-String methodology with -Pattern and -SimpleMatch and -Quiet
catch [Exception] {
$result = " Error: Woh!, wasn't expecting to get this exception. `r`n $_.Exception.ToString()"
End {
return $result | Format-Table
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