I hereby claim:
- I am lkwdwrd on github.
- I am lkwdwrd (https://keybase.io/lkwdwrd) on keybase.
- I have a public key ASD2LrfdNkrbG0xTVdbHFu8zejkexhHw1RS6erpucEwHAQo
To claim this, I am signing this object:
I hereby claim:
To claim this, I am signing this object:
WP Make has been a very useful tool, but has suffered many small problems over the last several years. To that end, WP Make has been re-imagined in a way to try and deal with many of the pain points it has had to-date.
WP Make has been in a sub-one-point-oh state since its inception. This was intentional, as it was intended originally to be a port of the original grunt-init plugin and theme scripts, moved over to Yeoman in as quick a way possible. With 1.0, we will take what we learned from this hodgepodge of scripts and apply it to creating a smooth, flexible, and maintainable generator to help us bootstrap our work more quickly.
The heart of the 1.0 changes is a major architecture shift. Where before WP Make was the most basic of Yeoman generators, now it will come into it's own with an architecture that makes input and output much more declarative and flexible.
I hereby claim:
To claim this, I am signing this object:
<?php | |
namespace WP_Parser\Reflection; | |
use WP_Parser\Reflection\Reflector_Meta; | |
final class Reflector_Decorator { | |
use Reflector_Meta; | |
private $_reflector; |
<?php | |
namespace WP_Parser\Reflection; | |
use WP_Parser\Reflection\Doc_Block; | |
use phpDocumentor\Reflection\Location; | |
use phpDocumentor\Reflection\DocBlockFactory; | |
use phpDocumentor\Reflection\DocBlockFactoryInterface; | |
use phpDocumentor\Reflection\Types\Context; | |
final class Doc_Block_Factory implements DocBlockFactoryInterface { |
# Hyper-V only overrides | |
config.vm.provider :hyperv do |v, override| | |
# Update memory and CPUs to match VVV config. | |
v.memory = 1024 | |
v.cpus = 1 | |
# Use a Hyper-V compatible base box | |
override.vm.box = "ericmann/trusty64 | |
# Change all the folder to use SMB instead of Virtual Box shares |
# Use a compatible base box | |
config.vm.provider :hyperv do |v, override| | |
override.vm.box = "ericmann/trusty64" | |
v.memory = 1024 | |
v.cpus = 1 | |
end | |
# Change all the folder to use SMB instead of Virtual Box shares | |
config.vm.synced_folders.each do |id, options| | |
# Make sure we use SMB for file mounts on Windows |
Luke$ vagrant up | |
Bringing machine 'default' up with 'virtualbox' provider... | |
==> default: Box 'ubuntu/trusty64' could not be found. Attempting to find and install... | |
default: Box Provider: virtualbox | |
default: Box Version: >= 0 | |
==> default: Loading metadata for box 'ubuntu/trusty64' | |
default: URL: https://vagrantcloud.com/ubuntu/trusty64 | |
==> default: Adding box 'ubuntu/trusty64' (v14.04) for provider: virtualbox | |
default: Downloading: https://vagrantcloud.com/ubuntu/trusty64/version/1/provider/virtualbox.box | |
==> default: Successfully added box 'ubuntu/trusty64' (v14.04) for 'virtualbox'! |
monkeys.dev |
<?php // Templates for ajax comments ?> | |
<?php /* Wrap for comments in general should none be present */ ?> | |
<script type="text/html" id="tmpl-comment-wrap"> | |
<div class="comments"> | |
<h2 class="comments-title">Comments</h2> | |
<ol class="commentlist"></ol> | |
</div> | |
</script> |