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Created August 3, 2022 14:24
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## 20220612_samples.qc.rename.autosome_ancestryplot.R for KING Ancestry plot, by Zhennan Zhu and Wei-Min Chen
options(scipen = 999)
prefix <- "20220612_samples.qc.rename.autosome"
pc <- read.table(paste0(prefix, "pc.txt"), header = TRUE)
phe <- read.table(paste0(prefix, "_popref.txt"), header = TRUE, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
Population <- c(as.character(phe$Population), rep(NA, (nrow(pc) - nrow(phe))))
dat <- cbind(pc, Population)
dat$fold <- 0
dat$fold[!$Population)] <- sample(1:5, sum(!$Population)), replace = T)
numpc <- length(grep("PC", colnames(pc)))
numpc <- ifelse(numpc >= 10, 10, numpc)
svm.mod <- as.formula(paste0("Population~", paste0("PC", 1:numpc, collapse = "+")))
best.set <- c(-2, 0)
step.mat <- cbind(c(3,3), c(2,2), c(1,1)) <- function(x) {
fold.index <- para[x, "fold"]
data_pop = mutate(dat[dat$fold != fold.index, ], Population = factor(Population, levels = c("EUR", "EAS", "AMR", "SAS", "AFR")))
mod.svm <- svm(svm.mod, data = data_pop, kernel = "radial", gamma = 10^para[x, "gamma"], cost = 10^para[x, "cost"], fitted = F)
pred.svm <- predict(mod.svm, newdata = dat[dat$fold == fold.index, ])
return(sum(pred.svm == dat[dat$fold == fold.index, "Population"]))}
for (i in 1:2) {
index <- dat$fold != 0
best.count <- 0
para.list <- NULL
for (j in 2:ncol(step.mat)) {
val1 <- best.set - step.mat[, j - 1]
val2 <- best.set + step.mat[, j - 1]
gamma.init <- seq(val1[1], val2[1], by = step.mat[1, j])
cost.init <- seq(val1[2], val2[2], by = step.mat[2, j])
para.set <- cbind(gamma = gamma.init, cost = rep(cost.init, each = length(gamma.init)))
para.all <- paste0(para.set[, 1], "_", para.set[, 2])
para.set <- para.set[!para.all %in% para.list, ]
para.list <- para.all
para = cbind(fold = rep(1:5, nrow(para.set)), gamma = rep(para.set[, "gamma"], 5), cost = rep(para.set[, "cost"], 5), count = NA)
para <-
if (require("doParallel", quietly = TRUE)) {
registerDoParallel(cores = 48)
results <- foreach(para.index = 1:nrow(para), .combine = c) %dopar% {}
} else {
results <- sapply(1:nrow(para),}
para[, "count"] <- unlist(results)
results <- aggregate(count ~ cost + gamma, para, sum)
results <- results[order(results$cost, results$gamma), ]
best.para <- results[which.max(results$count), ]
if (max(results$count) > best.count) {
best.set <- unlist(best.para[, c("gamma", "cost")])
best.count <- max(results$count)}
mod_svm <- svm(formula = svm.mod, data = mutate(dat[index, ], Population = factor(Population, levels = c("EUR", "EAS", "AMR", "SAS", "AFR"))), kernel = "radial", gamma = 10^best.set[1],
cost = 10^best.set[2], probability = T, fitted = T)
pred_svm <- predict(mod_svm, newdata = dat[, paste0("PC", 1:numpc)], probability = T)
suspi_pop <- index & pred_svm != dat$Population
if (sum(suspi_pop) == 0) {
} else {
dat$fold[suspi_pop] <- 0
dat$fold[dat$fold != 0] <- sample(1:5, sum(dat$fold != 0), replace = T)
step.mat <- step.mat[, -1]
class.prob <- attr(pred_svm, "probabilities")
print(paste("Prepare the summary file, starts at", date()))
Summary <- function(v) {
v.whichmax <- which.max(v)
v2.whichmax <- which.max(v[-v.whichmax])
v.2ndwhichmax <- v2.whichmax + (v2.whichmax>=v.whichmax)
c(v.whichmax, v[v.whichmax], v.2ndwhichmax, v[v.2ndwhichmax])
valid <- dat[,"AFF"]==2
class.prob.valid <- class.prob[valid,]
maxed <- apply(class.prob.valid, 1, Summary)
popcount <- ncol(class.prob)
popnames <- colnames(class.prob)
Ancestry.1 <- popnames[maxed[1,]]
pred_class <- Ancestry.1
Pr.1 <- maxed[2,]
for(i in 1:length(Pr.1)) if(Pr.1[i]<=0.65){
x <- sort(class.prob.valid[i,], decreasing=TRUE)
temp <- (1:popcount)[cumsum(x)>0.65][1]
pred_class[i] <- paste(names(x)[1:temp], collapse=";")}
pred.out <- cbind(dat[valid, c("FID", "IID", "PC1", "PC2")], Ancestry.1, round(Pr.1,4),popnames[maxed[3,]], round(maxed[4,],4), pred_class)
colnames(pred.out) <- c("FID", "IID", "PC1", "PC2", "Anc_1st", "Pr_1st", "Anc_2nd", "Pr_2nd", "Ancestry")
print(paste("summary file is ready ", date()))
write.table(pred.out, paste0(prefix, "_InferredAncestry.txt"), sep = " ", quote = FALSE, row.names = FALSE)
print(paste("Results are saved to", paste0(prefix, "_InferredAncestry.txt"), date()))
print(paste("Generate plots", date()))
pred.out$Ancestry <- as.character(pred.out$Ancestry)
pred.out$Ancestry[grep(";", pred.out$Ancestry)] <- "Missing"
Palette <- c("#1F78B4", "#33A02C", "#E31A1C", "#FF7F00", "#6A3D9A", "#B15928", "#A6CEE3",
"#B2DF8A", "#FB9A99", "#FDBF6F", "#CAB2D6", "#FFFF99", "#999999")
train.phe <- dat[dat$AFF == 1, ]
train.groups <- unique(train.phe$Population)
pred.colors <- rep(Palette[13], nrow(pred.out))
for (i in 1:length(train.groups)) {
pred.colors[pred.out$Ancestry == train.groups[i]] <- Palette[i]
train.colors <- rep(0, nrow(train.phe))
for (i in 1:length(train.groups)) {
train.colors[train.phe$Population == train.groups[i]] <- Palette[i]
x.adjust <- (max(train.phe$PC1, pred.out$PC1) - min(train.phe$PC1, pred.out$PC1))/10
x.low <- min(train.phe$PC1, pred.out$PC1) - x.adjust
x.high <- max(train.phe$PC1, pred.out$PC1) + x.adjust
y.adjust <- (max(train.phe$PC2, pred.out$PC2) - min(train.phe$PC2, pred.out$PC2))/10
y.low <- min(train.phe$PC2, pred.out$PC2) - y.adjust
y.high <- max(train.phe$PC2, pred.out$PC2) + y.adjust
postscript(paste0(prefix, ""), paper = "letter", horizontal = T)
ncols <- min(3, ceiling(length(unique(pred.out$Ancestry))/2))
if ("Missing" %in% unique(pred.out$Ancestry)) { <- c(sort(unique(pred.out$Ancestry)[unique(pred.out$Ancestry) != "Missing"]), "Missing")
all.color <- unique(pred.colors)[order(unique(pred.out$Ancestry))]
legend.color <- c(all.color[!all.color %in% c("#999999")], "#999999")
} else { <- sort(unique(pred.out$Ancestry))
legend.color <- unique(pred.colors)[order(unique(pred.out$Ancestry))]
if (!require(ggplot2, quietly = TRUE)) {
plot(pred.out$PC1, pred.out$PC2, col = pred.colors, xlab = "PC1", ylab = "PC2", xlim = c(x.low, x.high),
ylim = c(y.low, y.high), main = paste("Inferred Populations as Ancestry in", prefix), pch = 16)
legend("topright", legend =, col = legend.color, pch = 16, cex = 1)
par(mfrow = c(2, ncols))
for (i in {
subdata <- subset(pred.out, Ancestry == i)
plot(subdata$PC1, subdata$PC2, col = unique(pred.colors)[unique(pred.out$Ancestry) == i],
xlim = c(x.low, x.high), ylim = c(y.low, y.high), xlab = "PC1", ylab = "PC2",
main = paste0(i, " (N=", nrow(subdata), ")"))
par(mfrow = c(1, 1))
plot(train.phe$PC1, train.phe$PC2, col = train.colors, xlim = c(x.low, x.high),
ylim = c(y.low, y.high), xlab = "PC1", ylab = "PC2", main = "Populations in Reference", pch = 16)
legend("topright", legend = sort(unique(train.phe$Population)), col = unique(train.colors)[order(unique(train.phe$Population))],
pch = 16, cex = 1)
} else {
p <- ggplot(pred.out, aes(x = PC1, y = PC2))
p <- p + geom_point(aes(colour = factor(Ancestry, levels = +
xlim(x.low, x.high) + ylim(y.low, y.high) + labs(color = "") + scale_colour_manual(values = legend.color) +
ggtitle(paste("Inferred Populations as Ancestry in", prefix))
labels <- sapply(, function(x) paste0(x, " (N=", sum(pred.out$Ancestry == x), ")"))
p <- ggplot(pred.out, aes(x = PC1, y = PC2, colour = factor(Ancestry, levels = +
scale_color_manual(values = legend.color) + theme(legend.position = "none")
p <- p + geom_point() + xlim(x.low, x.high) + ylim(y.low, y.high) +
facet_wrap(~factor(Ancestry, levels =, labels = labels), ncol = min(3, ncols))
p <- ggplot(train.phe, aes(x = PC1, y = PC2))
p <- p + geom_point(aes(colour = factor(Population, levels = sort(unique(Population))))) +
xlim(x.low, x.high) + ylim(y.low, y.high)
p <- p + labs(color = "") + scale_colour_manual(values = unique(train.colors)[order(unique(train.phe$Population))]) +
ggtitle("Populations in Reference")
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