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History of cards and rules changes


V5 Companion

  • Ashur Tablets: Only one can be played per turn
  • Emerald Legionnaire: Can only bring another back from the ash heap if there are less Legionnaires than ready unique Harbingers.
  • My Enemy's Enemy: Cannot be used in a duel anymore.


New blood 2

  • Oxford University, England: Now provides 2X votes


Baali and Daughters POD

  • Cybele: Must be unlocked at the start of the master phase to get the additional master phase action.
  • Blessed Audience: Can explicitly target prey and predator.
  • Herald of Topheth: Now infernal and does not require to burn pool during the influence phase anymore.
  • Echo of Harmonies: The basic Presence effect does not need the Edge to be burned anymore.
  • Maureen: Gaining the pool is now optional.
  • Sargon: Gaining the Edge is now optional.
  • Yseult: The extra card is drawn upon replacement.


Pander Salubri and Tzimisce POD

  • Lambach (ADV): Unlocking is now optional.
  • Radu Bistri: Gaining blood is now optional.
  • Szechenyi Jolán, Mother of Horrors: Unlocking her is now optional and happens during the discard phase.


V5 Anarch release

  • Quickness: Has a blood cost of zero now.
  • Rego Motum: Now renamed to correct latin (instead of Rego Motus).


Ravnos and Chimerstry POD

  • Army of Apparitions: The action now fails instead of being ended.
  • Draeven Softfoot: No longer has a reference to Cold iron cards.
  • Mirror’s Visage: Now explicitly locks the blocking minion.
  • Nightmare Curse: Is burned if the acting vampire is no longer ready.
  • Ravnos Acceptance: There is no longer a default sect for each clan.
  • Ravnos Carnival: The counters are simple counters, no longer currency counters.
  • Red Herring: The action now ends unsuccessfully. The action card returns to its owner’s hand (similar to Delaying Tactics).
  • Sensory Deprivation: Is burned if the acting vampire is no longer ready.
  • Sleight of Hand: The vampire no longer equips the card.
  • Vasiliy Vasilevich: Unlocking is now optional.
  • Wamukota: Now explicitly locks the blocking minion.


Vlad Tepes change

  • Vlad Tepes: he now "uses" the card continuously (previously was: "can use"). No Secrets from the Magaji now works for him the same way it does for a regular Magaji.


2021 July Newsletter

  • Daliah: Gaining blood is now optional.
  • De Sade: All vampires (including the ones which the same controller) must burn blood to vote against De Sade's referendums.
  • Vivienne Géroux: Can now play cards requiring basic Celerity and/or Fortitude as an Anarch vampire. (This includes Forced March and Diversion).



  • Inside Dirt: Burns 3 blood or 3 pool, instead of 2.
  • Public Vilification: The blood stolen is now distributed amongst vampires.
  • Show of Force: +2 strength at superior instead of +1.


Giovanni Lasombra Assamite and Sethites POD

  • Alvaro, The Scion of Angelica: Gaining blood is now optional.
  • Amam the Devourer: Gaining life when burning a minion in combat is now optional.
  • Ambrosius, The Ferryman: Pathos counters are now removed during the unlock phase.
  • Antonio Delgado: Unlocking is now optional.
  • Canopic Jar: Now burns 1 life if the attached minion is an ally.
  • Consignment to Duat: Now a +1 stealth action.
  • Divine Image: Now costs 1 blood instead of 2.
  • Donatello Giovanni: Choosing a vampire is now optional.
  • Edge Vitiation: Now costs no blood, instead of 1.
  • Form of Corruption: Adding a counter is now optional.
  • Giovanni Acceptance: There is no longer a default sect for each clan.
  • Giuseppe, Gravedigger: Now costs no blood, instead of 1.
  • Heaven’s Gate: Now leaves the ally in play, but removes it from combat. The ally can now be chosen in the terms of a referendum, or burned to a War Ghoul or Abomination entering play.
  • Ignore the Searing Flames: The outferior level works explicitly when the opposing minion strikes.
  • Invitation Accepted: There is no longer a default sect for each clan.
  • Jar the Soul: Now burns 1 life from the minion if it is an ally.
  • Kali’s Fang: Now costs 2 pool.
  • Masquer: Now costs 1 blood instead of 2.
  • Paolo Sardenzo: Gaining blood is now optional.
  • Principia Discordia: The target vampire does not require to be locked.
  • Realm of the Black Sun, The: Now costs no pool, instead of 1. Gaining pool is now optional.
  • Retain the Quick Blood: Moving blood to the card and moving blood back to the vampire are now both optional.
  • Revelation of Despair: Works when blocking any minion, not only one controlled by the predator.
  • Revocation of Tyre: There is no longer a default sect for each clan.
  • Saqqaf, Keeper of the Grand Temple of Set: Gaining a pool is now optional.
  • Shadow Parasite: Now costs 1 blood instead of 2.
  • Shadowed Eyes: Burning the card costs 1 blood or life, no longer a conviction.
  • Summon the Abyss: Now costs 2 blood instead of 3.
  • Summon the Serpent: Now a +1 stealth action.
  • Sutekh, The Dark God: Gaining a pool is now optional, but works with all mummy allies (not only bane mummies).
  • Web of Knives Recruit: The recruit is now explicitly Independent.
  • Weeping Stone: Gaining a blood is now optional.


RTR 20201130

Rule Change: Clans do not have a default sect anymore

Renamings: Thaumaturgy is now Blood Sorcery, Assamites are Banu Haqim and Followers of Set are Ministry. They are exactly the same (ie. Assamites can play Banu Haqim cards and vice-versa).

  • Becoming, The: Inherits the sire’s sect.
  • Brother in Arms: Inherits the sire’s sect.
  • Creation Rites: The vampire is now explicitly Sabbat.
  • Dual Form: Inherits the sire’s sect.
  • Nosferatu Bestial: Inherits the sire’s sect.
  • Third Tradition: Progeny: The vampire is now explicitly Camarilla.
  • Trophy: Progeny: Inherits the sire’s sect.


RTR 20200705

  • Gypsies: Banned.
  • Rom Gypsy: Banned.
  • Tarbaby Jack: Banned.
  • Terrorists: Banned.
  • Tsigane: Banned.


Assamite and Quietus POD

  • Al-Ashrad, Amr of Alamut: Can now burn locations requiring any clan (not only Camarilla clans).
  • Qadir ul-Ghani: The clan he changes to must be another clan than the clan to which he currently belongs.
  • Ur-Shulgi, The Shepherd: The Tajdid that is retrieved from the library is now revealed.
  • Zahir, Hand of the Silsila: The contract that is retrieved from the library is now revealed.


Form of Mist

  • Form of Mist: The superior is now usable “even if stealth is not yet needed”


25th Anniversary

  • Pentex™ Subversion: Does not prevent the target to act anymore.
  • Una: Her Fortitude cost reducer is now only for combat cards.
  • Ankara Citadel: The cost reducer no longer applies to action modifiers.
  • Parity Shift: The pool amount is now fixed to three
  • Black Metamorphosis: Is now at +1 stealth.


Sabbat Preconstructed

  • Perfectionist: Gaining blood is now optional.
  • Trap: Is now put into play with counters to track the number of presses it can provide.
  • Powerbase: Madrid: Adding the counter is now optional.
  • Rack, The: Adding the blood is now optional.
  • Embrace, The: Inherits the sire's sect.


RTR 20180719

Rule change: Cold Iron vulnerability is dropped, weapons updated to inflict aggravated damage on Kiasyds

Rule change: Scarce now only accounts for the owner's vampires of the same clan

  • Banshee Ironwail: Now inflicts aggravated damage on Kiasyd.
  • Cheat the Fate: The vampire unlocks as part of the resolution.
  • Code of Samiel: Gaining blood and unlocking are now optional.
  • Dagger: Now inflicts aggravated damage on Kiasyd.
  • Danylo: The location that is retrieved from the library is now revealed.
  • Draeven Softfoot: No longer has a reference to Cold iron cards.
  • Gift of Sleep: Now explicitly states the minion is not locked if blocking.
  • Great Symposium: The Kiasyd is now revealed.
  • Hide the Heart: The action now fails instead of being ended.
  • Joumlon’s Axe: Now inflicts aggravated damage on Kiasyd.
  • Lord of Serenity: Gaining blood is now optional.
  • Nahum Enosh: Gaining blood is now optional.
  • New Moon Sigil: The trait Moon sigil has been dropped.
  • Poker: Now inflicts aggravated damage on Kiasyd.
  • Safe Passage: Removed reference to powers.
  • Scarlet Lore: The minion card searched is now revealed.
  • Shalmath: Removed reference to the research area.
  • The unnamed: Gaining pool is now optional.


RTR 20180511

Rule change: Anarch is a sect

Rule change: Hunt value is now used in card text (1 by default)

Rule change: Limited effects is now the default (text required to not count against the limit)

  • Becoming, The: The discipline cards need to be master (has no impact currently).
  • Count Zaroff: His ability can now be used more than once each turn.
  • Gotsdam, The Tired Warrior: Is no longer immune to frenzy cards. Instead, frenzy cards cannot be played on him.
  • Laecanus: Is no longer immune to frenzy cards. Instead, frenzy cards cannot be played on him.
  • Villein: The amount of blood you can move is now limited to 5.
  • Command of the Beast: Superior now explicitely does not count against the limit.
  • Divine Image: Superior now explicitely does not count against the limit.
  • Leverage: Now explicitely does not count against the limit.
  • Power of One: Potence now explicitely does not count against the limit.
  • Quicksilver Contemplation: Superior now explicitely does not count against the limit.
  • Banner of Neutrality: Now requires Independant or Anarch.
  • Community Justice: Now requires Independant or Anarch.
  • Exclusion Principle: Now counts Independant or Anarch.
  • Free States Rant: Now requires Independant or Anarch.
  • Haqim's Law: Judgment: Now requires Independant or Anarch.
  • Reckless Agitation: Now requires Independant or Anarch.
  • Count Germaine: Now looks for non-Independant non-Anarch.
  • Hillanvale: Now looks for non-Independant non-Anarch.
  • Jan Pieterzoon ADV: Gets the votes wether he is Independant or Anarch.
  • Matthew Romans: Now looks for non-Independant non-Anarch.


KoT reprint

  • Soul Scan: The vampire is now revealed


RTR 20180303

Rule change: Minions are now actively moved in play during the influence phase if desired

Rule change: Recruited allies are now moved to the ready region but cannot act the turn they're recruited

Rule change: Caitiff is now a clan



Rule change: Lock/unlock replaces tap/untap

Rule change: Wake is added to the rulebook (and explained in parenthesis on cards where possible)


Anarch Unbound Release

  • Anthelios, The Red Star: Banned.
  • Temptation of Greater Power: Banned.
  • Seeds of Corruption: Banned.


RTR 20130422

  • Lilith's Blessing: Banned.


RTR 20111202

Rule change: Ballots is what Priscii have, to distinguish from votes

  • Villein: The increased cost for Minion Tap only applies to the Methuselah who played Villein.
  • Psyche!: Is now played during combat, at the end of a round
  • Coordinate Attacks: Is now played during combat, at the end of a round
  • Adaptability: Treats aggravated damage as normal, does not change the damage type anymore.
  • Death Pact: Treats aggravated damage as normal, does not change the damage type anymore.
  • Fire Dance: Treats aggravated damage as normal, does not change the damage type anymore.
  • Merrill Molitor: Treats aggravated damage as normal, does not change the damage type anymore.


RTR 20080808

  • Lesser Boon: Is played when the block would succeed, and instead makes the action resolve as if unblocked.
  • Horrid Reality: The retrieved weapon does not contest any other copies in play.


Tournament rules update

  • Edge Explosion: Banned.
  • Memories of Mortality: Banned.
  • Protect Thine Own: Banned.


RTR 20070707

  • Putrefaction: Replace "He or she may burn this card instead of untapping" with "He or she does not untap as normal. Burn this card during untap phase".


Third Edition

  • Abandoning the Flesh: may be played by a vampire in torpor.
  • Ventrue Investment: is an investment.
  • Visit from the Capuchin: burns counters when cards would be replaced, rather than when they are played or discarded.


Legacies of Blood

  • Blissful Agony: Only one can be played at the basic Valeren level each combat.
  • Echo of Harmonies: The Political Action card is played as if from hand.


Kindred Most Wanted

  • Anarch Revolt: Only Methuselahs who do not control ready Anarchs are affected.
  • Heart of Darkness: Changes the way the vampire treat the aggravated damage, rather than changing the damage itself.


Tournament Rules Update

  • Dramatic Upheaval: Banned.
  • Kindred Restructure: Banned.
  • Succubus Club: Banned.


Tenth Anniversary

  • Antoinette DuChamp: Celerity actions and combat have increased cost, not a burn blood side effect. (Note that the new version is misprinted -- swapping capacity for group. Errata: Antoinette is still group 2 and has a capacity of 1).
  • Blood Bond: is put into play.
  • Camille Devereux, The Raven: Is not two different vampires. (1994 Jyhad version of Camille, 1995 VTES version of Raven, and these cards all contest one another, as they are the same vampire).
  • Ghoul Escort: is once again only employable by a vampire (The 1995 VTES version had inadvertently dropped the "All Kindred" designation of the Jyhad version).
  • Giovanni Acceptance, Invitation Accepted, Ravnos Acceptance, and Revocation of Tyre: work on in-play vampires as well as vampires brought into play later. Sect change is optional, but only choosable when the acceptance enters play or when the vampire enters play.
  • Magdalena Schaefer: Thaumaturgy strikes have increased cost, not a burn blood side effect.
  • Mariel, Lady Thunder: She inflicts the damage (interesting only for effects like Memories of Mortality).
  • Patrizia Giovanni: Retrieval actions have increased cost, not a burn blood side effect.
  • Tainted Vitae: is put into play.
  • Veiled Sight: If the acting vampire has negative stealth, the effect will raise it to zero.


RTR 20030519

Rule Change: Hunt amount modification is allowed on special hunt actions

  • Angelica, The Canonicus: Can only use her ability once each action (when attempting to block).


Camarilla Edition LSJ 20020812 LSJ 20030110

Tournament Rules Update

  • Al's Army Apparatus: Only usable during your minion phase.
  • Aura Reading: superior is +2 hand size. It can be played at superior only once each combat.
  • Blood Puppy: costs 2 pool.
  • Blood Rage: Damage based on the striker's strength (hence a handstrike).
  • Blood Fury: Damage based on the striker's strength (hence a handstrike).
  • Cauldron of Blood: Damage based on the striker's strength (hence a handstrike).
  • Bureacratic Overload: Increases the cost of political actions (instead of burning blood).
  • Catatonic Fear: Costs 1 blood.
  • Concealed Weapon: No discipline requirement, weapon cannot be unique, deal agg damage, cost more than 2 pool, or deal more than 3 damage (with a standard strike).
  • Day Operation: Only vampires are restricted from blocking.
  • Delaying Tactics: Costs 1 blood.
  • Derange: requires a Malkavian or Malkavian antitribu. Is placed on a younger vampire (using the former superior Dementation effect).
  • Drain Essence: Costs 1 blood.
  • Dramatic Upheaval: Change places with another Methuselah (not with yourself).
  • Elysium: The Palace of Versailles: Titled Camarilla vampires benefit, regardless of their title (a titled independant that has changed sect can benefit).
  • Embrace, The: Doesn't receive a discipline card during action resolution.
  • Fear of Mekhet: Can be moved to a justicar
  • Fifth Tradition: Hospitality: Cannot target the acting vampire. Blood gain is limited to 4 blood.
  • Forest of Shadows: Costs 1 pool.
  • Ghoul Retainer: cannot use a weapon used by another retainer. Has 1 strength.
  • Graverobbing: Targets another Methuselah's vampire
  • Hostile Takeover: Target must have capacity less than 7.
  • Illegal Search and Seizure: Can also burn a weapon that does any amount of agg damage.
  • Island of Yiaros: No inherent burn option.
  • Judgment: Camarilla Segregation: Methuselah can burn a vampire during the master phase, not the minion phase.
  • Kindred Segregation: Only pool costs (not blood costs) need to be repaid.
  • Louvre, Paris, The: No cost
  • Majesty: Costs 1 blood (no additional cost for superior).
  • Marcellus: Political Actions cost Nosferatu an extra blood.
  • Monocle of Clarity: Unbanned. Answers about the future are not binding
  • Oxford University: No cost, X pool for X votes, no inherent burn option.
  • Patagia: Flaps Allowing Limited Flight: Allows the vampire to burn a blood to temporarily gain flight.
  • Powerbase: Berlin: No cost. Doesn't burn if the controller has no Ventrue.
  • Powerbase: Washington, D.C.: Can move 2 blood back (instead of 1) during your untap phase.
  • Protracted Investment: costs 2 pool, gets 5 counters
  • Psychic Projection: Is put in play.
  • Rowan Ring: Unbanned. Sends opposing vampire to torpor with the ring as a strike.
  • Second Tradition: Domain: the effect costs 1 blood when used by a tapped vampire.
  • Succubus Club, The: Only one trade per untap phase. Tap to trade.
  • Taste of Vitae: play at end of round. Only 1.
  • Temptation of Greater Power: Only 1 can be played in a game.
  • Tremere Convocation: No cost. Unique.
  • Wasserschloss Anif, Austria: No cost.
  • Weather Control: Only one each combat.


RTR 20020501

  • The Grandest Trick: Makes vampires unable to block the minion who played it, not the action in general.
  • Melange: Should refer to the "minion with this card" not "the vampire with this card".
  • Psychomachia: Is playable when an ally or younger vampire blocks (successfully) - not merely on the attempt.


RTR 20010711 Final Nights

  • Acquired Ventrue Assets: Costs no pool and is only activated on your own master phase.
  • Alamut: Can give only vampires (not allies) votes.
  • Banishment: Cannot choose a vampire the same age or older than the acting vampire.
  • Blood Tears: Can prevent damage only in combat (the gain blood effect can still be used at any time).
  • Fata Morgana: Can be used for just +1 bleed at superior (if the stealth is not needed, for instance).
  • Giuseppe, Gravedigger: Renamed from "Guiseppe". Both spellings represent the same unique retainer.
  • Heidelberg Castle: Name is corrected from "Heidelburg Castle". Both spellings represent the same unique location.
  • Kali's Fang: Does strength+1 damage instead of a flat 2 damage (and the damage is still aggravated).
  • Powerbase: Rome: Costs no pool.
  • Purity of the Beast: Costs no blood and doesn't reduce the acting vampire's capacity.
  • Ravnos Cache: Costs no pool.
  • Rudolfo Giovanni: Name is corrected from "Rudolpho". Both spellings represent the same unique vampire.
  • Ruins of the Villers Abbey: Costs no blood and "Villers" is corrected from "Villars". Both spellings represent the same unique locaction.
  • Summon the Serpent: Puts a blood from the blood bank on the retrieved vampire.
  • Thetmes: Title of Calif is corrected to "Caliph". Both spellings of the card name represent the same unique vampire.


  • Al-Ashrad, Amr of Alamut: has +1 bleed, as per the Ancient Hearts version (errata to the Final Nights version).
  • Catacombs: costs 1 blood, not 2, as per the Ancient Hearts version (errata to the Final Nights version).
  • Malleable Visage: is only usable by an untapped vampire. (errata)
  • Ur-Shulgi, The Shepherd: has +1 bleed (errata).


Sabbat War

  • Blood of Acid: Limited to one per round.
  • Drawing Out the Beast: Limited to one per combat. Damage from the superior is done during the press step.
  • Disarm: A vampire can have only one.
  • Immortal Grapple: Limited to one per round.
  • Pulled Fangs: A vampire can have only one.
  • Terror Frenzy: Once per combat at superior.
  • Blood Brother Ambush: Has a strength of 2.
  • Ghouled Street Thug: Has a strength of 1.
  • Cardinal Sin: Insubordination: is played by the (possibly tapped) titled vampire who was just in combat.
  • Enchant Kindred: The superior action is at +1 stealth.
  • Misdirection: taps 1 minion and costs 1 pool.
  • Mob Connections: can tap to give a press to a minion (not just a vampire) you control.
  • War Party: Is playable by a Priscus (and still not playable on a Priscus).
  • Elysium: The Arboretum: While not reprinted in the set, the errata printed in the Sabbat rules sheet has been extended. Only Camarilla vampires can call the referendum to burn the Elysium and, for the same reason, the Elysium can only be tapped to end combat involving two Camarilla vampires.


RTR 20000501

  • Life Boon: Doesn't provide a VP if you are ousted.


RTR 19991206

  • Asylum HG - VTES errataed to read as Jyhad version (2 pool).
  • Obedience - Sabbat errataed to read as VTES version (timing, cancel combat).
  • Undead Persistence - Sabbat errataed to read as VTES (continuing protection).


RTR 19991001

  • Cardinal Sin: Failure of Mission: Is now controlled by the player who played it, so the directed action to remove it is directed against them.


RTR 19990712

  • Talbot's Chainsaw: The press is only usable to continue combat.
  • Soul Burn: Does nullify the current weapon strike.
  • Guard Dogs: You only get the maneuver if you successfully block.


DCI 19990401

  • Return to Innocence: Banned
  • Stake: Unbanned, renamed to Wooden Stake: new text and rulings of the card apply.(note this is a bit moot since it was officialy a rename when VTES came out in 95: the ban probably didn't make much sense in the first place).
  • The promo vampires Dan Murdock and Mariana Gilbert are legal to play


RTR 19990105

  • Dragon's Breath Rounds: Is played "before resolution of a gun's strike", not "when damage from a gun is being resolved".
  • Glaser Rounds: Is played "before resolution of a gun's strike", not "when damage from a gun is being resolved".
  • Manstopper Rounds: Is played "before resolution of a gun's strike", not "when damage from a gun is being resolved".
  • Parity Shift: The reallocation is specified before votes are cast.
  • Tomb of Ramses, III: New card text: "When this card is brought into play or the controller of this card changes, you (the new controller) choose a vampire in your uncontrolled region. For each blood counter you transfer to the chosen vampire, put a blood counter on the Tomb from the Blood Bank. At the end of your influence phase, if the total number of counters on the chosen vampire and on the Tomb equals or exceeds that vampire's capacity, you may move the vampire to the ready region. Burn the Tomb (and the counters on it) when the chosen vampire leaves the uncontrolled region."
  • White Phosphorous Grenade: Now inflicts damage to the bearer if used, even if it is dodged.
  • Wooden Stake: New card text: "Melee Weapon. This weapon inflicts strength damage as a strike. If more than damage is inflicted on the opposing vampire by this weapon in a given combat, then that vampire is sent to torpor. In that case, this card is transferred to him and he does not untap as normal during the untap phase as long as he remains in torpor."


RTR 19980928

  • Powerbase: New York: The action to steal the blood cannot be taken by your own Sabbat vampires.
  • Reform Body: Can be played in combat (as a combat card) by either combatant, acting or reacting/blocking. Can also be played (as a reaction card) from Torpor, even though only Ready vampires can play reaction cards by default.


DCI 19980801

Tournament rules: No Repeat Action (NRA) and No Vote Pushing (NVP)

  • Madness of the Bard: Banned


RTR 19980707

Rule change: No vote pushing. Each Methuselah can only play no more than one Political Action card to gain a vote during a political action, including the Political Action card used to call the vote, if any.

Rule change: The Ⓓ is indicative in card text. If an action target another Methuselah, it's directed. If not, it's not.

Rule change: The first unprevented aggravated damage does not burn blood anymore (Reversal to Jyhad)

  • Fame: Now hoses the controller of the vampire instead of the Prey.
  • Heidelburg Castle, Germany: Cannot be used during an action (including during a combat).
  • Major Boon: The bleed amount may be modified after this card is played.
  • Mind Rape: Errated card text: "Superior: Ⓓ put this card on a younger vampire and tap that vampire. The vampire with this card does not untap as normal during his controller's untap phase. During the acting vampire's controller's next minion phase, she must burn this card to untap the vampire and take control of the vampire until the end of her turn."
  • Powerbase: Mexico City: The action to steal the blood from your powerbase cannot be attempted by your own vampires.
  • Pulled Fangs: The damage is not aggravated.
  • Return to Innocence: New card text: "Bleed. If you successfully bleed your Prey for one or more, put this card on the acting vampire. Burn this card if this vampire loses any blood or goes to torpor, or if your Prey is ousted. During your next untap, this vampire is removed from play and your Prey burns X pool, where X is the capacity of this vampire."
  • Sleeping Mind: Does not prevent to play Wake to block.
  • Thoughts Betrayed: The superior only prevents strike cards from being played, not other cards.
  • Tomb of Ramses III: New card text: "Master: Unique Location. 3 pool. When this card is brought into play, or the controller of this card changes, the controller chooses a vampire in her uncontrolled region. During your influence phase, tap to move 1 blood from the blood bank to the chosen vampire. Burn this card when the chosen vampire leaves the uncontrolled region."
  • Wake with Evening's Freshness: "Do not replace until your next untap phase."
  • Zip Gun: Cannot use ammo cards


RTR 19980623

Rule change: An unblocked action is successful (an unblocked bleed reduced to zero is an unsuccessful bleed but a successful action).

Rule change: Combat is part of the block (modifiers and reactions played after the block are played after combat).

Rule change: Damage prevention can be played whenever appropriate in combat (not limited to strike resolution).

  • Antediluvian Awaking: A player can burn a vampire only during her untap phase.
  • Beast, Leatherface of Detroit: New card text: "Beast cannot perform action-card actions or recruit allies. He cannot have or use equipment or retainers. As a Ⓓ action, Beast can enter combat with any Ready minion controlled by another Methuselah. +1 hand damage."
  • Closed Session: New card text: "Only usable during a political action, before any votes are cast. Non-Camarilla vampires cannot vote during the current political action."
  • Deflection: New card text: "Only usable when a you are the target of a bleed. Choose another Methuselah. You cannot choose the acting minion's controller. The acting minion is now attempting to bleed the chosen Methuselah. The chosen Methuselah may attempt to block. Tap this reacting vampire. Superior: As above, but do not tap this vampire."
  • Form of Mist: New card text: "Superior: Strike: Combat Ends. If this vampire is the acting vampire, this vampire gets +1 stealth (and this card counts as an action modifier) and the action continues as if unblocked."
  • Golconda: Removes the selected vampire from the game instead of burning him.
  • Immortal Grapple: New card text: "Only usable at close range before strikes are chosen. This round, neither minion can strike except with hand strikes. Superior: As above, with an optional press, and if combat continues, the range of the next round of combat is set to close range - skip the Establish Range step for that round."
  • Kalinda: New card text: "As a Ⓓ action, Kalinda may bleed with +1 bleed and +1 stealth. This action costs 2 blood."
  • Living Manse: New card text: "The vampire with this location gets +1 bleed. When the vampire with this location is in combat, he or she can burn this card before range is determined to end combat. A vampire may have only one Living Manse."
  • March Halcyon: New card text: "If March is diablerized, no one can call a Blood Hunt against the diablerizing vampire."
  • Redirection: New card text: "Only usable when a you are the target of a bleed by a younger vampire. Choose another Methuselah. You cannot choose the acting vampire's controller. The acting vampire is now attempting to bleed the chosen Methuselah. The chosen Methuselah may attempt to block. Tap this reacting vampire. Superior: As above, but the acting vampire can be the same age or older."
  • Reform Body: New card text: "This card can be played as a combat card or a reaction card. Only usable by a vampire being burned. Not usable by an acting vampire. This vampire goes to torpor instead of being burned. Superior: As above, and this vampire gains 2 blood from the blood bank."
  • Return to Innocence: Removes the acting vampire from the game instead of burning him.
  • Ritual of the Bitter Rose: New card text: "This card can be played as a combat card or an action modifier. Each of your ready vampires gains an amount of blood from the blood bank equal to the amount of blood on a vampire being burned either by diablerie or while in combat with this vampire."
  • Rutor's Hand: A vampire can only have one Rutor's Hand. New card text: "Superior: As above, but this vampire can pay 3 blood to prevent the damage."
  • The Second Tradition: Domain: New card text: "Requires ready Prince or Justicar. +2 intercept. Also usable by a tapped Prince or Justicar, even if intercept is not yet needed, to untap and attempt to block with +2 intercept."
  • Taste of Vitae: Is not cumulative. A Taste of Vitae will not count any blood loss counted by a previous Taste of Vitae.
  • Tereza Rotas: New card text: "If another Methuselah controls the Edge, Tereza may take the Edge as an action directed at that Methuselah. This action costs 2 blood."
  • Telepathic Misdirection: New card text: "Superior: Only usable when a you are the target of a bleed. Choose another Methuselah. You cannot choose the acting minion's controller. The acting minion is now attempting to bleed the chosen Methuselah. The chosen Methuselah may attempt to block. Tap this reacting vampire."


RTR 19970630

  • Of Noble Blood: Cannot be played on a vampire that already has a title of any kind.
  • Reform Body: May be played by a minion that is tapped.
  • Mind Rape: The counters only go away during your untap phase, not during each untap phase.
  • Tremere Convocation: The second sentence should read: "Vampires with basic Thaumaturgy may play combat cards requiring Thaumaturgy as if they had superior Thaumaturgy."


RTR 19960708

  • Blood Hunt: Is a directed action.
  • Shackles of Enkidu: Once used, it is controlled by the Methuselah who controls the vampire who used it; changing the controller of the vampire changes who controls the Shackles.
  • Change of Target: Does not untap a blocking minion who was already tapped. Neither does Obedience or Elder Impersonation.
  • Dreams of the Sphinx: Only increases your hand size until the end of the current turn.
  • Phobia: Only gain counters during your master phases, not the master phases of other Methuselahs.
  • Temptation: Only gain counters during your master phases, not the master phases of other Methuselahs.


RTR 19960531

  • Donal O'Connor: Forces a vampire blocking him to burn 1 blood immediately regardless of whether combat begins.
  • Cat Burglary: Inferior is a directed action.
  • Pulse of Canaille: Superior should begin with the words, "If this is the first time Pulse of Canaille has been played on the acting vampire..." It is not cumulative.
  • Renegade Garou: Its innate damage is considered to be hand damage.
  • Malkavian Prank: The first sentence should begin with "Each other Methuselah..." You cannot play a prank on yourself.
  • Hidden Lurker: Is an action modifier played by a vampire other than the acting vampire.
  • Academic Hunting Ground: Gives blood to vampires during the untap phase, not the master phase.
  • Elder Intervention: Can be used during any bleed attempt made against you, not just ones declared against you (eg. Deflection).
  • Rats' Warning: Can be used during any bleed attempt made against you, not just ones declared against you (eg. Deflection).
  • Constanza Vinzi: Only gets the bleed bonus if you're bleeding your prey.
  • Cornelius Ottavio: Only gets the bleed bonus if you're bleeding your prey.
  • Elisabetta Romano: Only gets the bleed bonus if you're bleeding your prey.
  • Katarina: Only gets the bleed bonus if you're bleeding your prey.
  • Queen Anne: Only gets the bleed bonus if you're bleeding your prey.
  • Rebekka: Only gets the bleed bonus if you're bleeding your prey.
  • Ranjan Rishi: Only gets the bleed bonus if you're bleeding your prey.
  • Sigrid Bekker: Only gets the bleed bonus if you're bleeding your prey.
  • Clan Loyalty: Ignore the word "other"; the vampire currently attempting to block the action is not allowed to attempt to block the acting vampire this turn.
  • The Embrace: Shuffle your library afterwards.
  • Progeny: Shuffle your library afterwards.
  • Soul Gem of Etrius: Does not have a pool cost.
  • Ghoul Escort: Its ability applies to any employer, not just if it is a vampire.
  • Ghoul Retainer: Its ability applies to any employer, not just if it is a vampire.
  • Guiseppe: Its ability applies to any employer, not just if it is a vampire.
  • J.S. Simmons: Its ability applies to any employer, not just if it is a vampire.
  • Jackal: Its ability applies to any employer, not just if it is a vampire.
  • Jackie Therman: Its ability applies to any employer, not just if it is a vampire.
  • Mr. Winthrop: Its ability applies to any employer, not just if it is a vampire.
  • Owl Companion: Its ability applies to any employer, not just if it is a vampire.
  • Raven Spy: Its ability applies to any employer, not just if it is a vampire.
  • Resplendent Protector: Its ability applies to any employer, not just if it is a vampire.
  • Spiritual Protector: Its ability applies to any employer, not just if it is a vampire.
  • Tasha Morgan: Its ability applies to any employer, not just if it is a vampire.
  • Wolf Companion: Its ability applies to any employer, not just if it is a vampire.
  • Zombie: Its ability applies to any employer, not just if it is a vampire.
  • Force of Will: Ignore the words "untap this acting vampire". The vampire playing the card only takes one action: a (D) action to bleed with the extra bleed and the damage afterwards.


RTR 19960221

  • Regina Giovanni: Reduces the cost of any ally or retainer she employs or recruits by 1; both blood and pool costs can be affected by this.
  • Smiling Jack, The Anarch: The second sentence should refer to "each other Methuselah".


DUELIST 9 DCI 19960201

  • Playing for Keeps: Banned


RTR 19960124

  • Sacrificial Lamb: The superior cannot be played on your own vampires; it does not override the definition of a (D) action.
  • Heidelburg Castle, Germany: Cannot transfer anything to or from a vampire in combat.
  • Fata Morgana: The restriction against playing modifiers to further increase bleed only applies if you use its superior ability.
  • Taste of Vitae: Only gives blood equal to the amount of damage successfully inflicted on the opposing vampire. It will not, for example, give blood for blood spent playing combat cards or stolen blood.
  • Masquerade Enforcement: Non-Camarilla vampires cannot play it, nor can they call the vote to burn it.
  • Charnas the Imp: Employing it is a directed action.
  • Blood Hunt: This card cannot be played on Inner Circle members.
  • Soul Stealing: Superior should read "As above, and this card can also be played as a combat card".


RTR 19960112

  • Hector Sosa: The V:TES version has inferior Potence. This should be superior Potence.
  • Shackles of Enkidu: When used, control of it stays with the player who controlled the minion using it.
  • Triole's Revenge: The action to burn it should be a directed action, and the player who played the Revenge is always its controller.
  • Javier Montoya: Should say "blood", not "pool".


DCI 19951101

First tournament rules

  • Cunctator Motion: Banned
  • High Stakes: Banned
  • Monacle of Clarity: Banned
  • Rowan Ring: Banned
  • Stake: Banned



Rule change: Paralyze has been removed

Rule change: The first unprevented aggravated damage sends to torpor and burns a blood.

  • Dominate Kine: Renamed (was Kine Dominance).
  • Gangrel Atavism: Renamed (was Gangrel Devolution).
  • Wooden Stake: Renamed (was Stake).
  • Ancient Influence: You're not required to choose a vampire.
  • Bastard Sword: Now does +1 damage (instead of a non-cumulative 2).
  • Camarilla Exemplary: Can now be blocked by allies.
  • Chantry: Allows to choose wether to return a Tremere from torpor or not.
  • Deal with the Devil: Is not replaced before discarding anymore.
  • Dr. Jest: Allows to choose wether or not to force the Prey to discard.
  • Elysium: The Arboretum: Now only works for combats where the controlling player has a vampire involved.
  • Giant's Blood: Can be played only once per game.
  • Glaser Rounds: Stop applying if the gun is stolen.
  • Manstopper Rounds: Stop applying if the gun is stolen.
  • Hawg: Provides one press each combat (rather than each turn).
  • Masquerade Endangered: Prohibits hunting altogether
  • Nosferatu Putrescence: Only reduce damage on the first strike
  • Parity Shift: Does not allow to give pool back to the player it's been taken from anymore.
  • Patagia: Flaps Allowing Limited Fligh: Can only be played once on a given vampire.
  • Pulled Fangs: Prohibits the target from hunting.
  • Rack, The: Now only functions if the controller of the Rack and the vampire are the same.
  • Ritual Challenge: Now gives a cumulative +1 strength bonus (instead of flat 2).
  • Sengir Dagger: Now turns all damage to aggravated.
  • Soul Gem of Etrius: If the retrieved vampire is of same age or older, it is placed in the uncontrolled region.
  • Talbot's Chainsaw: Now only provides a press on the first round of combat.
  • Telepathic Vote Counting: Can now be used at superior even if the target is abstaining.
  • Vast Wealth: Can only be played on the minions a player controls


RTR 19950615

  • Army of Rats: Is not cumulative.
  • Blood Doll: Gives blood to whomever controls the vampire, even if controller changes.


RTR 19950509

  • Blood Rage: Should be a Thaumaturgy card (not Fortitude).


Jyhad Errata

  • Anarch Troublemaker: Should say "During your untap phase..."
  • Embrace, The: The vampire created is the same clan as its creator.
  • Fame: This should be considered a unique master.
  • Grenade: It should read: "If grenade is used at close range, bearer suffers 1 damage."
  • Malkavian Time Auction: Should say "person who played Time Auction may not bid."
  • The Third Tradition: Progeny: The vampire created is the same clan as its creator.



  • Cat Burglary: The second is a superior ability (should be bold).
  • Cultivated Blood Shortage: Read "Any vampire can burn this card as a Ⓓ action, which would be at +1 stealth"
  • Deflection: Costs 1 blood, not 1 pool
  • Disputed Territory: Is a political card (missing symbol)
  • Fourth Tradition: The Accounting, The: Is an action card, not a master card (incorrect border)
  • The Spawning Pool: Is a master card, not a minion card (incorrect background)
  • Ventrue Justicar: Misspelled "Venture Justicar", bestows the title of Ventrue Justicar, not Tremere Justicar.
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