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Created June 24, 2014 01:26
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  • Save libraryaddict/bf4708ebda5f736a6e3e to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save libraryaddict/bf4708ebda5f736a6e3e to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Hai there. I'm reporting Lib's Disguises by libraryaddict
Take it down if you really insist.
All of the downloads contain the content which the latest version was rejected for.
Content which may I mention, no one has seen except where they have major problems.
I refuse to maintain this project after long approval times, and every 2-5th build being rejected.
I've already complained often about this, and I really don't like the stress and hassle this causes me.
The latest version had tons of bug fixes, feature addictions, added forge support and the like.
This was fast on becoming the #1 disguise plugin on bukkitdev.
DisguiseCraft can keep that spot. I don't give a fig about bukkitdev.
Lib's Disguises was a project for me to work on and I intended to only release it on spigot.
I released it on bukkitdev because you kept taking down projects because they couldn't link to the plugin.
That was solely the only reason. Not because I cared about your users, my downloads or the 'rewards scheme'. But because I didn't care to see other projects punished.
Fun fact. Every single letter i on the bukkitdev page was replaced with a unicode character some time back.
Wondered if that would sink the page in the google rankings.
This will sink the project anyways.
So you have the fun choice of either deleting the project.
Or leaving it up along with that fun description.
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