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four0four /
Last active January 6, 2024 19:17
Zynq BootROM Secrets: BootROM dump exploit

Zynq BootROM Secrets: Exposing the bootROM with the UART loader

Last time I wrote about this, I lied a little - There is an interesting bug in the UART loader, and it may have been exactly why Xilinx didn't document it. In short: The UART loader writes the entire UART payload to a location in memory (nominally 0x4_0000). The ROM is architected such that when the boot mode is selected, it registers a callback that is called when the ROM wants more data from the boot device. For the UART loader, this is pretty simple - here's the whole thing:

; void uart_callback(u32 r0_offset, void* r1_dest, i32 r2_nbytes)
ROM:0000A578 PUSH            {R3,LR}
ROM:0000A57C MOV             R3, #uart_buff
ROM:0000A584 MOV             R12, #1
ROM:0000A588 LDR             R3, [R3]