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// ==UserScript==
// @name @chaoticvibing Twitter Blue Nerd -
// @namespace Violentmonkey Scripts
// @match *://**
// @match *://**
// @grant none
// @version 1.9.2
// @author @chaoticvibing - GH @busybox11
// @description 11/9/2022, 11:45:28 PM
// @updateURL
klange /
Last active April 19, 2024 16:24
12 Years of ToaruOS

12 Years of ToaruOS

This is a repost and update to an imgur album with screenshots of ToaruOS throughout its development, as imgur is no longer a viable platform for maintaining this collection.

Early Development

My first commit in the ToaruOS repository, ecd4fe2bc170b01ad700ff76c16da96993805355, was made on January 15th, 2011. This date has become ToaruOS's "birthday". It would be another six years and two weeks before ToaruOS's first real release, 1.0.

1 - eL4aHBZ - Humble Beginnings

SwitHak /
Last active May 14, 2024 11:08
BlueTeam CheatSheet * Log4Shell* | Last updated: 2021-12-20 2238 UTC

Security Advisories / Bulletins / vendors Responses linked to Log4Shell (CVE-2021-44228)

Errors, typos, something to say ?

  • If you want to add a link, comment or send it to me
  • Feel free to report any mistake directly below in the comment or in DM on Twitter @SwitHak

Other great resources

  • Royce Williams list sorted by vendors responses Royce List
  • Very detailed list NCSC-NL
  • The list maintained by U.S. Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency: CISA List
innateessence /
Last active December 24, 2021 19:10
ArchLinux ARM installer script for raspberry pi's
function runtime_check(){
if [[ $(whoami) != "root" ]]; then
echo "[-] Error: Must run this script as root :("
exit 1
function init_vars(){
avoiney / .env
Created July 28, 2021 06:47
Directus under non root path with nginx
DIRECTUS_PUBLIC_URL=https://<server_name>/directus/ # server_name is the one used in nginx. Note the slash at the end.

Normies just don't care about privacy

If you're a privacy enthusiast, you probably clicked a link to this post thinking it's going to vindicate you; that it's going to prove how you've been right all along, and "normies just don't care about privacy", despite your best efforts to make them care. That it's going to show how you're smarter, because you understand the threats to privacy and how to fight them.

Unfortunately, you're not right. You never were. Let's talk about why, and what you should do next.

So, first of all, let's dispense with the "normie" term. It's a pejorative term, a name to call someone when they don't have your exact set of skills and interests, a term to use when you want to imply that someone is clueless or otherwise below you. There's no good reason to use it, and it suggests that you're looking down on them. Just call them "people", like everybody else and like yourself - you don't need to turn them into a group of "others" to begin with.

Why does that matter? Well, would *y

t3chguy /
Last active April 11, 2022 20:01
Element Spaces Beta FAQ

Why can't I see some rooms in a space

Currently you can only see rooms you are either joined to or which have History Visibility set to Anyone. Without one of those you are unable to fetch details about the room such as name/avatar/topic/members which is needed for the UI. The solution for this in the long term is matrix-org/matrix-spec-proposals#3173 which will allow you to fetch the necessary details for any room if you are able to join it without requiring an invite.

For the private space/rooms edge of this is matrix-org/matrix-spec-proposals#3083 which will allow members of a space access to a room which would also grant them access to its metadata to be able to see it prior to joining it.

Another situation which might cause this issue is if you are joined to some rooms but they are contained within a subspace you are not joined to; unsure of what the final solution will be here but once /peek MSC is stable that might provide a solution -

curlpipe /
Created May 15, 2021 10:18
Rat - Display files on the terminal
// Rat - Cat but it's in Rust
use pico_args::{Arguments, Error};
use std::fs;
// Help message
const HELP: &str = "\
rat - A program to read and display files
rat [options] FILE
CrocodileCroco / siteutiles.txt
Created September 19, 2020 16:21
Liens de sites utiles
===PROGRAMMATION=== - Pour le HTML, CSS, JS et certains langages de programmations comme le Python ou Node.JS - Pour les technologies du web - Pour le Python, a des exemples faciles a comprendre
[Hébergement de fichier] - Hébergement de fichier, temporaire - Hébergement de fichier non-temporaire jusqu'a 20 Go pour chaque fichiers - Hébergement de fichier temporaire (48h), jusqu'à 10 Go par fichier
viki53 / extract_toc.php
Created April 21, 2020 12:43
PHP Table Of Content extracting
if (!function_exists('extract_toc')) {
function extract_toc(DOMDocument $dom, int $max_level = 6) {
$xpath = new DOMXPath($dom);
$xpath->registerNamespace('html', '');
$max_level = min(max($max_level, 1), 6); // Les titres en HTML vont de h1 à h6 maximum