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howiemnet /
Created August 22, 2019 15:31
Houdini to Blender camera animation exporter
# Houdini to Blender camera exporter thingy
# / 22 Aug 2019
# v1.0: hacky but seemingly working
# Pop this into a toolbar button's script window in Houdini
# Select a camera (or a camera switcher) and press the button
# A newly generated python script is now on the clipboard.
// c# companion script
// SpriteUVToShader.cs -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- //
// Save you your project, add to your SpriteRenderer gameObject
using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
howiemnet /
Last active April 24, 2024 14:18
First attempt at getting AE camera data into Houdini (hacky woo)
# Ultra quick'n'hacky AE camera animation importer for Houdini.
# Create a new shelf, create a new tool, paste this into the script box.
# In AE, select the Orientation and/or Position keyframes, and Ctrl/Cmd-C them to the clipboard
# Open a new text file (Notepad or Textedit) and paste the clipboard contents in. There's your keyframes.
# Save the text file somewhere and amend the filename line below to suit
# In Houdini, create a camera (it's up to you to set the same zoom / aperture as the AE one).
# ... and run this script (well, press the shelf button you stuck this on)
ThePhiMa / Blend Add Particle.shader
Created August 18, 2016 12:45
Blend Add Shader (as used in Diablo 3)
// Blend Add Shader (as used in Diablo 3)
// Uses the alpha channel to determine if the pixel needs to be blended additively or by transparency.
// Is a good way prevent the additive buildup that makes a scene with a lot of particle effects white and unreadable while still having some particle texture features.
// Idea by Julian Love -
Shader "Custom/Blend Add Particle Test"
_MainTex("Base (RGB) Trans (A)", 2D) = "white" {}
_BlendThreshold("Blend Treshold (0.0:Additive, 1.0:Trasparency)", Range(0.0, 1.0)) = 0.5