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Last active May 10, 2018 04:22
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Edison Quickstart Guide for Octoprint and Smoothie
# *** Documentation Links
Documentation list:
Edison Guide:
Mini Breakout Guide:
Mini Breakout Schematic:
Mini Breakout BoM:
Arduino Breakout Guide:
Arduino Breakout Schematic:
Arduino Breakout BoM:
BSP Guide (yocto build environment):
Native Application Guide (cached copy):
# *** to flash latest yocto image:
# *WARNING* doing this will erase your edison installation
# download the edison yacto complete image from
# windows also needs the driver found on the same page installed
# there are two usb ports on the edison breakout ... holding it upgright so you can read the module silk,
# -the upper connector is connected to an ftdi chip and is the main serial terminal for the edison. this
# is nice because it remains connected during resets. also worth noting this does NOT power the edison,
# only the ftdi chip.
# -the lower connector is a usb-otg port directly connected to the edison. when you connect it to the pc,
# it comes up as a rad composite device with serial, mass storage, and ethernet (that i'm aware of).
# to flash a new image we will need both.
# first unzip the contents of the downloaded zip file to the root of the edison drive (which should be empty)
# once that is complete, connect a terminal app to the ftdi port of the edison at 115200
# hit enter twice to get a login prompt, and type "root" to login, then enter:
reboot ota
# *** to run initial edison setup:
# you must set a root password to enable SSH on Wifi
configure_edison --setup
# *** to just change the wifi setup:
configure_edison --wifi
# *** to install nano (i don't really care for vi):
wget && tar xvf nano-2.2.6.tar.gz && cd nano-2.2.6 && ./configure && make
make install DESTDIR=/home/root
export PATH=$PATH:/home/root/usr/local/bin
# TODO: i still need to find the best way to set the startup environment variables
# *** to tell the edison about the package repos:
# add the following lines to new file /etc/opkg/intel-iotdk.conf
src intel-iotdk
src all
src i586
src x86
# *** to use opkg on the package repos:
opkg update
opkg upgrade
opkg install git
# *** to install octoprint
opkg install git python-setuptools
git clone
cd octoprint
python install
# octoprint doesn't like to run as root so use this command line to run it:
octoprint --iknowwhatimdoing
# *** to setup octoprint as a service:
# add the following lines to new file /lib/systemd/system/octoprint.service
ExecStart=/usr/bin/octoprint --iknowwhatimdoing
# *** to enable octoprint as a system service that starts automatically at boot:
systemctl enable octoprint
# *** and then to start it as an edison service now without rebooting
systemctl start octoprint
# *** to install Smoothieware build environment and compile firmware
opkg install git bash
git clone
cd Smoothieware
# edit the linux_install and find the wget line a couple pages down
# and add this option before continuing: --no-check-certificate
# *** to install ruby from source:
# i recommend installing stuff to /home whenever possible because that's where
# most of the space available to the user is
tar -zxf ruby-2.1.3.tar.gz
cd ruby-2.1.3
./configure --prefix=/home/root
make install
# *** to install screen:
opkg install git
git clone git:// && cd screen/src && ./ && ./configure && make
make install DESTDIR=/home/root/usr/local
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awesome gist!

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Excellent documentation! Used it today to install octoprint on an Edison with the mini breakout board. Instead of cloning from the git repo, I picked up a tarball from the master branch, as described in the Octoprint docs.

The parts about adding octoprint as a system service were especially useful. Just note that 'opkg install git' is present in both the section about opkg itself and a few lines after for octoprint, you might want to fix that.

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I'm having trouble getting ffmpeg working on the edison. Could that be added to this?

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👍 Thanks for service definition.

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antinnit commented Jan 8, 2017

When I view the Octoprint :5000 within my web browser the page doesn't seem to want to load correctly, it looks like a wall of HTML elements (no layout).

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