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Created February 10, 2021 13:20
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$ raku -MSL -e '^Inf .grep(*.is-prime).skip(9999).head.say'
Spesh Log Report of Process #28178 (2021-02-10T13:19:32Z)
Executing: -e ^Inf .grep(*.is-prime).skip(9999).head.say
Specializations that did *NOT* get JITted (times in us)
specia | compil | total | file:line (name)
2285 | 3394 | 5896 | gen/moar/stage2/NQPHLL.nqp:1531 (SET_BLOCK_OUTER_CTX)
Slowest 5 specializations that did get JITted (times in us)
specia | compil | total | file:line (name)
3375 | 12950 | 17406 | gen/moar/BOOTSTRAP/v6c.nqp:2612
2950 | 12244 | 16147 | gen/moar/BOOTSTRAP/v6c.nqp:2612
7480 | 12089 | 20298 | gen/moar/BOOTSTRAP/v6c.nqp:2269
298 | 3407 | 3754 | gen/moar/BOOTSTRAP/v6c.nqp:2299 (is_narrower)
105 | 1737 | 1890 | gen/moar/stage2/NQPCORE.setting:637 (BUILDALL)
5 most occuring ops that prevented JITting of code
49: prepargs
44: sp_getlex_o
27: sp_fastbox_i_ic
16: sp_bindlex_os
14: sp_getlex_ins
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