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lizkaraffa / file.js
Last active August 14, 2020 00:26
IE11 CSS Grid Workaround
// Vanilla JS version (only use one)
// this will inject new style rules into the body of the page
// see:
function injectIE11Grid(){
var ieRules = '';
var css = document.createElement('style');
var head = document.head || document.getElementsByTagName('head');
css.type = 'text/css';
for ( var i=1; i <= document.querySelectorAll('.entry-content > *').length; i++){
lizkaraffa / _media-queries.scss
Created August 14, 2020 00:13
Media Query Mixin
/* Be sure to set these in your variables partial for this mixin to work
* $mobile_width
* $tablet_width
* $desktop_width
* $wpadmin_width
@mixin media( $res ) {
@if mobile == $res {
lizkaraffa / editor-styles.scss
Last active August 18, 2020 20:40
Editor Styles
/* Unfortunately, Gutenberg keeps iterating through and changing their class names
* As of Aug 13, 2020 the following code works in the latest version of the Gutenberg PLUGIN
* See below to find the code that works for the latest version of Gutenberg baked into the latest version of WordPress
/* Gutenberg Plugin Version */
.block-editor-block-list__layout {
// Unfortunately, Gutenberg uses .block-editor-block-list__layout in all blocks too
// We only want to target the main container where all blocks are direct children
// Thus we need :first-of-type
lizkaraffa / _post-and-pages.scss
Last active August 14, 2020 00:06
Theme Partial
/* This sets the alignment for all Gutenberg regular, wide and full width content in the Front End */
// Change .entry-content to whatever class wraps your content
.entry-content {
@include gridSection();
& > * {
@include regularContentMaxWidth();
&.alignwide {
lizkaraffa / _mixins.scss
Last active August 13, 2020 23:47
Mixin Partial
@mixin gridSection {
display: grid;
grid-template-columns: $size__mobile-grid;
@include media(tablet) {
grid-template-columns: $size__tablet-grid;
@include media(desktop) {
grid-template-columns: $size__desktop-grid;
lizkaraffa / _structure.scss
Created August 13, 2020 23:42
Variables Partial
$size__site-gutter-mobile: 20px;
$size__site-gutter-tablet: 50px;
$size__max-site-width: 1600px;
// Site Columns
$site__content-columns-mobile: 2;
$site__content-columns-tablet: 8;
$site__content-columns-desktop: 15;
// Grid Widths
lizkaraffa / travel-time.html
Last active May 15, 2019 16:43
Travel Time Markup
<section class="tp-travel-time tp-block">
<div class="tp-block__container--full">
<h4 class="tp-travel-time__title">Travel Time to Next Destination</h4>
<div class="tp-travel-time__meta">
<span class="tp-travel-time__bike"><span class="tp-svg-icon"></span><span class="tp-travel-time__content">20 minutes by bike</span></span>
<span class="tp-travel-time__transit"><span class="tp-svg-icon"></span><span class="tp-travel-time__content">14 mintues by <a href="#">transit</a></span></span>
lizkaraffa / compiled.scss
Last active February 6, 2019 19:28
twentynineteen width and margin code
//Why vw instead of percentage?
$columns: (
1: calc(1 * (100vw / 12)),
2: calc(2 * (100vw / 12)),
3: calc(3 * (100vw / 12)),
4: calc(4 * (100vw / 12)),
5: calc(5 * (100vw / 12)),
6: calc(6 * (100vw / 12)),
7: calc(7 * (100vw / 12)),
* HB Niagara Ryla-WP Child Theme - v0.1.0 - 2018-01-30
* Copyright (c) 2018;
* Licensed GPLv2+
window.HNC = window.HNC || {};
<div class="light-wrapper">
<div class="container inner2">
<div class="hb-checkout col2 row">
<div class="col-sm-8 hb-checkout-content">
<div class="isotope row">
<div class="step-1">
<div class="date-selection">
<div class="section-title">
<h2><?php _e( 'Next Steps:', 'hb-ryla-child-theme' ); ?></h2>
<h3><?php _e( 'Choose a date and Select Ticket Quantity.', 'hb-ryla-child-theme' ); ?></h3>