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Last active December 7, 2020 23:16
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[ DEBUG] [ 6664][2019rhho] unexpected multiline comment "-- This isn't THAT many allies to transform, but there are usually possibilities..."
[ DEBUG] [ 8115][2019rmdc] unexpected multiline comment "-- Xipe's text special is stupidly good in the current metagame. It gets even be..."
[ DEBUG] [ 8133][2019rmdc] unexpected multiline comment "-- This is a deep Master package, at least 7 of them are trifles. From there, di..."
[ DEBUG] [ 8144][2019rmdc] unexpected multiline comment "-- This deck doesn't need Carlton, it just steals someone else's. -- There was a..."
[ DEBUG] [ 8149][2019rmdc] unexpected multiline comment "-- There used to be a Bowl of Convergence, but Xipe often ends up too busy to bo..."
[ DEBUG] [ 8166][2019rmdc] unexpected multiline comment "-- I omitted Delaying Tactics because I see Undele vote decks so much that it wa..."
[ DEBUG] [ 16838][2019uscpc] unexpected multiline comment "-- Note: No pool gain, you need all the blood on the vampires to pay for cards, ..."
[ DEBUG] [ 16845][2019uscpc] unexpected multiline comment "-- Note: This is all bleed, you never Govern down unless it nets you +1 Vampire."
[ DEBUG] [ 20769][2018nmno] unexpected multiline comment "// for certain decks I've upped my Converts from 5/13 to 6/13; proved useful for..."
[ DEBUG] [ 22930][2018won3co] unexpected multiline comment "-- This is way, way thicker a master package than I like to run, but at least 7 ..."
[ DEBUG] [ 22933][2018won3co] unexpected multiline comment "-- This is way, way thicker a master package than I like to run, but at least 7 ..."
[ DEBUG] [ 22950][2018won3co] unexpected multiline comment "-- I thought there was a Flak Jacket in here, but it must have gotten culled for..."
[ DEBUG] [ 22960][2018won3co] unexpected multiline comment "-- The bleed retainers are the source of the real offense in the deck, adding to..."
[ DEBUG] [ 22981][2018won3co] unexpected multiline comment "-- Yes, I know the bounce package is pathetically weak. But Baba Yaga seems to p..."
[ DEBUG] [ 23016][2018won2co] unexpected multiline comment "// Nana and/or Aksinya tend to drive defense and make opportunistic offensive mo..."
[ DEBUG] [ 23018][2018won2co] unexpected multiline comment "// Nana and/or Aksinya tend to drive defense and make opportunistic offensive mo..."
[ DEBUG] [ 23042][2018won2co] unexpected multiline comment "-- Only expected to need 1-2 cycles of Tablets and I was concerned that 2 more w..."
[ DEBUG] [ 23055][2018won2co] unexpected multiline comment "-- Unfortunately, this deck is almost exclusively 1 action per minion per turn w..."
[ DEBUG] [ 23063][2018won2co] unexpected multiline comment "-- Red Question proved to be great. Nana converted mid-action and dropped Monkey..."
[ DEBUG] [ 23071][2018won2co] unexpected multiline comment "-- I'm pretty casual about blocking unless permacept AND an untap location come ..."
[ DEBUG] [ 24715][2018fnclf] unexpected multiline comment "// Effie Lowery should be Fish for PB: Luanda"
[ DEBUG] [ 25390][2018kotmpf] unexpected multiline comment "// Adana is the real star of the deck because she has everything needed. You mus..."
[ DEBUG] [ 25394][2018kotmpf] unexpected multiline comment "// Adana is the real star of the deck because she has everything needed. You mus..."
[ DEBUG] [ 30412][2017nqsw] unexpected multiline comment "-- My copy of Lia Milliner somehow evaporated from the cypt (Graverobbed somewhe..."
[ DEBUG] [ 30429][2017nqsw] unexpected multiline comment "-- Really needs Master trimming with inclusion of one Direct Intervention - but ..."
[ DEBUG] [ 30443][2017nqsw] unexpected multiline comment "-- A mix of rush and defensive minions with a potent anti-equipment twist"
[ DEBUG] [ 35508][2016ftno] unexpected multiline comment "-- could use a Wider View or two and some Sudden Reversals, but I didn't know wh..."
[ DEBUG] [ 37364][2016wone1co] unexpected multiline comment "-- Another compact module, but deep enough to be effective with 2-4 cap vampires..."
[ DEBUG] [ 40023][2016aoeddhap] unexpected multiline comment "/* I have no idea why people don't use Vykos ADV as the main vampire in any tzim..."
[ DEBUG] [ 40034][2016aoeddhap] unexpected multiline comment "-- Maybe one less Dreams and one more Guardian Angel. It's fun to have multiple ..."
[ DEBUG] [ 40037][2016aoeddhap] unexpected multiline comment "-- Maybe one less Dreams and one more Guardian Angel. It's fun to have multiple ..."
[ DEBUG] [ 40046][2016aoeddhap] unexpected multiline comment "-- Non arrogant wall."
[ DEBUG] [ 40053][2016aoeddhap] unexpected multiline comment "-- Ivory Bow is going to leave if I increase Guardian Angels. It is only a win m..."
[ DEBUG] [ 40063][2016aoeddhap] unexpected multiline comment "-- Odd pick of cards, yes? -- I don't need Enhanced Senses. Deflecting or cancel..."
[ DEBUG] [ 40064][2016aoeddhap] unexpected multiline comment "-- Odd pick of cards, yes? -- I don't need Enhanced Senses. Deflecting or cancel..."
[ DEBUG] [ 40067][2016aoeddhap] unexpected multiline comment "-- Odd pick of cards, yes? -- I don't need Enhanced Senses. Deflecting or cancel..."
[ DEBUG] [ 40072][2016aoeddhap] unexpected multiline comment "-- Vykos allows for extras in some places. -- Blood of Acid is good against many..."
[ INFO] [ 40592][2015gncbng] "carver's meat packaging and storage" matched "carver's meat packing and storage"
[ INFO] [ 40846][2015ctb] "dreams of the sphynx" matched "dreams of the sphinx"
[ INFO] [ 41497][2015bnmb] "pentex subversion" matched "pentex(tm) subversion"
[ INFO] [ 42617][2015rrspb] "smiling jack, the anarchy" matched "smiling jack, the anarch"
[ INFO] [ 42636][2015rrspb] "lighting reflexes" matched "lightning reflexes"
[ INFO] [ 45405][2015graiwswiajf] "zillah valley" matched "zillah's valley"
[ INFO] [ 45428][2015graiwswiajf] "enkil coq" matched "enkil cog"
[ INFO] [ 46799][2015citwd1bcr] "golgonda inner piece" matched "golconda: inner peace"
[ INFO] [ 46870][2015qtqtbi] "foreshadowing distruction" matched "foreshadowing destruction"
[ INFO] [ 47546][2015almqvcsss] "eye of argus" matched "eyes of argus"
[ INFO] [ 47951][2015cdppf] "powerbase montreal" matched "powerbase: montreal"
[ INFO] [ 48567][2015kkfb] "bum s rush" matched "bum's rush"
[ DEBUG] [ 48637][2015nrqwri] unexpected multiline comment "/* 13 cards makes me feel better about not being crypt screwed and empirical evi..."
[ DEBUG] [ 48652][2015nrqwri] unexpected multiline comment "/* Daring the Dawn was key in the final. Seduction is also very important. I got..."
[ DEBUG] [ 48657][2015nrqwri] unexpected multiline comment "/* Haven't gotten this card to do anything useful for me. */"
[ DEBUG] [ 48674][2015nrqwri] unexpected multiline comment "/* Ephor is really just there for flavor, but has helped a little from time to t..."
[ DEBUG] [ 48680][2015nrqwri] unexpected multiline comment "/* I kept outsmarting myself and not being able to Parity Shift but having the m..."
[ INFO] [ 49077][2015ncnhb] "powerbase: tshuane" matched "powerbase: tshwane"
[ INFO] [ 49083][2015ncnhb] "winder view" matched "wider view"
[ INFO] [ 50175][2014gscbs] "giant blood" matched "giant's blood"
[ INFO] [ 50182][2014gscbs] "kindred spirit" matched "kindred spirits"
[ INFO] [ 50186][2014gscbs] "telepathic misderection" matched "telepathic misdirection"
[ INFO] [ 50193][2014gscbs] "lost in crowed" matched "lost in crowds"
[ INFO] [ 51127][2014tptsmaytspdms] "anarch troulemaker" matched "anarch troublemaker"
[ INFO] [ 51133][2014tptsmaytspdms] "pentex (tm) subversion" matched "pentex(tm) subversion"
[ INFO] [ 51139][2014tptsmaytspdms] "delaying tacticts" matched "delaying tactics"
[ INFO] [ 52045][2014ausccma] "saturday night special" matched "saturday-night special"
[ INFO] [ 52158][2014auscclcqma] "jake washington, hunter" matched "jake washington (hunter)"
[ INFO] [ 53247][2014tlydms] "the eternal of sirius" matched "the eternals of sirius"
[ INFO] [ 53549][2014cccqoc] "anthelios, red star" matched "anthelios, the red star"
[ DEBUG] [ 55202][2014tvccqma] unexpected multiline comment "-- NOTE: I'd prefer 4/4/4 with Anarch Convert (or 6/6/6 for flavour), but I do n..."
[ INFO] [ 55213][2014tvccqma] "erciyes fragment, the" matched "erciyes fragments, the"
[ INFO] [ 55214][2014tvccqma] "powerbase, mexico city" matched "powerbase: mexico city"
[ DEBUG] [ 55228][2014tvccqma] unexpected multiline comment "-- Note: these are all Sudden Reversal magnets. I never got more than 2 media lo..."
[ INFO] [ 55237][2014tvccqma] "mr winthrop" matched "mr. winthrop"
[ DEBUG] [ 55241][2014tvccqma] unexpected multiline comment "-- NOTE: out of 4 games, I only got Mr Winthrop once, and no Sport Bike ever. Ev..."
[ INFO] [ 56141][2014nacfcqco] "little mountain cemetary" matched "little mountain cemetery"
[ DEBUG] [ 56899][2014corccqno] unexpected multiline comment "-- I got Rafael in my opening crypt 3 of the 4 games, which had to contribute to..."
[ INFO] [ 57543][2014cetfb] "mr wintrop" matched "mr. winthrop"
[ INFO] [ 57553][2014cetfb] "freak driver" matched "freak drive"
[ INFO] [ 57558][2014cetfb] "cats guidance" matched "cats' guidance"
[ INFO] [ 57568][2014cetfb] "quic meld" matched "quick meld"
[ INFO] [ 57572][2014cetfb] "skin of stell" matched "skin of steel"
[ INFO] [ 57762][2014afpfb] "felix 'fix' hessian" matched "felix "fix" hessian"
[ INFO] [ 57891][2014atnycny] "fear of mekket" matched "fear of mekhet"
[ INFO] [ 59514][2014bkspb] "dreams of the spjinx" matched "dreams of the sphinx"
[ INFO] [ 59520][2014bkspb] "corporate huntig ground" matched "corporate hunting ground"
[ INFO] [ 59536][2014bkspb] "hidden strengrh" matched "hidden strength"
[ INFO] [ 59548][2014bkspb] "forced awakining" matched "forced awakening"
[ INFO] [ 60422][2014dtiiccb] "power base barranquilla" matched "powerbase: barranquilla"
[ INFO] [ 60430][2014dtiiccb] "ruto's hand" matched "rutor's hand"
[ INFO] [ 60432][2014dtiiccb] "pulse of canaille" matched "pulse of the canaille"
[ INFO] [ 60441][2014dtiiccb] "eagle's sigth" matched "eagle's sight"
[ DEBUG] [ 61127][2014jboifolac] unexpected multiline comment "-- A good case could be made to remove the 2 weenies in favor of additional copi..."
[ DEBUG] [ 61136][2014jboifolac] unexpected multiline comment "-- I saw either ally-based or location-rich opponents in every round. Having acc..."
[ DEBUG] [ 61150][2014jboifolac] unexpected multiline comment "-- The Seductions should probably be removed."
[ INFO] [ 61539][2014pbtrrdjb] "effective managiment" matched "effective management"
[ INFO] [ 61541][2014pbtrrdjb] "concelead weapon" matched "concealed weapon"
[ INFO] [ 62230][2014bwobote] "swallowed by night" matched "swallowed by the night"
[ INFO] [ 62231][2014bwobote] "cloak of the gathering" matched "cloak the gathering"
[ INFO] [ 62234][2014bwobote] "blanket of the night" matched "blanket of night"
[ INFO] [ 62242][2014bwobote] "wake with evenings freshness" matched "wake with evening's freshness"
[ INFO] [ 62291][2014sfs1pdms] "sacre cour cathedral, france" matched "sacre-cour cathedral, france"
[ INFO] [ 63594][2013jrxxiiwbkf] "founders of the ebony kindom" matched "founders of the ebony kingdom"
[ INFO] [ 64649][2013resacvesb] "direct intrvention" matched "direct intervention"
[ INFO] [ 64720][2013tgrmivusjf] "foreshadowing destrcuction" matched "foreshadowing destruction"
[ INFO] [ 64726][2013tgrmivusjf] "zilah's valley" matched "zillah's valley"
[ INFO] [ 64734][2013tgrmivusjf] "kine resources constested" matched "kine resources contested"
[ INFO] [ 64768][2013mqfpspf] "information higway" matched "information highway"
[ INFO] [ 64769][2013mqfpspf] "fortschrit library" matched "fortschritt library"
[ INFO] [ 64780][2013mqfpspf] "black hand emisssary" matched "black hand emissary"
[ INFO] [ 65960][2013bdmspb] "wake with evening freshness" matched "wake with evening's freshness"
[ INFO] [ 69124][2013jbllac] "j.s. simmons, esq." matched "j. s. simmons, esq."
[ INFO] [ 69173][2013jbilac] "canine hordes" matched "canine horde"
[ INFO] [ 70972][2013fntf] "cat's guidance" matched "cats' guidance"
[ INFO] [ 72726][2013jbhlac] "felix fix hessian" matched "felix "fix" hessian"
[ INFO] [ 73366][2013nycqnyc] "vissitude" matched "vicissitude"
[ DEBUG] [ 77096][2013qcfeelblpf] unexpected multiline comment "-- There is no crypt accelerator. Well, there should probably, but not as master..."
[ DEBUG] [ 77101][2013qcfeelblpf] unexpected multiline comment "-- That's where the crypt acceleration should be. Some Fourth trads could only h..."
[ INFO] [ 77109][2013qcfeelblpf] "veil the legion" matched "veil the legions"
[ DEBUG] [ 77112][2013qcfeelblpf] unexpected multiline comment "-- Perhaps one or two Freak Drives?"
[ DEBUG] [ 77120][2013qcfeelblpf] unexpected multiline comment "-- A couple of extra Parity Shifts and some better votes would simply make the d..."
[ INFO] [ 78989][2013ccp] "ventrue headquaters" matched "ventrue headquarters"
[ DEBUG] [ 80127][2012pnclp] unexpected multiline comment "/* 14 is the new 10 */"
[ INFO] [ 80748][2012hncrbudapest] "liliths's blessing" matched "lilith's blessing"
[ INFO] [ 82285][2012mm36] "lilitih's blessing" matched "lilith's blessing"
[ DEBUG] [ 83107][2012fncrf] unexpected multiline comment "-- Enkidu in 5 copies sometimes didn't show up. I added one copy (with a 13-cryp..."
[ DEBUG] [ 83144][2012fncrf] unexpected multiline comment "-- Master come quite quickly because you cycle lots of cards. You can even -- ja..."
[ INFO] [ 83863][2012fadc] "dreams ofthe sphinx" matched "dreams of the sphinx"
[ DEBUG] [ 83992][2012rrm] unexpected multiline comment "/* Maybe too much. Bloat and payload is what this deck is about. */"
[ DEBUG] [ 85381][2012ecqppfa] unexpected multiline comment "-- Enkidu in 5 copies sometimes didn't show up. I added one copy (with a 13-cryp..."
[ DEBUG] [ 85419][2012ecqppfa] unexpected multiline comment "--Master come quite quickly because you cycle lots of cards. --You can even jam ..."
[ INFO] [ 90714][2012qcfcourbevoie] "golconda, inner peace" matched "golconda: inner peace"
[ INFO] [ 91165][2012secqggs] "frontal assult" matched "frontal assault"
[ INFO] [ 92919][2012ayeohlac] "sacrifical lamb" matched "sacrificial lamb"
[ INFO] [ 92965][2012ayeohlac] "j.s. simmons esq." matched "j. s. simmons, esq."
[ INFO] [ 93519][2012mm32] "cloak of gathering" matched "cloak the gathering"
[ INFO] [ 95181][2011ssbs] "lillith's blessing" matched "lilith's blessing"
[ INFO] [ 98207][2011btdbs] "lilit's blessing" matched "lilith's blessing"
[ INFO] [101391][2011fitbsjc] "eterrnal vigilance" matched "eternal vigilance"
[ DEBUG] [101975][2011pombmg] unexpected multiline comment "-- would drop 2x Huitzilopochtli for additional 2x Anson"
[ DEBUG] [102528][2011badc] unexpected multiline comment "-- A first-turn No Secrets ended up being critical sitting downwind of Una."
[ INFO] [107080][2011MM26] "lilith's blessing's" matched "lilith's blessing"
[ DEBUG] [109668][2011sabotuk] unexpected multiline comment "-- Seems to flow just about right, maybe needs another Intercept location."
[ DEBUG] [109689][2011sabotuk] unexpected multiline comment "-- Probably needs 1-2 more Actions, no idea what to lose to manage it, though."
[ DEBUG] [109708][2011sabotuk] unexpected multiline comment "-- Once again, a smidge too light, really."
[ DEBUG] [110401][2011gatlno] unexpected multiline comment "/* Always nice for a deck that likes to sit around and wait for opportunities. */"
[ DEBUG] [110405][2011gatlno] unexpected multiline comment "/* Huge against breeder decks and other weenies. */"
[ DEBUG] [111981][2011tlfno] unexpected multiline comment "-- Enchants should be changed to Entrancement"
[ DEBUG] [112023][2011tlfno] unexpected multiline comment "-- I would consider dropping the hunting ground for Carlton van Wyk, who should ..."
[ DEBUG] [112029][2011tlfno] unexpected multiline comment "-- Both Wakes should be changed for On the Qui Vive which would allow me to thro..."
[ INFO] [112276][2011trmsf] "smiling jack the anarch" matched "smiling jack, the anarch"
[ INFO] [113920][2010fsss] "lillith blessing" matched "lilith's blessing"
[ DEBUG] [116073][2010pcstockholm] unexpected multiline comment "If I play the deck again I'll remove Carlton (which didn't really see play) and ..."
[ INFO] [116253][2010mm21tf] "sword of judgement" matched "sword of judgment"
[ INFO] [117610][2010warpartybp] "slow witehring, the" matched "slow withering, the"
[ INFO] [119425][2010mm19tf] "cloak the gtahering" matched "cloak the gathering"
[ INFO] [120294][2010cotbithaca] "scalpel tounge" matched "scalpel tongue"
[ DEBUG] [123048][2010motenyc] unexpected multiline comment "A few comments on the deck: Turns out the events were mostly useless, destroying..."
[ INFO] [124658][2010mqlisbon] "coordinated attacks" matched "coordinate attacks"
[ INFO] [124692][2010mondaymayhem16] "jake washinton" matched "jake washington"
[ INFO] [126977][2010lvqual] "powerbase barranquilla" matched "powerbase: barranquilla"
[WARNING] [127063][2010lvmq] failed to parse "ACTION MODIFIER (38 => 20 +bleed, 18 +stealth)"
[ INFO] [127999][2010mansebigbang] "neonite breach" matched "neonate breach"
[ INFO] [129608][2k9finalsacrifice] "shambling horde" matched "shambling hordes"
[ INFO] [129898][2k9dansemacabrelublin] "bonespour" matched "bone spur"
[ INFO] [130766][2k9wellmarkedco] "lost in crowdsf" matched "lost in crowds"
[ INFO] [131613][2k9peacemakerparis] "sybil's tongue" matched "sibyl's tongue"
[ INFO] [131648][2k9peacemakerparis] "ankhara citadel, turkey, the" matched "ankara citadel, turkey, the"
[ INFO] [132997][2k9findersot] "fifth tradition: hospitality" matched "fifth tradition: hospitality"
[ INFO] [132998][2k9findersot] "fourth tradition: the accounting" matched "fourth tradition: the accounting"
[ INFO] [133036][2k9findersot] "second tradition: domain" matched "second tradition: domain"
[ INFO] [134796][2k9pragueeq] "faceless nightge" matched "faceless night"
[ INFO] [134938][2k9eandi] "dark influence" matched "dark influences"
[ INFO] [134944][2k9eandi] "giant' s blood" matched "giant's blood"
[ INFO] [135509][2k9psturku472] "aranthebes the immortal" matched "aranthebes, the immortal"
[ INFO] [135521][2k9psturku472] "target: vitals" matched "target vitals"
[WARNING] [137468][2k9cohatl] failed to parse "fa"
[ INFO] [137684][2k9glrqw] "unflinching persistance" matched "unflinching persistence"
[ INFO] [138885][2k9linkopingmay] "antedeluvian awakening" matched "antediluvian awakening"
[ INFO] [138890][2k9linkopingmay] "gorconda, inner piece" matched "golconda: inner peace"
[ INFO] [138891][2k9linkopingmay] "pentex subverision" matched "pentex(tm) subversion"
[ INFO] [138892][2k9linkopingmay] "redeemed the lost soul" matched "redeem the lost soul"
[ INFO] [138894][2k9linkopingmay] "villain" matched "villein"
[ INFO] [138902][2k9linkopingmay] "elder impersoantion" matched "elder impersonation"
[ INFO] [138907][2k9linkopingmay] "truth of a thousend lies" matched "truth of a thousand lies"
[ INFO] [138910][2k9linkopingmay] "soulgem of etrius" matched "soul gem of etrius"
[ INFO] [142219][2k9bergenvsoslo] "anthelios the red star" matched "anthelios, the red star"
[ INFO] [142933][2k9dmcun] "mask of a 1000 faces" matched "mask of 1,000 faces"
[ INFO] [143221][2k9denystockholm] "hedelberg castle, germany" matched "heidelberg castle, germany"
[ DEBUG] [143552][2k9karlsruhemq] unexpected multiline comment "/* just enough to keep people guessing */"
[ INFO] [143874][2k9dtdgi] "papillion" matched "papillon"
[ INFO] [144161][2k9nerqpri] "whrm talk radio" matched "wmrh talk radio"
[ INFO] [144178][2k9nerqpri] "precogntion" matched "precognition"
[ DEBUG] [145168][2k9lkotpn] unexpected multiline comment "Last table: Ventrue 4-5 Votes; Toreador Grand Ball 1-2; Tremere 3-4 Control rush..."
[ INFO] [146062][2k8cqmontreal] "brujah justcar" matched "brujah justicar"
[ INFO] [146378][2k8polishnats] "enhances senses" matched "enhanced senses"
[ INFO] [146501][2k8spanishnatday1] "the erciyes fragment" matched "the erciyes fragments"
[ INFO] [146503][2k8spanishnatday1] "krgc news radio" matched "krcg news radio"
[ INFO] [146515][2k8spanishnatday1] "palatial state" matched "palatial estate"
[ INFO] [146517][2k8spanishnatday1] "bowl of cinvergence" matched "bowl of convergence"
[ INFO] [146536][2k8spanishnatday1] "eagle' s sight" matched "eagle's sight"
[ INFO] [146538][2k8spanishnatday1] "my enemy' s enemy" matched "my enemy's enemy"
[ INFO] [146541][2k8spanishnatday1] "spirit' s touch" matched "spirit's touch"
[ INFO] [146704][2k8sabadellnov] "aranhebes, the immortal" matched "aranthebes, the immortal"
[ INFO] [146729][2k8sabadellnov] "anarchis uprising" matched "anarchist uprising"
[ INFO] [146866][2k8orgyofmysteryiny] "khabar: the community" matched "khabar: community"
[ INFO] [148854][2k8miniqgatineau] "giant's bood" matched "giant's blood"
[ INFO] [148863][2k8miniqgatineau] "milan horseed" matched "mylan horseed"
[ INFO] [148872][2k8miniqgatineau] "uncontrolled impulses" matched "uncontrolled impulse"
[ DEBUG] [148881][2k8miniqgatineau] unexpected multiline comment "(Strange Day should definitely go in here but I don't own any. Proxied by Indomi..."
[ DEBUG] [148889][2k8miniqgatineau] unexpected multiline comment "(Was left there by mistake but proved to be useful in the tournament)"
[ DEBUG] [149138][2k8detdboston] unexpected multiline comment "//a toolboxy throw-in"
[ INFO] [149500][2k8constantrevny] "fee states rant" matched "free states rant"
[ INFO] [149533][2k8constantrevny] "dream of the sphinx" matched "dreams of the sphinx"
[ INFO] [149544][2k8constantrevny] "friends of mine" matched "friend of mine"
[ INFO] [149554][2k8constantrevny] "diversiom" matched "diversion"
[ INFO] [149559][2k8constantrevny] "crypt's son" matched "crypt's sons"
[ INFO] [149562][2k8constantrevny] "carlton van wyck" matched "carlton van wyk"
[ INFO] [150058][2k8acnq] "sidestrike" matched "side strike"
[ INFO] [150073][2k8acnq] "eagles sight" matched "eagle's sight"
[ INFO] [150074][2k8acnq] "spirits touch" matched "spirit's touch"
[ INFO] [150760][2k8lonerwo] "eco terrorist" matched "eco terrorists"
[ DEBUG] [150869][2k8ropecon] unexpected multiline comment "/* Could do without all the Lasombra-masters */"
[ INFO] [151020][2k8yaesagosto] "thaumatugy" matched "thaumaturgy"
[ INFO] [151021][2k8yaesagosto] "temptation of the greater power" matched "temptation of greater power"
[ INFO] [151030][2k8yaesagosto] "governt the unaligned" matched "govern the unaligned"
[ INFO] [151475][2k8montpellierqcf] "perfectionnist" matched "perfectionist"
[ DEBUG] [151710][2k8ncrqwc] unexpected multiline comment "-- Jost is a questionable investment, but +1 stealth has won enough games to mer..."
[ DEBUG] [151723][2k8ncrqwc] unexpected multiline comment "// Propaganda is hit or miss. It has won enough games to still occupy a couple o..."
[ DEBUG] [151738][2k8ncrqwc] unexpected multiline comment "// From a Sinking Ship seems to get used in about half of the games played. // M..."
[ DEBUG] [151741][2k8ncrqwc] unexpected multiline comment "// From a Sinking Ship seems to get used in about half of the games played. // M..."
[ INFO] [151776][2k8scotqual] "pentextm subversion" matched "pentex(tm) subversion"
[ INFO] [151918][2k8montrealqual] "sunset strip hollywood" matched "sunset strip, hollywood"
[ INFO] [152052][2k8glqmich] "amusment park hunting ground" matched "amusement park hunting ground"
[ INFO] [152053][2k8glqmich] "effective managment" matched "effective management"
[ INFO] [152060][2k8glqmich] "dummy coporation" matched "dummy corporation"
[ INFO] [152077][2k8glqmich] "aranthebes' the immortal" matched "aranthebes, the immortal"
[ INFO] [152092][2k8glqmich] "scapel tongue" matched "scalpel tongue"
[ INFO] [153477][2k8diversityco] "society hunting grouund" matched "society hunting ground"
[ DEBUG] [154130][2k8wicmpco] unexpected multiline comment "As I write this up I notice I have 88 cards instead of 90, and since I was decke..."
[ INFO] [155011][2k8naqtroisrivieres] "sniper riffle" matched "sniper rifle"
[ INFO] [155742][2k8crusadebreslau] "enchanced senses" matched "enhanced senses"
[ DEBUG] [156226][2k8bomcolumbus] unexpected multiline comment "Mark's notes: Into Thin Air did not impress me and will probably go back to bein..."
[ INFO] [156403][2k8tsmiskolc] "secure heaven" matched "secure haven"
[ INFO] [156415][2k8tsmiskolc] "wake with enening's freshness" matched "wake with evening's freshness"
[ INFO] [156417][2k8tsmiskolc] "telephatic misdirection" matched "telepathic misdirection"
[ INFO] [156429][2k8tsmiskolc] "cloack the gathering" matched "cloak the gathering"
[ INFO] [156826][2k8crimsongenova] "wake with the evening's freshness" matched "wake with evening's freshness"
[ INFO] [156948][2k8soaboc] "underwold hunting ground" matched "underworld hunting ground"
[ DEBUG] [157497][2k8marchvitoria] unexpected multiline comment "[The equipment and retainer were the two useless cards from the deck. I'll repla..."
[ DEBUG] [157687][2k8mexicoqualifier] unexpected multiline comment "/* Those Mexicans beat me to the punch in all four rounds! */"
[ INFO] [157835][2k8twilightbologna] "unflitching persistence" matched "unflinching persistence"
[ INFO] [157843][2k8twilightbologna] "scry the hearstone" matched "scry the hearthstone"
[ INFO] [158600][2k8miniontapnewark] "forgotten labyrinths" matched "forgotten labyrinth"
[ INFO] [159080][2k8flsmilan] "haquim's law: leadership" matched "haqim's law: leadership"
[ INFO] [159341][2k8manserrrrock] "j.s simmons, esq." matched "j. s. simmons, esq."
[ INFO] [159455][2k8bioexptuscany] "heaven uncovered" matched "haven uncovered"
[ INFO] [159466][2k8bioexptuscany] "dragon's breath round" matched "dragon's breath rounds"
[ INFO] [159469][2k8bioexptuscany] "bums rush" matched "bum's rush"
[ INFO] [159848][2k8TempleConcordance] "flash harrison." matched "ash harrison"
[WARNING] [159848][2k8TempleConcordance] discarded match "Ash Harrison" inside comment "Flash Harrison. */"
[ DEBUG] [159855][2k8TempleConcordance] unexpected multiline comment "/* Never when I needed it. Sigh. Same with the Guardian Angel. */"
[ INFO] [159939][2k8tfnwesterville] "day operations" matched "day operation"
[ INFO] [159942][2k8tfnwesterville] "wake with evenigs freshness" matched "wake with evening's freshness"
[ INFO] [159973][2k8tfnwesterville] "j.s. simmons" matched "j. s. simmons"
[WARNING] [159981][2k8tfnwesterville] failed to parse "Matt's comments on the final:"
[ DEBUG] [159990][2k8tfnwesterville] unexpected multiline comment "It didn't work the way it was intended to in the finals. In retrospect I should ..."
[ INFO] [160275][2k8fmoty] "telepathic coutner" matched "telepathic counter"
[ INFO] [160332][2k8grandesttuscany] "leonardo, the mortician" matched "leonardo, mortician"
[ INFO] [160333][2k8grandesttuscany] "carlton van vyk" matched "carlton van wyk"
[ INFO] [160345][2k8grandesttuscany] "spiritual intervenion" matched "spiritual intervention"
[ INFO] [160352][2k8grandesttuscany] "fbi special affair division" matched "fbi special affairs division"
[ DEBUG] [160404][2k8longmontbenediction] unexpected multiline comment "/* One Waste Management Operations could fit in here. */"
[ DEBUG] [160420][2k8longmontbenediction] unexpected multiline comment "/* Never seen impactful use - this would be my first cull. */"
[ DEBUG] [160436][2k8longmontbenediction] unexpected multiline comment "/* The combat package is pretty bulky - but is resilient and pretty effective */"
[ DEBUG] [160445][2k8longmontbenediction] unexpected multiline comment "/* I seldom count on equip actions for the .44, so the NRA PAC should be culled. */"
[WARNING] [160506][2k8fillipberkeley] failed to parse "Actions, or things like Actions (21)"
[ INFO] [160518][2k8fillipberkeley] "j.s. simmons, esq" matched "j. s. simmons, esq."
[ DEBUG] [160624][2k8momom] unexpected multiline comment "Midget would be much better as The Colonel or Evan Klein. I discarded the huntin..."
[ INFO] [161643][2k7fsmc] "glancing blows" matched "glancing blow"
[ DEBUG] [161770][2k7mbscolumbus] unexpected multiline comment "PS: The Church of the Order of St. Blaise has no effect in this deck. It was mis..."
[ INFO] [162009][2k7manheimgc] "fall of the camarilla, the" matched "fall of the camarilla"
[ INFO] [162065][2k7utrechtdarkcellars] "pala grande" matched "palla grande"
[ INFO] [162074][2k7utrechtdarkcellars] "arenthebes, the immortal" matched "aranthebes, the immortal"
[WARNING] [162091][2k7utrechtdarkcellars] failed to parse "Stealth: 14"
[ DEBUG] [162254][2k7tvwdc] unexpected multiline comment "/* Great card. Extremely useful in this deck. */"
[ INFO] [163057][2k7luccaitaly] "the phartenon" matched "the parthenon"
[ INFO] [163062][2k7luccaitaly] "heaven unconvered" matched "haven uncovered"
[ INFO] [163079][2k7luccaitaly] "dragon breath round" matched "dragon's breath rounds"
[ INFO] [163085][2k7luccaitaly] "delaing tactics" matched "delaying tactics"
[ INFO] [163087][2k7luccaitaly] "antelios" matched "anthelios"
[ INFO] [163108][2k7condemtampere] "spying mission." matched "spying mission"
[ INFO] [163191][2k7quickjabmontreal] "legal manipulation" matched "legal manipulations"
[ INFO] [163259][2k7rpghu] "provisions of the silsila" matched "provision of the silsila"
[ INFO] [163534][2k7czechnats] "muricias call" matched "muricia's call"
[ INFO] [163538][2k7czechnats] "mylan, horseed" matched "mylan horseed"
[ INFO] [163540][2k7czechnats] "aid from the bats" matched "aid from bats"
[ INFO] [163563][2k7czechnats] "falcons eye" matched "falcon's eye"
[ INFO] [163566][2k7czechnats] "sense the savage ways" matched "sense the savage way"
[ INFO] [163949][2k7uknats] "ancillae empowerment" matched "ancilla empowerment"
[ INFO] [164095][2k7frenchchamp] "kine ressources contested" matched "kine resources contested"
[ INFO] [164266][2k7sixthtdk] "dreams of the sphyinx" matched "dreams of the sphinx"
[ DEBUG] [164510][2k7NAC1] unexpected multiline comment "This deck was designed to take advantage of the usual championship day one despe..."
[ DEBUG] [164648][2k7wonThursday] unexpected multiline comment "In theory, this fat Pander deck taps people with various special abilities and M..."
[ INFO] [165126][2k7rumblesa] "mask of 1000 faces" matched "mask of 1,000 faces"
[ DEBUG] [165143][2k7rumblesa] unexpected multiline comment "James Snowballs note: dont take yourself seriously when playing this, its a lot ..."
[ INFO] [165345][2k7belarusnats] "call of the great beast" matched "call the great beast"
[ INFO] [165362][2k7belarusnats] "fortshritt library" matched "fortschritt library"
[ INFO] [165552][2k7abjurewo] "monacle of clarity" matched "monocle of clarity"
[ DEBUG] [165581][2k7abjurewo] unexpected multiline comment "I built the deck to try out Mytherceria cards for my first time. I liked the ver..."
[ INFO] [165857][2k7genconsaturday] "mirrorwalk" matched "mirror walk"
[ DEBUG] [166446][2k7sctgs] unexpected multiline comment "Couple notes, -Julius wants to prove himself to Wynn by defending the Pack and d..."
[ INFO] [167225][2k7spanishchampionship] "fortschritt libary" matched "fortschritt library"
[ INFO] [167359][2k7mozambiquecp] "creep show casino" matched "creepshow casino"
[WARNING] [167456][2k7lcqsc] failed to parse "Damnans"
[ DEBUG] [167460][2k7lcqsc] unexpected multiline comment ""
[WARNING] [167794][2k7palmamq] failed to parse "Damnans"
[ DEBUG] [167798][2k7palmamq] unexpected multiline comment ""
[ INFO] [168815][2k7fsrco] "archon investtigation" matched "archon investigation"
[ INFO] [169633][2k7glqohio] "govern the unlaigned" matched "govern the unaligned"
[ DEBUG] [169925][2k7vtlfaf] unexpected multiline comment "Side notes: Use Rachel's ability and the Heart of Nizchetus to gain great flexib..."
[ INFO] [170675][2k7handcontractparis] "dr marisa fletcher cdc" matched "dr. marisa fletcher, cdc"
[ INFO] [171252][2k7pstilburg] "forshadowing destruction" matched "foreshadowing destruction"
[ INFO] [171576][2k7kickedithaca] "marked path" matched "marked path"
[ INFO] [171845][2k7seqq] "js simmons esq." matched "j. s. simmons, esq."
[ DEBUG] [172004][2k7psturku34] unexpected multiline comment "The other finalists were playing: Daughters breed/vote, Setite SB/ Temptation, W..."
[ INFO] [172057][2k7qualifiersul] "seal of verddartha" matched "seal of veddartha"
[ INFO] [172410][2k7ctw2] "eye of chaos" matched "eyes of chaos"
[ INFO] [172457][2k7ctw1] "erciyes fragment" matched "erciyes fragments"
[ INFO] [172856][2k7gothenburgmini] "forsee" matched "foresee"
[ DEBUG] [173108][2k7belgrade1st] unexpected multiline comment "Notes on deck: The main reason i've picked to play with this deck was that i was..."
[ INFO] [173251][2k7capetownmar] "scorpian sting" matched "scorpion sting"
[ DEBUG] [173473][2k7mirrorwalkdc] unexpected multiline comment "Steve's comments: The key to making this stealth vote/bleed work is to get two I..."
[ INFO] [173505][2k7rumblerome] "direct intervantion" matched "direct intervention"
[ INFO] [173510][2k7rumblerome] "tension in the rank" matched "tension in the ranks"
[ INFO] [173520][2k7rumblerome] "strike with convinction" matched "strike with conviction"
[ INFO] [173522][2k7rumblerome] "react with convinction" matched "react with conviction"
[ INFO] [173537][2k7rumblerome] "deflections" matched "deflection"
[ INFO] [173673][2k7capetownrar] "rom gypsey" matched "rom gypsy"
[ INFO] [173677][2k7capetownrar] "improvised flame thrower" matched "improvised flamethrower"
[ INFO] [174190][2k7pbcataluna] "acquired ventrue assests" matched "acquired ventrue assets"
[ INFO] [174192][2k7pbcataluna] "perfeccionist" matched "perfectionist"
[ INFO] [174195][2k7pbcataluna] "powerbase cape verde" matched "powerbase: cape verde"
[ INFO] [174233][2k7pbcataluna] "giuseppe gravedigger" matched "giuseppe, gravedigger"
[ INFO] [174505][2k7cotd] "pulse of canille" matched "pulse of the canaille"
[ INFO] [176030][2k6nacclcq] "wmrh, talk radio" matched "wmrh talk radio"
[ INFO] [176100][2k6wonThursday] "telepatic misdirection" matched "telepathic misdirection"
[WARNING] [176806][2k6atlserq] failed to parse "Documented with: Anarch Revolt Deck Builder."
[ INFO] [176932][2k6sydneyqualifier] "wendel delbuton" matched "wendell delburton"
[ INFO] [177264][2k6tilburgecq] "44. magnum" matched ".44 magnum"
[ INFO] [177374][2k6ropecon] "direct intervention" matched "direct intervention"
[ INFO] [177402][2k6ropecon] "anarchist uprsing" matched "anarchist uprising"
[ DEBUG] [177725][2k6vitoriajuly] unexpected multiline comment "ED Persantj VEKN - Prince of Grande Vitória Domain"
[ INFO] [178125][2k6mrmontreal] "enchanted kindred" matched "enchant kindred"
[ INFO] [178128][2k6mrmontreal] "anarch uprising" matched "anarchist uprising"
[ INFO] [178130][2k6mrmontreal] "kine resource contested" matched "kine resources contested"
[ INFO] [178139][2k6mrmontreal] "lost in crowd" matched "lost in crowds"
[ DEBUG] [178156][2k6mrmontreal] unexpected multiline comment "This is a deck that I have been working on for a few years now... I've played ma..."
[ DEBUG] [179257][2k6pst29] unexpected multiline comment "Deck could really use more Dog Packs and maybe 1 or 2 Shadow of the Beast. After..."
[ INFO] [179785][2k6midspringtampere] "judgement: camarilla segregation" matched "judgment: camarilla segregation"
[ INFO] [179791][2k6midspringtampere] "undead strenght" matched "undead strength"
[ INFO] [179799][2k6midspringtampere] "storm severs" matched "storm sewers"
[ INFO] [179929][2k6slcqual] "the church of the vindicated faith" matched "the church of vindicated faith"
[ INFO] [180989][2k6crimsonwar] "heart of the city/pulse" matched "heart of the city"
[ INFO] [181385][2k6con3goth] "path of paradoxx" matched "path of paradox"
[ DEBUG] [181547][2k6glq] unexpected multiline comment ""A vampire or a victim, it depends on who's around" U2-Stay (Faraway, So Close!)..."
[ INFO] [181689][2k6edmontonfeb] "blood dolls" matched "blood doll"
[ INFO] [181692][2k6edmontonfeb] "the fragment of the book of nod" matched "fragment of the book of nod"
[ INFO] [181722][2k6edmontonfeb] "guiseppe gravedigger" matched "guiseppe, gravedigger"
[ INFO] [181978][2k6pittsfeb] "political strangelhold" matched "political stranglehold"
[ INFO] [181979][2k6pittsfeb] "reigns of power" matched "reins of power"
[ INFO] [181992][2k6pittsfeb] "homonculus" matched "homunculus"
[ INFO] [182413][2k6tamperejan] "devil channel: back" matched "devil-channel: back"
[ INFO] [182414][2k6tamperejan] "devil channel: hands" matched "devil-channel: hands"
[ INFO] [182480][2k6abyssalatl] "wassershloss anif, austria" matched "wasserschloss anif, austria"
[ INFO] [182595][2k5swrc2k6] "plasmatic form" matched "plasmic form"
[ INFO] [182932][2k5parisecq] "infomation highway" matched "information highway"
[ INFO] [183176][2k5Mitternachtsturnier] "wake with evening's freshnes" matched "wake with evening's freshness"
[ INFO] [183339][2k5auslcq] "nightmoves" matched "night moves"
[ INFO] [183348][2k5auslcq] "lost in the crowds" matched "lost in crowds"
[ INFO] [183518][2k5reverenddj] "powerbase montreal." matched "powerbase: montreal"
[ INFO] [183520][2k5reverenddj] "nightmare upon nightmares." matched "nightmares upon nightmares"
[ INFO] [183528][2k5reverenddj] "meathook" matched "meat hook"
[ INFO] [183529][2k5reverenddj] "ivory bow." matched "ivory bow"
[ DEBUG] [183555][2k5reverenddj] unexpected multiline comment "Mark's comments: The same basic combat monster I've been running with a few new ..."
[ INFO] [183588][2k5trois-sept] "power base montreal" matched "powerbase: montreal"
[ INFO] [183594][2k5trois-sept] "enhanced sense" matched "enhanced senses"
[ INFO] [183666][2k5italyecq] "eyes of night" matched "eyes of the night"
[ DEBUG] [184419][2k5genconday2] unexpected multiline comment ""The deck is designed to run in spurts. Whether off the bat or later in the game..."
[ DEBUG] [184548][2k5shadowtwin19aug] unexpected multiline comment "Notes: Crocodile's Tongue prevents a player from blocking, not just a minion, so..."
[ INFO] [185117][2k5swissecq] "millicent smith, puritan vampire hunter*" matched "millicent smith, puritan vampire hunter"
[WARNING] [185615][2k5sharednun] improper discipline "Obfuscate 17"
[ INFO] [185619][2k5sharednun] "glotho's gift" matched "clotho's gift"
[WARNING] [185622][2k5sharednun] improper discipline "Animalism: 37"
[ INFO] [185636][2k5sharednun] "j. s. simmons, esquire" matched "j. s. simmons, esq."
[ DEBUG] [185764][2k5originsfri] unexpected multiline comment "Peter D Bakija"
[ DEBUG] [185968][2k5originsthur4] unexpected multiline comment "BEN'S DECK NOTES: Around the time I was contemplating the EconoGhoul deck, I got..."
[ DEBUG] [186110][2k5originsthur10] unexpected multiline comment "BEN'S DECK NOTES: I'd been thinking about building a War Ghoul deck for a while,..."
[ INFO] [186347][2k5ecqfinland] "erciys fragment" matched "erciyes fragments"
[ INFO] [186361][2k5ecqfinland] "mr. wintrop" matched "mr. winthrop"
[ INFO] [186388][2k5ecqfinland] "carlton van dyk" matched "carlton van wyk"
[ INFO] [186491][2k5cspjune] "praxis siezure:glasgow" matched "praxis seizure: glasgow"
[ INFO] [186981][2k5fortalezamay] "scouting mision" matched "scouting mission"
[ INFO] [187386][2k5atlantarealm] "golconda inner peace" matched "golconda: inner peace"
[ INFO] [187410][2k5atlantarealm] "carrion crow" matched "carrion crows"
[ INFO] [187569][2k5calarno] "twistet forest" matched "twisted forest"
[ INFO] [187575][2k5calarno] "cloak the gatering" matched "cloak the gathering"
[ INFO] [187924][2k5glq] "da de los muertos" matched "dia de los muertos"
[ INFO] [188596][2k5swedenqual] "j.s simmons esq." matched "j. s. simmons, esq."
[ INFO] [188658][2k5berkeleymarch] "mylin horseed" matched "mylan horseed"
[ INFO] [188970][2k5coloradoqual] "revalations" matched "revelations"
[ INFO] [189016][2k5coloradoqual] "dragon breath rounds" matched "dragon's breath rounds"
[ INFO] [189145][2k5pariscup] "mylan horseed, goblin" matched "mylan horseed (goblin)"
[WARNING] [189147][2k5pariscup] failed to parse "Bleed modifiers /4:"
[ INFO] [189211][2k5barcelonafeb27] "govern, the unaligned" matched "govern the unaligned"
[ INFO] [189214][2k5barcelonafeb27] "comdemnation: doomed" matched "condemnation: doomed"
[ INFO] [189318][2k5barcelonafeb26] "perfeccionista" matched "perfectionist"
[ INFO] [189319][2k5barcelonafeb26] "pentex subersion" matched "pentex(tm) subversion"
[ INFO] [189323][2k5barcelonafeb26] "powerbase:madrid" matched "powerbase: madrid"
[ INFO] [189326][2k5barcelonafeb26] "corporate hunting groung" matched "corporate hunting ground"
[ INFO] [189340][2k5barcelonafeb26] "the kiss or ra" matched "the kiss of ra"
[ INFO] [189343][2k5barcelonafeb26] "cocodrile's tongue" matched "crocodile's tongue"
[ INFO] [189355][2k5barcelonafeb26] "rolling with the punchies" matched "rolling with the punches"
[ DEBUG] [189648][2k5gameconnection] unexpected multiline comment "Notes: I have no idea why I did not have Erciyes Fragments, but I will definatel..."
[ INFO] [189826][2k5berkeleyfeb] "ghouls of the plaza moreria" matched "ghouls of plaza moreria"
[ DEBUG] [189926][2k5chicagojan] unexpected multiline comment "The deck could be 60 cards, but I was worried about Nightmare Upon Nightmares, s..."
[ INFO] [189991][2k5vilavelhajan] "praxis seizure: berlim" matched "praxis seizure: berlin"
[ INFO] [190122][2k5ithacajan] "command the harpies" matched "command of the harpies"
[ DEBUG] [190138][2k5ithacajan] unexpected multiline comment "Mostly the exact same deck I posted in the January 2005 Nosferatu Newsletter, bu..."
[ INFO] [190681][2k4mexicodec] "ecoterrorist" matched "ecoterrorists"
[ INFO] [190682][2k4mexicodec] "zoo huntong ground" matched "zoo hunting ground"
[ INFO] [190686][2k4mexicodec] "smiling jack the anarchs" matched "smiling jack, the anarch"
[ INFO] [190707][2k4mexicodec] "instictive reaction" matched "instinctive reaction"
[ INFO] [190756][2k4lunaticumea] "momentums edge" matched "momentum's edge"
[ INFO] [190765][2k4lunaticumea] "anathelios" matched "anthelios"
[ INFO] [190770][2k4lunaticumea] "zillahs tears" matched "zillah's tears"
[ INFO] [190772][2k4lunaticumea] "kindred spirtis" matched "kindred spirits"
[ INFO] [190775][2k4lunaticumea] "sibyl's tounge" matched "sibyl's tongue"
[ INFO] [190780][2k4lunaticumea] "faceless nights" matched "faceless night"
[ INFO] [190790][2k4lunaticumea] "geminis mirror" matched "gemini's mirror"
[ INFO] [191884][2k4annarborsept] "dragon bound" matched "dragonbound"
[ INFO] [191889][2k4annarborsept] "drum of xipe topec" matched "drum of xipe totec"
[ INFO] [191900][2k4annarborsept] "forgotten labryinth" matched "forgotten labyrinth"
[ INFO] [192074][2k4gothchron] "dreams of the sfinx" matched "dreams of the sphinx"
[ INFO] [192076][2k4gothchron] "powerbase madrid" matched "powerbase: madrid"
[ INFO] [192087][2k4gothchron] "mylan horssed (goblin)" matched "mylan horseed (goblin)"
[ INFO] [192092][2k4gothchron] "ancilla enpowerment" matched "ancilla empowerment"
[ INFO] [192093][2k4gothchron] "domain challange" matched "domain challenge"
[ INFO] [192094][2k4gothchron] "dramatic upheval" matched "dramatic upheaval"
[ INFO] [192098][2k4gothchron] "wake with evnings freshness" matched "wake with evening's freshness"
[ INFO] [192101][2k4gothchron] "voter capitivation" matched "voter captivation"
[ INFO] [192235][2k4dragoncon1] "praxis seizure: glascow" matched "praxis seizure: glasgow"
[ INFO] [192246][2k4dragoncon1] "tashan morgan" matched "tasha morgan"
[ DEBUG] [192263][2k4dragoncon1] unexpected multiline comment "(90) There are too many masters thanks to some last minute card additions. The ..."
[ INFO] [192364][2k4nacc] "palla grand" matched "palla grande"
[ INFO] [192376][2k4nacc] "heidlberg castle, germany" matched "heidelberg castle, germany"
[ INFO] [192381][2k4nacc] "consanguinous boon" matched "consanguineous boon"
[ DEBUG] [192559][2k4genconst] unexpected multiline comment "[Begin Ankur's comments] The deck name is from an unusually terrifying cereal o..."
[ DEBUG] [192568][2k4genconst] unexpected multiline comment "[Begin Ankur's comments] The deck name is from an unusually terrifying cereal o..."
[ DEBUG] [192567][2k4genconst] unexpected multiline comment "[Begin Ankur's comments] The deck name is from an unusually terrifying cereal o..."
[ DEBUG] [192628][2k4cooler] unexpected multiline comment "A Blood Doll/Cooler bloat deck I have been working on for a while (and failed to..."
[ INFO] [192683][2k4irabd] "asylum hunting grounds" matched "asylum hunting ground"
[ INFO] [192684][2k4irabd] "institutional hunting grounds" matched "institution hunting ground"
[ DEBUG] [192696][2k4irabd] unexpected multiline comment "The deck is really straightforward: it bleeds it's prey, hopes to avoid being ki..."
[ DEBUG] [192828][2k4enid] unexpected multiline comment "The deck is going to pretty much stay the same as above, although I'm probably g..."
[WARNING] [192902][2k4edith] failed to parse "-Andy Kempton"
[ INFO] [193225][2k4ncrq] "emergency preperations" matched "emergency preparations"
[ INFO] [193351][2k4deal] "forschritt library" matched "fortschritt library"
[ INFO] [193353][2k4deal] "personnal involvment" matched "personal involvement"
[ DEBUG] [193723][2k4originsfriday] unexpected multiline comment "The deck was designed for a more bleedy atmoshpere than this tournament turned o..."
[ INFO] [193825][2k4guardtowerorigins] "call the hungry dead" matched "call of the hungry dead"
[ INFO] [193868][2k4unmaskingumea] "toreador grandball" matched "toreador grand ball"
[ INFO] [193871][2k4unmaskingumea] "recuitment" matched "recruitment"
[ INFO] [193878][2k4unmaskingumea] "brothers grim" matched "brothers grimm"
[ INFO] [193886][2k4unmaskingumea] "dummy cooperation" matched "dummy corporation"
[ INFO] [193904][2k4unmaskingumea] "telepatic counter" matched "telepathic counter"
[ INFO] [193908][2k4unmaskingumea] "absmiliards army" matched "absimiliard's army"
[ INFO] [193944][2k4esgrimaboston] "pentex (tm) loves you!" matched "pentex(tm) loves you!"
[ INFO] [194009][2k4junenewark] "cat's guidence" matched "cats' guidance"
[ DEBUG] [194060][2k4junenewark] unexpected multiline comment "Deck Concept (aka "what's this piece of crap?"): Get permanent resources out, go..."
[ DEBUG] [194162][2k4dcqualifier] unexpected multiline comment "You can see from the crypt that an important part of playing this deck is being ..."
[ DEBUG] [194210][2k4dcqualifier] unexpected multiline comment "I've discussed some of the combat above and in other threads. In many ways, it's..."
[ INFO] [194267][2k4sharonville] "flow with the mountain" matched "flow within the mountain"
[ DEBUG] [194291][2k4sharonville] unexpected multiline comment "(90) highlights: -Moving the retainers around with Heidelberg Castle. It can p..."
[ INFO] [194323][2k4utrechtni] "dias de los muertos" matched "dia de los muertos"
[ INFO] [194340][2k4utrechtni] "votercaptivation" matched "voter captivation"
[ INFO] [194385][2k4italychamp] "giant blood" matched "giant's blood"
[ INFO] [194393][2k4italychamp] "revelation" matched "revelations"
[ DEBUG] [194420][2k4italychamp] unexpected multiline comment "Normally Orso is a Tzimisce-only player, but this time he has created a !ventrue..."
[ INFO] [194732][2k4poitiers] "storage annexe" matched "storage annex"
[ INFO] [194733][2k4poitiers] "toreador gran ball" matched "toreador grand ball"
[ INFO] [194735][2k4poitiers] "bewitchin oration" matched "bewitching oration"
[ INFO] [194738][2k4poitiers] "kine ressource contested" matched "kine resources contested"
[ INFO] [194743][2k4poitiers] "the dream's of the sphinx" matched "dreams of the sphinx"
[ INFO] [194804][2k4mayday] "obediance" matched "obedience"
[ DEBUG] [194926][2k4germanchamp] unexpected multiline comment "For those interested: I didn't PTO a single vampire in any of me 4 games:D It p..."
[ INFO] [195255][2k4mummifyithaca] "wasserchloss anif, austria" matched "wasserschloss anif, austria"
[ INFO] [195257][2k4mummifyithaca] "infromation highway" matched "information highway"
[ INFO] [195283][2k4mummifyithaca] "rutors hand" matched "rutor's hand"
[ INFO] [195286][2k4mummifyithaca] "telepathic counters" matched "telepathic counter"
[ INFO] [195657][2k4mexicocity] "faceles night" matched "faceless night"
[ INFO] [195842][2k4twisting] "unlicensed taxi" matched "unlicensed taxicab"
[ INFO] [195848][2k4twisting] "j s simmons" matched "j. s. simmons"
[ INFO] [196241][2k4totalcon3] "abrosius the ferryman" matched "ambrosius, the ferryman"
[ DEBUG] [196274][2k4totalcon3] unexpected multiline comment "- Ben Peal, Prince of Boston"
[ INFO] [196398][2k4bloodworktotalcon] "telepathic misdiredtion" matched "telepathic misdirection"
[ INFO] [196413][2k4bloodworktotalcon] "pentex loves you" matched "pentex(tm) loves you!"
[ DEBUG] [196738][2k4atlanticcity] unexpected multiline comment "- Ben Peal, Prince of Boston"
[WARNING] [196863][2k4turku] improper discipline "Presence (21):"
[WARNING] [196870][2k4turku] improper discipline "Auspex (9):"
[WARNING] [196875][2k4turku] improper discipline "Vicissitude (11):"
[ DEBUG] [197096][2k4dominion] unexpected multiline comment "// Never had a good opportunity for it, but I think it's good in theory."
[ DEBUG] [197433][2k3seraphinu] unexpected multiline comment "Wanting to play a deck without bounce, my eye fell on gangrel royalty. This is w..."
[ DEBUG] [197492][2k3conclaveleicester] unexpected multiline comment "The whole vote deck module thing seems to be working. The Gathers worked well, t..."
[WARNING] [197526][2k3thessa] failed to parse "Actions+ (18)"
[ INFO] [197533][2k3thessa] "command the beast" matched "command of the beast"
[ INFO] [198379][2k3gatherutrecht] "misderection" matched "misdirection"
[WARNING] [199167][2k3gencon] failed to parse "Generic (13)"
[WARNING] [199175][2k3gencon] improper discipline "Auspex (9)"
[WARNING] [199179][2k3gencon] improper discipline "Dominate (24)"
[WARNING] [199185][2k3gencon] improper discipline "Thaumaturgy (29)"
[ DEBUG] [199206][2k3gencon] unexpected multiline comment "This deck originally contained an Erichtho instead of Kij, a Rumor Mill instead ..."
[ DEBUG] [199205][2k3gencon] unexpected multiline comment "This deck originally contained an Erichtho instead of Kij, a Rumor Mill instead ..."
[ INFO] [199298][2k3leicester] "zilla's valley" matched "zillah's valley"
[ INFO] [199306][2k3leicester] "wake w/evening's freshness" matched "wake with evening's freshness"
[ DEBUG] [199512][2k3swordofnuln] unexpected multiline comment "- Ben Peal, Prince of Boston"
[ DEBUG] [199872][2k3elkoanarch] unexpected multiline comment "Well, the cards were chosen out of neccessity, since I do not have the extensive..."
[ INFO] [199925][2k3originsqualifier] "femlur of toomler" matched "femur of toomler"
[ INFO] [199986][2k3nycanarch] "ecstacy" matched "ecstasy"
[WARNING] [200129][2k3originsthursday] failed to parse "stealth & intercept:"
[WARNING] [200138][2k3originsthursday] failed to parse "bleed:"
[WARNING] [200143][2k3originsthursday] failed to parse "defend:"
[WARNING] [200146][2k3originsthursday] failed to parse "blood management:"
[WARNING] [200162][2k3originsthursday] failed to parse "utility/general:"
[WARNING] [200235][2k3swallowedco] failed to parse "Notes:"
[ DEBUG] [200245][2k3swallowedco] unexpected multiline comment "The deck is called "Gentleness" based on my Jyhad philosophy that goes, "The gen..."
[ DEBUG] [200363][2k3sanguineous] unexpected multiline comment "- Ben Peal, Prince of Boston"
[ INFO] [200461][2k3halmicon] "j. s. simmons esq." matched "j. s. simmons, esq."
[ INFO] [200466][2k3halmicon] "ravenspy" matched "raven spy"
[ INFO] [200469][2k3halmicon] "earthmeld" matched "earth meld"
[ INFO] [200471][2k3halmicon] "body flair" matched "body flare"
[ INFO] [200478][2k3halmicon] "earth controll" matched "earth control"
[ INFO] [200479][2k3halmicon] "freakdrive" matched "freak drive"
[ DEBUG] [200565][2k3charlottejune] unexpected multiline comment "Timing is key for this deck. Park the Week under a Storage Annex until the time..."
[ INFO] [201211][2k3winnipegqualifier] "fear of the mekhet" matched "fear of mekhet"
[ INFO] [201239][2k3winnipegqualifier] "eye's of the night" matched "eyes of the night"
[ INFO] [201485][2k3fistscincin] "speak with sprits" matched "speak with spirits"
[ DEBUG] [201511][2k3fistscincin] unexpected multiline comment "Will says: Try not to beat up your Predator too badly. Let your prey do some dam..."
[ INFO] [201557][2k3torontoqual] "honour the elders" matched "honor the elders"
[ INFO] [202231][2k3swedenqual] "pier 13 port of baltimore" matched "pier 13, port of baltimore"
[ INFO] [202492][2k3bath1] "j.s simmons" matched "j. s. simmons"
[ INFO] [202576][2k3lunaticutrecht] "week of nightmare" matched "week of nightmares"
[ INFO] [202588][2k3lunaticutrecht] "roling with the punshes" matched "rolling with the punches"
[ INFO] [202590][2k3lunaticutrecht] "indomnability" matched "indomitability"
[ INFO] [202605][2k3lunaticutrecht] "sport's bike" matched "sport bike"
[WARNING] [202641][2k3burningtouch] improper discipline "Auspex: (13)"
[WARNING] [202647][2k3burningtouch] improper discipline "Fortitude: (13)"
[WARNING] [202653][2k3burningtouch] improper discipline "Obeah: (30)"
[ DEBUG] [202677][2k3burningtouch] unexpected multiline comment "(*) There should have only been 3 of these, but I accidentally added extras."
[ INFO] [202834][2k3praguemarch] "arts traumatic essence" matched "art's traumatic essence"
[ INFO] [202858][2k3praguemarch] "my enemys enemy" matched "my enemy's enemy"
[ INFO] [202975][2k3masterofpuppets] "krcg newsradio" matched "krcg news radio"
[ INFO] [203011][2k3masterofpuppets] "revenent" matched "revenant"
[ DEBUG] [203078][2k3watfordmarch] unexpected multiline comment "...this was an evolution of the mid 70 card version i included in the Great Beas..."
[ INFO] [203123][2k3tensionranks] "ghoul escprt" matched "ghoul escort"
[ INFO] [203318][2k3coupedeparis] "kindred spirit" matched "kindred spirits"
[ INFO] [203324][2k3coupedeparis] "swalloded by the night" matched "swallowed by the night"
[ INFO] [203326][2k3coupedeparis] "enchanted marionnette" matched "enchanted marionette"
[ INFO] [203360][2k3winnipegmarch] "heidleberg castle, germany" matched "heidelberg castle, germany"
[ INFO] [203361][2k3winnipegmarch] "minnion tap" matched "minion tap"
[ DEBUG] [203553][2k3praxisurbana] unexpected multiline comment "[Library: 90 cards]"
[ DEBUG] [203555][2k3praxisurbana] unexpected multiline comment "[Library: 90 cards] [Misc.: 6 cards]"
[ DEBUG] [203560][2k3praxisurbana] unexpected multiline comment "[Clan Toys: 3 cards]"
[ DEBUG] [203565][2k3praxisurbana] unexpected multiline comment "[Political: 20 cards]"
[ DEBUG] [203579][2k3praxisurbana] unexpected multiline comment "[Discipline: 41 cards] [7 Auspex, 8 Dominate, 20 Presence, 6 Thaumaturgy]"
[ DEBUG] [203595][2k3praxisurbana] unexpected multiline comment "[Master: 20 cards]"
[ INFO] [203773][2k3lisbonblue] "slam hunting ground" matched "slum hunting ground"
[ INFO] [203803][2k3lisbonblue] "forced awekening" matched "forced awakening"
[ INFO] [203967][2k3totalconben] "visit from capuchin" matched "visit from the capuchin"
[WARNING] [203969][2k3totalconben] improper discipline "Potence: 19"
[WARNING] [203974][2k3totalconben] improper discipline "Fortitude: 25"
[WARNING] [203980][2k3totalconben] improper discipline "Dominate: 9"
[WARNING] [203985][2k3totalconben] improper discipline "Protean: 5"
[WARNING] [203988][2k3totalconben] improper discipline "Auspex: 5"
[WARNING] [204003][2k3totalconben] failed to parse "Deck Notes:"
[ DEBUG] [204018][2k3totalconben] unexpected multiline comment "Lazverinus is the star of the show. His job is to take out opposing minions usin..."
[ INFO] [204260][2k3praguefeb] "swifness of the stag" matched "swiftness of the stag"
[ DEBUG] [204419][2k3baltipurge] unexpected multiline comment "Comments: I created this deck in response to the growing regularity of guns in o..."
[ INFO] [204725][2k3bloodsiegegreece] "revealations" matched "revelations"
[WARNING] [204732][2k3bloodsiegegreece] failed to parse "ACT.MOD. (24)"
[ INFO] [204745][2k3bloodsiegegreece] "tp misdirection" matched "misdirection"
[ DEBUG] [204901][2k3winddanceboston] unexpected multiline comment "It's hardly the most original deck - it's based on Colin Riggs' winning deck fro..."
[ DEBUG] [205049][2k3strangercolumbus] unexpected multiline comment "John Bell Prince of Cincinnati"
[ INFO] [205185][2k2jaypitts] "sprit's touch" matched "spirit's touch"
[ DEBUG] [205204][2k2jaypitts] unexpected multiline comment "This deck is based on Jason Dawson's (of Seattle) weenie Auspex deck. It has bee..."
[ INFO] [205234][2k2ducosim] "misdirections" matched "misdirection"
[ DEBUG] [205553][2k2newarkbloodfeast] unexpected multiline comment "Notes: Only pool gain in for this deck is 6 going forward; going backward is onl..."
[ INFO] [205669][2k2tabriz] "pack tatics" matched "pack tactics"
[WARNING] [205721][2k2EC] improper discipline "Dominate"
[WARNING] [205727][2k2EC] improper discipline "Obfuscate"
[ INFO] [205732][2k2EC] "mask of thousand faces" matched "mask of a thousand faces"
[ INFO] [205742][2k2EC] "defections" matched "deflection"
[ INFO] [205951][2k2nephandusmage] "short term investment" matched "short-term investment"
[ INFO] [206109][2k2conflagration] "inverary, scotland" matched "inveraray, scotland"
[ DEBUG] [206191][2k2crusadelondon] unexpected multiline comment "Having now played it, I reckon a few things should probably change. Didn't see a..."
[ DEBUG] [206366][2k2cooperjack] unexpected multiline comment "Completely untested (prior to the tournament), i would remove the cats guidance ..."
[ DEBUG] [206719][2k2genconchampion] unexpected multiline comment "Needs a small amount of adjustment, but in general played well for being constru..."
[ INFO] [206906][2k2winnipeg] "power base new york" matched "powerbase: new york"
[ INFO] [207075][2k2crusadeny] "anarchtroublemaker" matched "anarch troublemaker"
[ INFO] [207076][2k2crusadeny] "dreams of sphinx" matched "dreams of the sphinx"
[ INFO] [207082][2k2crusadeny] "major boons" matched "major boon"
[ INFO] [207086][2k2crusadeny] "telepathic misdirections" matched "telepathic misdirection"
[ INFO] [207087][2k2crusadeny] "my enemy enemy" matched "my enemy's enemy"
[ INFO] [207105][2k2crusadeny] "catatonic fears" matched "catatonic fear"
[ INFO] [207117][2k2crusadeny] "crusade:philadelphia" matched "crusade: philadelphia"
[ INFO] [207118][2k2crusadeny] "crusade:toronto" matched "crusade: toronto"
[ INFO] [207119][2k2crusadeny] "crusade:detroit" matched "crusade: detroit"
[ INFO] [207165][2k2totalinsanity] "humunculus" matched "homunculus"
[ INFO] [207169][2k2totalinsanity] "third tradition- progeny" matched "third tradition: progeny"
[ INFO] [207174][2k2totalinsanity] "fourth tradition- accounting" matched "fourth tradition: the accounting"
[ INFO] [207302][2k2canberraq] "leagal manipulations" matched "legal manipulations"
[ INFO] [207485][2k2origins3] "j.s. simmons" matched "j. s. simmons"
[ INFO] [207616][2k2origins1] "zoo hunting grounds" matched "zoo hunting ground"
[ INFO] [207911][2k2torontojune] "the spirit's touch" matched "spirit's touch"
[WARNING] [207952][2k2bostonmay] improper discipline "Presence: 2"
[WARNING] [207955][2k2bostonmay] improper discipline "Celerity: 31"
[WARNING] [207962][2k2bostonmay] improper discipline "Auspex: 22"
[ INFO] [207965][2k2bostonmay] "sins of cauchemar" matched "sins of the cauchemar"
[WARNING] [207985][2k2bostonmay] failed to parse "Deck Notes:"
[ DEBUG] [207999][2k2bostonmay] unexpected multiline comment "I've had a very good record with this deck in casual games, and now in a tournam..."
[ INFO] [208203][2k2oakland] "mask of a 1000 faces" matched "mask of 1,000 faces"
[ INFO] [208253][2k2hungary] "telephatic misdirection" matched "telepathic misdirection"
[ INFO] [208262][2k2hungary] "44 magnum" matched ".44 magnum"
[ INFO] [208406][2k2linkoping] "creepshow cas ino" matched "creepshow casino"
[ DEBUG] [208474][2k2midatlantic] unexpected multiline comment "//supposed to refill for Tap/Doll with Heidelberg, though the threat of that exi..."
[ INFO] [208479][2k2midatlantic] "js simmons, esq." matched "j. s. simmons, esq."
[ DEBUG] [208516][2k2midatlantic] unexpected multiline comment "I've been playing a lot more 80-card decks than 90 lately; none of my non-rush-c..."
[ DEBUG] [208515][2k2midatlantic] unexpected multiline comment "I've been playing a lot more 80-card decks than 90 lately; none of my non-rush-c..."
[ INFO] [208547][2k2umea] "coroners contact" matched "coroner's contact"
[ INFO] [208598][2k2napervilleapr] "political hunting grounds" matched "political hunting ground"
[ INFO] [208628][2k2napervilleapr] "gas powered chainsaw" matched "gas-powered chainsaw"
[ DEBUG] [208816][2k2ncrq] unexpected multiline comment "John Bell Prince of Cincinnati"
[WARNING] [209159][2k2toronto] improper discipline "PROTEAN (32)"
[WARNING] [209167][2k2toronto] improper discipline "SERPENTIS (9)"
[WARNING] [209172][2k2toronto] improper discipline "FORTITUDE (4)"
[WARNING] [209175][2k2toronto] improper discipline "ANIMALISM (2)"
[ DEBUG] [209181][2k2toronto] unexpected multiline comment "[Not a fantastic deck by any means. This was the first time I had played with it..."
[ DEBUG] [209251][2k2bangor] unexpected multiline comment "- Ben Peal, Prince of Boston"
[WARNING] [209467][2k2rockville] failed to parse "Library 81 cards -- never ran out"
[WARNING] [209546][2k2tampere] improper discipline "Fortitude (4):"
[WARNING] [209551][2k2tampere] improper discipline "Protean (25):"
[ INFO] [210070][2k2cincinatti] "arcon investigation" matched "archon investigation"
[ DEBUG] [210213][2k2totalcon] unexpected multiline comment "The Delaying Tactics was my total prayer card, put in to hopefully avoid getting..."
[ INFO] [210422][2k2watford] "taste of vie" matched "taste of vitae"
[ DEBUG] [210543][2k2sightbeyond] unexpected multiline comment "Was supposed to have 4 Effective Managements making 90 but I accidentally put th..."
[ INFO] [210655][2k2butler] "coroner's contract" matched "coroner's contact"
[WARNING] [210663][2k2butler] improper discipline "Auspex (16):"
[WARNING] [210670][2k2butler] improper discipline "Dementation (16):"
[WARNING] [210677][2k2butler] improper discipline "Obfuscate (16):"
[ INFO] [210681][2k2butler] "swallowed by night" matched "swallowed by the night"
[WARNING] [210683][2k2butler] failed to parse "Auspex/Dementate (6):"
[ INFO] [210685][2k2butler] "madman's quills" matched "madman's quill"
[WARNING] [210687][2k2butler] failed to parse "Non-Denomonational (4):"
[WARNING] [210733][2k2columbus] improper discipline "Dominate (3)"
[WARNING] [210734][2k2columbus] improper discipline "Obfuscate (6)"
[ INFO] [211049][2k2stranger] "telepzthic misdirection" matched "telepathic misdirection"
[WARNING] [211055][2k2stranger] failed to parse "notes:"
[ DEBUG] [211059][2k2stranger] unexpected multiline comment "-- special thanks to jay kristoff, for his deck on thelasombra's site, which was..."
[ DEBUG] [211065][2k2stranger] unexpected multiline comment "-- special thanks to jay kristoff, for his deck on thelasombra's site, which was..."
[ DEBUG] [211073][2k2stranger] unexpected multiline comment "-- special thanks to jay kristoff, for his deck on thelasombra's site, which was..."
[ DEBUG] [211077][2k2stranger] unexpected multiline comment "-- special thanks to jay kristoff, for his deck on thelasombra's site, which was..."
[ DEBUG] [211223][helsinki2k1] unexpected multiline comment "-- Crypt worked well, I don't think I'd change anything. Corine was one of the m..."
[ INFO] [211282][helsinki2k1] "rats' warning" matched "rat's warning"
[ DEBUG] [211398][vegas2k1] unexpected multiline comment "Caleb said his goal is simple. Get 7 Raptors and Eternal Vigilance on Lambach, a..."
[ INFO] [211559][thronescrumble2k1] "anarch trubblemaker" matched "anarch troublemaker"
[ INFO] [211561][thronescrumble2k1] "gird minon" matched "gird minions"
[ INFO] [211565][thronescrumble2k1] "govern the unligned" matched "govern the unaligned"
[ INFO] [211569][thronescrumble2k1] "sleeping minds" matched "sleeping mind"
[ INFO] [211575][thronescrumble2k1] "fakeout" matched "fake out"
[ INFO] [211717][crusade_oporto_2k1] "dreams of the sphynx" matched "dreams of the sphinx"
[ INFO] [211746][crusade_oporto_2k1] "wake with the evenings freshness" matched "wake with evening's freshness"
[ DEBUG] [211896][hammond2k1] unexpected multiline comment "Sucks against damage prevention, and dies vs Drawing out the Beast. It also has ..."
[ INFO] [211942][adelaidenov2k1] "bums rush" matched "bum's rush"
[ INFO] [211948][adelaidenov2k1] "flack jacket" matched "flak jacket"
[ DEBUG] [212113][purity2k1] unexpected multiline comment "Note that if you're going to play AoR in a deck like this, you must have 3 (or m..."
[ DEBUG] [212123][purity2k1] unexpected multiline comment "I would probably take out 2 Eagle's Sight for an extra Cat's and an extra FA, si..."
[ DEBUG] [212135][purity2k1] unexpected multiline comment "After I played the first BotD, people kept asking me *every combat* if I had ano..."
[ DEBUG] [212141][purity2k1] unexpected multiline comment "I used to think Nephandus or the Renegade Garou was the best ally. I was mistake..."
[ DEBUG] [212153][purity2k1] unexpected multiline comment "As you can see, the deck really does only one thing -- get out Smiling Jack, and..."
[WARNING] [212266][octoberla2k1] failed to parse "Master Out of Turn"
[WARNING] [212280][octoberla2k1] failed to parse "Designer's Notes:"
[ DEBUG] [212303][octoberla2k1] unexpected multiline comment "This is the first time I've ever run this deck or anything like it. I attempted ..."
[ DEBUG] [212343][fleece2k1] unexpected multiline comment "(29)"
[ DEBUG] [212348][fleece2k1] unexpected multiline comment "(30)"
[ DEBUG] [212365][fleece2k1] unexpected multiline comment "(22) * I spent long hours tuning this deck to mathematical perfection. * Usin..."
[ INFO] [212397][roger2k1] "crusade: pittsburg" matched "crusade: pittsburgh"
[ INFO] [212406][roger2k1] "kine resourses contested" matched "kine resources contested"
[ INFO] [212421][roger2k1] "private audiance" matched "private audience"
[ INFO] [212423][roger2k1] "direct intervettion" matched "direct intervention"
[ INFO] [212429][roger2k1] "protected resourses" matched "protected resources"
[ INFO] [212431][roger2k1] "archon investication" matched "archon investigation"
[ INFO] [212464][octoberrust2k1] "pentex subversions" matched "pentex(tm) subversion"
[ INFO] [212475][octoberrust2k1] "political strangehold" matched "political stranglehold"
[ INFO] [212519][newark2k1] "rats warning" matched "rat's warning"
[ DEBUG] [212663][remy2k1] unexpected multiline comment "The strength of the deck is the Spying Mission, even if it does only 3 with 2 ac..."
[ INFO] [212705][elsegundo2k1] "air of elation" matched "aire of elation"
[ INFO] [212711][elsegundo2k1] "kiss or ra" matched "kiss of ra"
[WARNING] [212720][elsegundo2k1] failed to parse "Designer Notes:"
[ DEBUG] [212775][elsegundo2k1] unexpected multiline comment "This is a modification of my earlier deck that featured Anson and Rake with Nata..."
[ INFO] [212991][grasp2k1] "cloak of the gathering" matched "cloak the gathering"
[ INFO] [213104][marcusmock2k1] "rumor mill,tabloid newspaper" matched "rumor mill, tabloid newspaper"
[ INFO] [213112][marcusmock2k1] "my enemies enemy" matched "my enemy's enemy"
[ INFO] [213126][marcusmock2k1] "delaying tatics" matched "delaying tactics"
[ INFO] [213133][marcusmock2k1] "sportbike" matched "sport bike"
[ DEBUG] [213138][marcusmock2k1] unexpected multiline comment "the idea of the deck is to build up and prevent pool loss. due to magic of the s..."
[ INFO] [213230][zink2k1] "domiante" matched "dominate"
[ INFO] [213264][zink2k1] "eagle's site" matched "eagle's sight"
[ INFO] [213331][minicon2k1] "changling skin mask" matched "changeling skin mask"
[ DEBUG] [213346][minicon2k1] unexpected multiline comment "Playing the deck: Never discard any of the 12 kill cards. Counter Blood gain wit..."
[ DEBUG] [213425][genconuk2k1-treasure] unexpected multiline comment "I did have another Sudden Reversal and 2 Leathers in up to a few minutes before ..."
[ INFO] [213549][gateway2k1-brad] "milicent smith vampire hunter" matched "millicent smith, puritan vampire hunter"
[ INFO] [213558][gateway2k1-brad] "blood tears of kephryn" matched "blood tears of kephran"
[ INFO] [213883][ottawa2k1] "the barren" matched "the barrens"
[ INFO] [213905][ottawa2k1] "mask of the 1000 faces" matched "mask of 1,000 faces"
[ INFO] [213906][ottawa2k1] "elder impersonnation" matched "elder impersonation"
[ INFO] [213909][ottawa2k1] "j.s. simmon esq." matched "j. s. simmons, esq."
[ INFO] [213955][orgyblood2k1] "j.s. simmons esq" matched "j. s. simmons, esq."
[ INFO] [213966][orgyblood2k1] "tier souls" matched "tier of souls"
[ DEBUG] [214031][gencon2k1] unexpected multiline comment "- Ben Peal, Prince of Boston"
[WARNING] [214139][gencon2k1-thursday] failed to parse "Dominate modifiers: (13)"
[WARNING] [214145][gencon2k1-thursday] failed to parse "Obfuscate modifiers: (22)"
[WARNING] [214472][origins2k1] improper discipline "PROTEAN: 33 Cards"
[WARNING] [214522][originscc] improper discipline "DOMINATE: 41 Cards"
[WARNING] [214535][originscc] improper discipline "FORTITUDE: 6 Cards"
[ INFO] [214536][originscc] "superiour mettle" matched "superior mettle"
[ INFO] [214792][dallascc] "tomb of ramses iii" matched "tomb of rameses iii"
[WARNING] [214814][dallascc] failed to parse "</g>"
[ INFO] [214880][losangelescc] "muaziz, the archon of ulugh beg" matched "muaziz, archon of ulugh beg"
[ DEBUG] [214919][losangelescc] unexpected multiline comment "Concept: Get Cardano or Ulugh out with a couple of supporting cast. Magic of t..."
[ INFO] [215082][dontfeed] "j.s. simmons, esq" matched "j. s. simmons, esq."
[ INFO] [215094][dontfeed] "fake outs" matched "fake out"
[WARNING] [215186][kotb] failed to parse "Bleed (13)"
[WARNING] [215206][kotb] failed to parse "Wake/Intercept (14)"
[WARNING] [215211][kotb] failed to parse "Rush (5)"
[WARNING] [215215][kotb] failed to parse "Blood/Pool Gain (9)"
[WARNING] [215220][kotb] failed to parse "Bounce (4)"
[ DEBUG] [215363][edmonton2k1] unexpected multiline comment "The idea behind the deck is simple: keep yourself alive, almost indefinitely, by..."
[WARNING] [215405][mannheim2k1] failed to parse "The Library"
[WARNING] [215418][mannheim2k1] failed to parse "Obfuscate Cards"
[WARNING] [215428][mannheim2k1] failed to parse "Generic Cards"
[ INFO] [215432][mannheim2k1] "the fourth tradition: accounting" matched "the fourth tradition: the accounting"
[ INFO] [215449][mannheim2k1] "white phosphorous grenade" matched "white phosphorus grenade"
[WARNING] [215451][mannheim2k1] failed to parse "Grand Total 90"
[ DEBUG] [215693][valentine] unexpected multiline comment "The Laptops, AI, Sudden and Rumor Mill were late additions to the deck, the AI a..."
[ INFO] [215800][palma2k1] "embrace: the" matched "embrace, the"
[WARNING] [215819][palma2k1] improper discipline "Fortitude 2"
[ INFO] [215918][justinrcnj2k] "govern of the unaligned" matched "govern the unaligned"
[ INFO] [215938][justinrcnj2k] "malkavain justicar" matched "malkavian justicar"
[ INFO] [215944][justinrcnj2k] "deflections" matched "deflection"
[ INFO] [215984][benrcp2k] "the london evening star" matched "london evening star"
[WARNING] [216099][olivier2k] failed to parse "STEALTH:"
[ INFO] [216101][olivier2k] "shallowed by the night" matched "swallowed by the night"
[ INFO] [216103][olivier2k] "spiing mission" matched "spying mission"
[ INFO] [216106][olivier2k] "mask of 1000's faces" matched "mask of 1,000 faces"
[ INFO] [216113][olivier2k] "the labyrith" matched "the labyrinth"
[ INFO] [216114][olivier2k] "millicient smith, puritan vampire hunter" matched "millicent smith, puritan vampire hunter"
[ INFO] [216119][olivier2k] "praxis seizure athen" matched "praxis seizure: athens"
[ INFO] [216120][olivier2k] "praxis seizure atlanta" matched "praxis seizure: atlanta"
[ INFO] [216121][olivier2k] "praxis seizure rome" matched "praxis seizure: rome"
[ INFO] [216122][olivier2k] "praxis seizure istanbul" matched "praxis seizure: istanbul"
[ INFO] [216123][olivier2k] "praxis seizure venice" matched "praxis seizure: venice"
[ INFO] [216124][olivier2k] "praxis seizure london" matched "praxis seizure: london"
[ INFO] [216125][olivier2k] "kind ressource contested" matched "kine resources contested"
[ INFO] [216138][olivier2k] "second tradition domain" matched "second tradition: domain"
[ DEBUG] [216217][jaykic] unexpected multiline comment "I was often content with not taking any actions and letting the master cards and..."
[ INFO] [216264][conspiraty] "obliette" matched "oubliette"
[WARNING] [216274][conspiraty] improper discipline "Dominate: 19"
[WARNING] [216275][conspiraty] improper discipline "Obtenebration: 23"
[WARNING] [216276][conspiraty] improper discipline "Obfuscate: 4"
[ DEBUG] [216275][conspiraty] unexpected multiline comment "Masters: 18 Commons: 54 Non-disciplined: 17 Uncommons..."
[WARNING] [216394][meportsmouth] failed to parse "Obtenebration Cards"
[ INFO] [216399][meportsmouth] "shroud of the night" matched "shroud of night"
[WARNING] [216401][meportsmouth] failed to parse "Dominate Cards"
[WARNING] [216405][meportsmouth] failed to parse "Presence Cards"
[ INFO] [216411][meportsmouth] "blood bath" matched "bloodbath"
[WARNING] [216410][meportsmouth] failed to parse "Non-Disciplined Cards"
[ INFO] [216457][toddbcolumbia] "5th tradition: hosputality" matched "fifth tradition: hospitality"
[ INFO] [216511][ec2k] "malakvian prank" matched "malkavian prank"
[ INFO] [216514][ec2k] "dreams of teh sphinx" matched "dreams of the sphinx"
[ INFO] [216728][gcuk2k] "rumours of gehenna" matched "rumors of gehenna"
[WARNING] [216817][ckgc2k] deck has too many cards (91) [(No Name)]
[ INFO] [216983][rtwatford] "rumour mill, tabloid newspaper, the" matched "rumor mill, tabloid newspaper, the"
[ INFO] [217031][keith] "legal manipulation" matched "legal manipulations"
[ DEBUG] [217041][keith] unexpected multiline comment "I don't know if you want commentary on this deck, but all I would like to say ab..."
[ INFO] [217082][scoombs] "the partheon" matched "the parthenon"
[ INFO] [217089][scoombs] "elysium: the arboretum" matched "elysium: the arboretum"
[ INFO] [217470][mg2k] "muddled vamp hunter" matched "muddled vampire hunter"
[ INFO] [217481][mg2k] "forgotten labyrinthe" matched "forgotten labyrinth"
[ DEBUG] [217510][mg2k] unexpected multiline comment ""The deck could stand some improvement, it was the first time it had seen compet..."
[ INFO] [217575][ennjsc] "consanguiness boon" matched "consanguineous boon"
[ INFO] [217578][ennjsc] "justicar retributiom" matched "justicar retribution"
[ INFO] [217646][rtpa2] "cats, guidance" matched "cats' guidance"
[ INFO] [217697][jd32000] "minion taps" matched "minion tap"
[ INFO] [217698][jd32000] "sudden reversals" matched "sudden reversal"
[WARNING] [217710][jd32000] improper discipline "Dominate"
[WARNING] [217717][jd32000] improper discipline "Obfuscate"
[ DEBUG] [217724][jd32000] unexpected multiline comment "Notes from Jeff: Bring out an 11 or 10 capacity vampire. GtU the other vampires ..."
[WARNING] [217854][la3] failed to parse "**Library**"
[ INFO] [217878][la3] "muddled vamp. hunter" matched "muddled vampire hunter"
[WARNING] [217886][la3] failed to parse "Action Mod./Combat: 3"
[ DEBUG] [217929][la3] unexpected multiline comment "Well, first of all, I'm suprised at the contents now that I look at it. The ori..."
[ DEBUG] [217994][la4] unexpected multiline comment "Influence out the oldest vampire in the starting crypt with superior Dominate. ..."
[ DEBUG] [218144][lsj12000] unexpected multiline comment "Notes: Should replace Greger with another copy of Mariel. His lack of superior D..."
[WARNING] [218157][lsj12000] improper discipline "Dominate (43):"
[ DEBUG] [218157][lsj12000] unexpected multiline comment "Notes: I'd Drop the Takeovers. They weren't effective in this deck. Replace with..."
[WARNING] [218167][lsj12000] improper discipline "Obfuscate (6):"
[WARNING] [218170][lsj12000] failed to parse "Prince/Justicar (16):"
[WARNING] [218230][dog] failed to parse "17 Block / Deflect:"
[ DEBUG] [218284][dog] unexpected multiline comment "Instructions: 1: If the tourney rules allow you, don't be afraid to strip this d..."
[ INFO] [218348][robjan2000a] "rumour mill" matched "rumor mill"
[ INFO] [218350][robjan2000a] "second tradition, domain" matched "second tradition: domain"
[ INFO] [218406][robjan2000b] "indominability" matched "indomitability"
[WARNING] [218769][robtnov99] failed to parse "Rob's Comments:"
[ DEBUG] [218809][robtnov99] unexpected multiline comment ""I wanted to try to show that my old faves can still rock and roll in a tourname..."
[ INFO] [218864][jerseyoct99] "forced awakenings" matched "forced awakening"
[ INFO] [219036][antbark99] "elysium the arboretum" matched "elysium: the arboretum"
[WARNING] [219042][antbark99] improper discipline "DOMINATE"
[WARNING] [219056][antbark99] improper discipline "OBFUSCATE"
[WARNING] [219064][antbark99] improper discipline "AUSPEX"
[ INFO] [219137][newjersey] "praxis: solomon" matched "praxis solomon"
[ DEBUG] [219289][memorial] unexpected multiline comment "Regards, R. David Zopf Atom Weaver"
[ INFO] [219367][anklebiter] "js simmons, esq" matched "j. s. simmons, esq."
[ DEBUG] [219504][peter-april] unexpected multiline comment "This deck is highly proactive--its bleed defense is killing the vampires who wan..."
[WARNING] [219544][will-lee] improper discipline "AUSPEX:"
[WARNING] [219553][will-lee] improper discipline "ANIMALISM:"
[WARNING] [219567][will-lee] improper discipline "VICISSITUDE:"
[ DEBUG] [219596][will-lee] unexpected multiline comment "That's a direct copy of what Will wrote out for me, and I reproduce it in part b..."
[ INFO] [219980][mattgreen] "changeling skin face mask" matched "changeling skin mask"
[ INFO] [220219][lsj] "tlepathic counter" matched "telepathic counter"
[ INFO] [220225][lsj] "homonculus" matched "homunculus"
[WARNING] [220327][rdz-leg] failed to parse "Average 5.67; High crypt 29, Low Crypt 14."
[ INFO] [220445][rob2] "kindred co-ercion" matched "kindred coercion"
[ INFO] [220616][todd] "tomb of ramses, iii" matched "tomb of rameses iii"
[ INFO] [220653][barney] "sudden refersal" matched "sudden reversal"
[ INFO] [220654][barney] "the rumour mill, tabloid newspaper" matched "the rumor mill, tabloid newspaper"
[ INFO] [220750][steve] "zip guns" matched "zip gun"
[WARNING] [220797][steve] failed to parse "No allies or retainers whatsoever."
[ DEBUG] [220802][steve] unexpected multiline comment "Interestingly, Steve's deck is almost a 4CL affair .... and clearly could be mad..."
[ INFO] [220845][jamesh] "decapitiate" matched "decapitate"
[ INFO] [220847][jamesh] "side slip" matched "sideslip"
[ INFO] [220903][dom] "wake with eve.'s freshness" matched "wake with evening's freshness"
[WARNING] [221016][stevewampler] improper discipline "defense"
[WARNING] [221015][stevewampler] failed to parse "59 cards; 14 masters; 25 bleed actions; 13 bleed action mods; 7 combat"
[ INFO] [221093][steveholmer] "anarch trouble maker" matched "anarch troublemaker"
[ INFO] [221123][steveholmer] "zipgun" matched "zip gun"
[ DEBUG] [221241][josh] unexpected multiline comment "The 3 princes are somewhat important for the vote angle that was meant to give m..."
[ INFO] [221251][josh] "praxis seizure: washington, dc" matched "praxis seizure: washington, d.c."
[ INFO] TWDA loaded
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