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Created December 11, 2013 09:30
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Creates a new Hyper-V VM (within the local machines Hyper-V instance), uses sensible defaults that can be optionally overridden and finally boots from a defined ISO file. Given the -Force parameter this module will tear down any existing VM's and VHD's, prior to adding the new VM with the same name. Credits: Takes inspiration from http://www.dep…
function New-HyperVVMFromISO{
Creates a new Hyper-V VM (within the local machines Hyper-V instance), uses sensible defaults that can be optionally overridden and finally boots from a defined ISO file.
Creates a new Hyper-V VM (within the local machines Hyper-V instance), uses sensible defaults that can be optionally overridden and finally boots from a defined ISO file.
Given the -Force parameter this module will tear down any existing VM's and VHD's, prior to adding the new VM with the same name.
Credits: Takes inspiration from and adds some more convention and error handling.
Author: Lloyd Holman
DateCreated: 10/12/2013
Requirements: Copy this module to any location found in $env:PSModulePath
Mandatory. The path to the ISO that the new VM should boot from. Supports local "c:\examplefolder" or UNC style "\\exampledrive\share" style paths. The only mandatory parameter.
Optional. Provides the ability to set the new VM name. The default encourages a naming convention of $env:computername + "-VM", e.g. hostserver-VM
Optional. Uniquely identifies the new VM whilst maintaing the VMName convention. Defaults to "0".
Optional. The parent folder under which Hyper-V will create the VM. Defaults to "C:\VirtualMachines\".
.PARAMETER VMStartupMemory
Optional. The initial amount of memory, in bytes, to be assigned to the new VM. Dynamic memory is enabled, Minimum memory is calculated as half the value of VMStartupMemory and conversely Maximum memory is calculated as double the value of VMStartupMemory. Defaults to 1024MB.
Optional. The maximum size, in bytes, of the virtual hard disk (VHD) to be created. Defaults to 60GB.
Optional. Specifies the friendly name of the virtual switch if you want to connect the new VM to an existing virtual switch to provide connectivity to a network. Hyper-V automatically creates a VM with one virtual network adapter, but connecting it to a virtual switch is optional. Defaults to "External NIC"
Optional. Indicates whether to tear down any existing VM's and VHD's, prior to adding the new VM with the same name.
Import-Module .\New-HyperVVMFromISO.psm1
Import the module
New-HyperVVMFromISO -VMIso "C:\path_to_iso\en-gb_windows_8_1_enterprise_x64_dvd_2971910.iso"
Generate a new VM, failing if an existing VM exists with the same name.
New-HyperVVMFromISO -VMIso "C:\path_to_iso\en-gb_windows_8_1_enterprise_x64_dvd_2971910.iso" -Force
Generate a new VM, deleting any VM or VHD with the same name first.
Remove-Module New-HyperVVMFromISO
Remove the module
[Parameter(Position = 0, Mandatory = $True )]
[Parameter(Position = 1, Mandatory = $False )]
[string]$VMName = $env:computername + "-VM",
[Parameter(Position = 2, Mandatory = $False )]
[string]$VMNameSuffix = "0",
[Parameter(Position = 3, Mandatory = $False )]
[string]$VMLocation = "C:\VirtualMachines\",
[Parameter(Position = 4, Mandatory = $False )]
[Int64]$VMStartupMemory = 1024MB,
[Parameter(Position = 5, Mandatory = $False )]
[UInt64]$VMDiskSize = 60GB,
[Parameter(Position = 6, Mandatory = $False )]
[string]$VMNetwork = "External NIC",
[Parameter(Position = 7, Mandatory = $False )]
Begin {
$DebugPreference = "Continue"
Process {
#$VMIso = "C:\Source\en-gb_windows_8_1_enterprise_x64_dvd_2971910.iso"
$VMName = $VMName + $VMNameSuffix
Write-Host "VMName: $VMName"
#We use spaces in the path to be consistent with the 'Virtual Machines' folder Hyper-V makes at the same level :(
$VmDisk1Name = "$VMLocation\$VMName\Virtual Hard Disks\$VMName-Disk1.vhdx"
#Let's check whether we already have a VM with the same name before proceeding as we want this to be idempotent, otherwise
#Hyper-V silently creates a new VM with the same name (different Id), nasty.
$vm = Get-VM -Name $VMName -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
if ($vm -ne $null)
if ($Force)
$vhdLocation = Get-VMHardDiskDrive -VMName $VMName
if ($vhdLocation -eq $null)
throw "Unable to identify Hard Disk for $VMName"
Write-Warning "Removing existing primary Hard Disk from Virtual Machine with name '$VMName' as -Force parameter was specified"
#We Suspend, then Stop the VM prior to attempting to Remove the VM or VHD, this should work in most cases where the VM is sitting in a non-Stoppable state.
Suspend-VM -Name $VMName
Stop-VM -Name $VMName -Force
$vhdPathToDelete = $vhdLocation[0].Path
Get-VMHardDiskDrive -VMName $VMName -ControllerNumber 0 | Remove-VMHardDiskDrive
if (Test-Path "$vhdPathToDelete")
Write-Warning "Removing existing Virtual Machine Hard Disk from location $vhdPathToDelete as -Force parameter was specified"
Remove-Item "$vhdPathToDelete"
Write-Warning "Removing existing Virtual Machine with name $VMName as -Force parameter was specified"
Remove-VM -Name $VMName -Force
throw "A Virtual Machine with the name $VMName already exists. Either set the VMName and VMId parameters accordingly to provide a unique name or specify the -Force parameter to delete any existing VM and VHD with the name $VMName."
#A final catch, in case the VM has been manually deleted from 'Hyper-V Manager' but the Hard Disk remains
if (Test-Path "$VmDisk1Name")
Write-Warning "Removing existing Virtual Machine Hard Disk from location $VmDisk1Name as -Force parameter was specified"
Remove-Item "$VmDisk1Name"
#Create VM
New-VM -Name $VMName -BootDevice CD -MemoryStartupBytes $VMStartupMemory -SwitchName $VMNetwork -Path $VMLocation -NoVHD -Verbose
$VMStartupMemoryMin = $VMStartupMemory/2
$VMStartupMemoryMax = $VMStartupMemory*2
Set-VMMemory -VMName $VMName -DynamicMemoryEnabled $true -MinimumBytes $VMStartupMemoryMin -MaximumBytes $VMStartupMemoryMax -StartupBytes $VMStartupMemory -Buffer 20
#Create VHD and attach to VM
New-VHD -Path $VmDisk1Name -SizeBytes $VMDiskSize -Verbose
Add-VMHardDiskDrive -VMName $VMName -Path $VmDisk1Name -Verbose
#Mount the Windows ISO and start the VM up
Set-VMDvdDrive -VMName $VMName -Path $VMIso -Verbose
Start-VM -VMName $VMName
catch [Exception] {
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