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import UIKit
/* Example of how to use it:
import UIKit
class ViewController: UIViewController {
@IBOutlet weak var label: UILabel!
@IBOutlet weak var textView: UITextView!
lionhylra / NSAttributedString+compose.swift
Last active January 20, 2020 04:39
A NSAttributedString extension that adds a convenient method for composing a NSAttributedString with links and images.
import UIKit
// How to use:
let label = UILabel()
let textView = UITextView()
label.attributedText = .compose(
"Please go to ",
.link(label: "Google",
lionhylra / scrollable_overlay
Created November 24, 2013 06:01
<!DOCTYPE html>
<style type="text/css">
lionhylra / loadImgByUrl.js
Created November 16, 2013 04:46
jQuery常用 通过url加载图片 | 图片统一尺寸 | 窗口时滚动加载 | 窗口平滑滚动 | 密码强度
var nextimage = "";
var img = $("<img>").attr("src", nextimage).load(function(){
}, 100);
lionhylra / LinQ.cs
Created November 2, 2013 05:27
public ActionResult SearchIndex(string searchString)
var movies = from m in db.Movies
select m;
if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(searchString))
movies = movies.Where(s => s.Title.Contains(searchString));
lionhylra / animation.css
Created November 2, 2013 03:29
CSS3 animation basic
@keyframes myfirst
from {background: red;}
to {background: yellow;}
@-webkit-keyframes myfirst /* Safari and Chrome */
from {background: red;}
lionhylra / 3column-all-dynamic.css
Created October 30, 2013 11:08
页面布局Layout 3 columns / left and right, content are all dynamic. 3 columns / left and right fixed, content is dynamic.
#left {
position: absolute;
left: 2%;
width: 22%;
top: 106px;
background-color: #ffffff;
#content {
position: absolute;
left: 25%;
lionhylra / triangle.html
Created October 29, 2013 03:33
<!DOCTYPE html>
html,body{text-align: center;}
text-align: center;
margin: 0;
background-color: gray;
lionhylra / html5.html
Created October 21, 2013 05:57
html5 template
<!DOCTYPE html>
<meta name="description" content="Free Web tutorials">
<meta name="keywords" content="HTML,CSS,XML,JavaScript">
<meta name="author" content="Ståle Refsnes">
<meta charset="UTF-8">
<style type="text/css">
lionhylra / animation.css
Created October 5, 2013 14:47
/* Effect 1: opacity */
.grid.effect-1 li.animate {
-webkit-animation: fadeIn 0.65s ease forwards;
-moz-animation: fadeIn 0.65s ease forwards;
animation: fadeIn 0.65s ease forwards;
@-webkit-keyframes fadeIn {
to { opacity: 1; }