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update mlfinlab.labeling to use indexes profit taking and stop loss horizontal barriers
def apply_pt_sl_on_t1(close, events, pt_sl, molecule): # pragma: no cover
Snippet 3.2, page 45, Triple Barrier Labeling Method
This function applies the triple-barrier labeling method. It works on a set of
datetime index values (molecule). This allows the program to parallelize the processing.
Mainly it returns a DataFrame of timestamps regarding the time when the first barriers were reached.
:param close: (series) close prices
:param events: (series) of indices that signify "events" (see cusum_filter function
for more details)
:param pt_sl: (array) element 0, indicates the profit taking level; element 1 is stop loss level
:param molecule: (an array) a set of datetime index values for processing
:return: DataFrame of timestamps of when first barrier was touched
# Apply stop loss/profit taking, if it takes place before t1 (end of event)
events_ = events.loc[molecule]
out = events_[['t1']].copy(deep=True)
profit_taking_multiple = pt_sl[0]
stop_loss_multiple = pt_sl[1]
# Profit taking active
if profit_taking_multiple > 0:
profit_taking = profit_taking_multiple * events_['trgt']
profit_taking = pd.Series(index=events.index) # NaNs
# Stop loss active
if stop_loss_multiple > 0:
stop_loss = -stop_loss_multiple * events_['trgt']
stop_loss = pd.Series(index=events.index) # NaNs
# Get events
for loc, vertical_barrier in events_['t1'].fillna(close.index[-1]).iteritems():
closing_prices = close[loc: vertical_barrier] # Path prices for a given trade
cum_returns = (closing_prices / close[loc] - 1) *[loc, 'side'] # Path returns
out.loc[loc, 'sl'] = cum_returns[cum_returns < stop_loss[loc]].index.min() # Earliest stop loss date
out.loc[loc, 'pt'] = cum_returns[cum_returns > profit_taking[loc]].index.min() # Earliest profit taking date
return out
def get_events(close, t_events, pt_sl, target, min_ret, num_threads, vertical_barrier_times=False,
Snippet 3.6 page 50, Getting the Time of the First Touch, with Meta Labels
This function is orchestrator to meta-label the data, in conjunction with the Triple Barrier Method.
:param close: (series) Close prices
:param t_events: (series) of t_events. These are timestamps that will seed every triple barrier.
These are the timestamps selected by the sampling procedures discussed in Chapter 2, Section 2.5.
Eg: CUSUM Filter
:param pt_sl: (2 element array) element 0, indicates the profit taking level; element 1 is stop loss level.
A non-negative float that sets the width of the two barriers. A 0 value means that the respective
horizontal barrier (profit taking and/or stop loss) will be disabled.
:param target: (series) of values that are used (in conjunction with pt_sl) to determine the width
of the barrier. In this program this is daily volatility series.
:param min_ret: (float) The minimum target return required for running a triple barrier search.
:param num_threads: (int) The number of threads concurrently used by the function.
:param vertical_barrier_times: (series) A pandas series with the timestamps of the vertical barriers.
We pass a False when we want to disable vertical barriers.
:param side_prediction: (series) Side of the bet (long/short) as decided by the primary model
:return: (data frame) of events
-events.index is event's starttime
-events['t1'] is event's endtime
-events['trgt'] is event's target
-events['side'] (optional) implies the algo's position side
-events['pt'] Profit taking multiple
-events['sl'] Stop loss multiple
# 1) Get target
target = target.loc[t_events]
target = target[target > min_ret] # min_ret
# 2) Get vertical barrier (max holding period)
if vertical_barrier_times is False:
vertical_barrier_times = pd.Series(pd.NaT, index=t_events)
# 3) Form events object, apply stop loss on vertical barrier
if side_prediction is None:
side_ = pd.Series(1.0, index=target.index)
pt_sl_ = [pt_sl[0], pt_sl[0]]
side_ = side_prediction.loc[target.index] # Subset side_prediction on target index.
pt_sl_ = pt_sl[:2]
# Create a new df with [v_barrier, target, side] and drop rows that are NA in target
events = pd.concat({'t1': vertical_barrier_times, 'trgt': target, 'side': side_}, axis=1)
events = events.dropna(subset=['trgt'])
# Apply Triple Barrier
first_touch_dates = mp_pandas_obj(func=apply_pt_sl_on_t1,
pd_obj=('molecule', events.index),
for ind in events.index:
events.loc[ind, 't1'] = first_touch_dates.loc[ind, :].dropna().min()
if side_prediction is None:
events = events.drop('side', axis=1)
# Add profit taking and stop loss multiples for vertical barrier calculations
events['pt'] = pt_sl[0]
events['sl'] = pt_sl[1]
return events
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