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a fully detailed and comprehensive document about english-TL. GLHF


welcome to my third edition of english-tl summary document! as usual, this document contains almost everything you need about all english-tl materials that have been previously taught by our beloved teacher. this might be one of the most detailed document i have ever made in my entire life...


if you're struggling to understand this whole document, get your translator app prepared! translating word by word will help you to understand english better, and perhaps add new knowledge about new word you just discovered! so, don't be discouraged by using a translator while learning! :D

table of contents

regular and irregular verb

before getting into the real deal, let's re-learn some basic things from first semester: regular and irregular verbs

although this is not the integral part of the exam, this is quite important in some cases because you need to actually understand how to identify whether a text uses regular or irregular verb.


if you feel this part is too much for you, you can skip to conjunctions instead.

let's get jump into it i guess:

regular verb

let's start with regular verb, the easiest one among all. basically, regular verb is a verb that's using past form and participle with "-ed" or "-d" added at the end of the verb,

regular verb types and examples


words in bold are consonant

  • when at the end of the verb has the consonant-vowel-consonant order, then the last consonant has to be doubled, then add "-ed" at the end

    • chat -> chatted
    • stop -> stopped


words in bold follows the consonant-vowel-consonant rule at the end

  • when the verb ends with w, x, and y, that above rule does not apply here, meaning you don't need to double the consonant; just add "-ed" at the end and you're good :)

    • play -> played
    • fix -> fixed
    • allow -> allowed
  • when a verb ends with e, just adding "-d" at the end should be enough

    • move -> moved
    • solve -> solved
    • love -> loved
  • when a verb ends with consonant + y, you have to change y to i, then simply add "-ed" at the end

    • cry -> cried
    • try -> tried
    • copy -> copied
  • this one is interesting. this one is not so different from the second point and is related to word stress. (or basically the fancy way of saying "emphasizing syllable when pronouncing a verb when there are two syllables or more") if the last syllable of the verb has to be emphasized and then ended with the consonant-vowel-consonant order, then the last consonant has to be doubled and then add "-ed" at the end.

    • incur -> incurred
    • prefer -> preferred
    • label -> labelled


words in bold follows the consonant-vowel-consonant order at the end

  • similar with the previous point: if you want to use a past form of a verb that the first syllable needs to be emphasized, just add the "-ed" at the end without doubling the consonant

    • open -> opened
    • enter -> entered
    • swallow -> swallowed


words in bold follows the consonant-vowel-consonant order at the end


irregular verb

irregular verb is basically the opposite of regular verb, meaning a verb that don't follow general rules of forming past tense and past participle. the second and third form of the verb can be far different from the base form of the verb (or not changing at all!), while regular verbs has similarity on the second and third form of them.

irregular verb don't have "-ed" at the end.

  • eat -> ate
  • fight -> fought
  • give -> given

in irregular verb, verbs that has vowel in the middle of it usually will change from the base form. e.g.:

  • begin -> began
  • freeze -> froze

irregular verb types and examples

  1. past tense (verb 2/second verb)

    • when changing the base form to past tense, you can change the vowel at the middle of the verb. e.g. drive -> drove
    • there are some verbs that requires you to change the arrangement of the vowel in the base form, and adding a new ending. e.g. eat -> ate
    • one of the most common ending of a past tense from irregular verb is -t (feel -> felt). there are other endings that you can use like -d (tell -> told) or -ght (bring -> brought)
    • in general, when a base form irregular verb has the -ck/-e/-g/-ght/n ending, the past tense form still has the same ending.
      • stick -> stuck
      • ring -> rang
      • fight -> fought
  2. past participles (verb 3/third verb)

    not so different from verb 2 (past tense), a irregular verb can have a pattern that changes the vowel, adding a new ending, or both.

    changes in vowel and the suffix in past participle is, but not always different from the changes in past tense.

    to get better understanding, let's understand the patterns even further:

    • common patterns

    all verbs that falls into this category has at least one of these characteristics:

    • if the past form of regular verbs ends with -d/-ed/-t, in irregular verbs, the most common suffix of a past tense form and past participle is -t, ght, and -d. e.g. sweep -> swept, catch -> caught, etc.
    • at the end of the base verb, past tense and past principle has the same pattern. the pattern ocurred when the suffix of the base form is either -ck, -g, -ght, or -ne.
    • there are several past tense whose past tense and past principle forms can't have the suffix -en, -n, or -ne. it's because the base form already contains one of these three suffixes. e.g. shine/shone/shone. if we look at the example, the only thing that's changing is the vowel in the middle of the verb.

    like mentioned before, there are other suffixes that can be found in irregular verbs for verb 2 and verb 3 like -en, -n, or ne. e.g. eaten, given, done, etc.

    you'll find several verbs where from the base form, past tense, to past participle, it has the same form. The form of this verb is usually suffixed with -t, like put or set.


not all of the verbs ends with -t has the same pattern, like connect or visit. they are regular verbs.

sometimes, when the base verb's ending vocal is i, it changes to a in the past tense form (verb 2), and then in past principle, it changes from a to u. e.g. begin -> began -> begun

  • uncommon patterns in irregular verbs

    whoa, that's a long ride. this is the last bit of irregular verbs, i promise.

    there are three kinds of these 'uncommon' patterns in irregular verbs, like...

    • past participle has the same form as the base form

      take a look at this example as a reference:

      example lol

    • there are irregular verbs that has completely different form from each other.

      base -> past tense -> past principle
      fly -> flew -> flown

    • past tense has the same form as the base form

      base -> past tense -> past principle
      beat -> beat -> beaten


i think you guys are tired, let's have some rest for few seconds...

breathes in... and out...

alright, back to the game!


although this is also not integral part of the exam, it is also worth noting there might be a question that's made specifically to make you think twice.

enough rambling around, let's get to the topic.

like in Bahasa Indonesia, conjunction is a word that connects words, phrases, and clauses in a sentence.

to make your slow brain connect to the main point, let's take a look at this example:

I like reading, I like writing, I don't like studying.

instead of writing that sentence above which feels broken and doesn't flow really well, you can use conjunction to that sentence, so that the sentence will be effective. you can convey that pieces of information in one sentence,

I like reading and writing, but I don't like studying

by using conjunctions, you can make a complex-sounding sentence, and also avoiding short sentences that feels awkward to hear.

conjunction types

there are some conjunction types,

internal conjunction

to simply put, internal conjunction is a conjunction that connect two ideas in a sentence.

In diamond and atoms are so tightly bound one to another that it provides man with his hardest known substance. On the other hand, the second crystalline form of carbon, graphite, is a soft black substance with atoms hexagonally arranged in parallel sheets.


The word marked in bold is the conjunction that connect two whole different sentences.

external conjunction

external conjunction is a conjunction that connect ideas within a sentence between main clause and sub clause, or between two paratactic clauses.

The popular interest in diamonds concentrates on their value as gemstones, but the stones have greater value as industrial tools.


The word marked in bold is the conjunction that connect ideas within a sentence.

some word list

since there is no information available online, i decided to include some list to at least let you guys know which word falls under conjunction category.

conjunction types


grabbed from Ms. Icha's PowerPoint presentation


  • Susy is diligent. On the other hand, her sister is lazy.
  • The garden is beginning to look more beautiful. However, there is more work to be done.
  • The building was guarded around the clock. Nevertheless, robberies still occur.
  • Everyone in the office complains that he smells awful, but nobody dares to mention it to him.


  • The food in the cafe is delicious. Moreover, the place is convenient.
  • He as a flat in London. In addition, he has a villa in Italy.
  • I suggest we use barkers as our main suppliers. They are good, and furthermore they are cheap.


  • I peeled the banana. Next, I fried it.
  • We took the ferry across the channel. Then, we joined the train.
  • Study the example first, then attempt the exercises on the next page.
  • Pour some hot water into the cup. Finally, the tea is ready.

cause and effect

  • He is rich, so that many girls have a crush on him.
  • Several members have not replied for over three years. Therefore, their names have been removed from the mailing list.
  • His explanation was full of technical terms. Consequently, nobody understood it at all.

hortatory exposition

alright, now the real deal. hortatory exposition. first off, what the hell is "hortatory exposition text?"

hortatory exposition text (such a long name goddamn) is a persuasive text that is intended to explain the listeners/readers and convince them to do something that should (or should not) happen or be done.1

to strengthen the explanation, the writer needs some arguments as the fundamental reasons of the given idea. In this case, this kind of text can be called argumentation. Just to make it easy to understand.

in writing hortatory exposition text, usually it uses expression of stance to state a issue based on writer's point of view.2 Several principle expressions are commonly used, including:

in formal scenario

  • my purpose of read regarding … is …
  • personally, i think …
  • i powerfully believe that …
  • from my purpose of reading, …

in informal scenario

  • if you asked Maine, …
  • i guess …
  • you understand what I think? (I think) …

let's talk about the function

the function of this hortatory exposition text is to persuade the reader that something should (or should not) be the case.1

hortatory exposition has a purpose to convince the readers/listeners to do certain actions. By giving some recommendation supported by the persuasive arguments, it can affect other people's perspective. However, hortatory exposition does not enforce people to do what the writers have told to them.3

ok now the generic structure

  • thesis

    thesis is used as a introduction to the topic or problem that will be discussed. an introduction is used to draw an attention to the readers/listeners to make them interested in continuing to listen/read more on the topic.

  • arguments

    arguments are used to explain the topic that's been explained earlier in the thesis much further. an argument must be logical supported by facts, data, and other good reasons. every argument is usually split within paragraphs, with the first paragraph being the strongest argument.3 however, there is no minimum and maximum amount of required arguments, so you can state your arguments freely.

  • recommendation

    the text is closed with a recommendation. this section engages the readers to take actions in accordance with the opinion statements that have been expressed.


or the cool name: language features.

while writing hortatory exposition text, you must fulfill the lingustic rules which consist of the following components:

  1. the writing has to be focused on the writer and has to be from first person perspective, which is the writer itself.
  2. uses abstract noun (culture, courage, hope, policy, advantage, etc.)
  3. uses action verb (ask, tell, argue, implement, etc.)
  4. uses thinking verb (reflect, consider, evaluate, analyze, etc.)
  5. uses modal adverb (surely, certainly, definitely, clearly, etc.)
  6. uses temporal connectives (firstly, secondly, thirdly, etc.)
  7. uses evaluative words (effective, efficient, trustworthy, valueable, etc.)
  8. uses simple present tense.
  9. uses passive voice.

whoa, that's a lot of them.

still confused? look at this example

The Importance of Reading

Thesis: I personally think that reading is a very important activity in our life. Why do I say so?

Argument I: Firstly, by reading we can get a lot of knowledge about many things in the world such as Science, technology, sports, arts, culture, etc written in either books, magazine, newspaper, etc.

Argument II: Secondly, by reading we can get a lot of news and information about something happening in any parts of the world which can we see directly.

Argument III: Another reason, reading can give us pleasure too. When we are tired, we read books, novel, comic, newspaper or magazine on the entertainment column such as comedy, short story, quiz, etc. To make us relaxed.

Argument IV: The last, reading can also take us to other parts of the world. By reading a book about Irian Jaya we may feel we’re really sitting in the jungles not at home in our rooms.

Recommendation: From the facts above, it’s obvious that everyone needs to read to get knowledge, information and also entertainment. Or in summary we can say reading is truly important in our life.

another complicated example

Why should we support local (Indonesian) game developers? created by me

synonyms, vocabularies, etc


those materials are not included here and therefore i assume you know most of the english words. if you don't, then you have to learn a lot to get in there... and you're on your own. so, good luck i guess...


if you made it here, thanks for reading the whole document! i really appreciate your effort into getting better at english! hopefully this will not only get your score better on the exam, but also will make you practice some of the materials here to increase your english skills!

thanks to:

  • the internet, for all the references used for this document,
  • Ms. Icha, for giving me some insights on materials that I don't understand (ilysm <3),
  • all of you who read this document until the very end!

hope you learned something from this document! cheers!

this document is written using proper and trustworthy sources as the reference. correct me if you find any mistakes here.
written with <3 by Mas Gading.
if you feel like i helped you learning english, you can trakteer me here!


  1. Dr. Anni Holila Pulungan, M.Hum., Dr. Rahmad Husein, M.Ed. 2017. Sumber Belajar Penunjang PLPG 2017 Mata Pelajaran/Paket Keahlian Bahasa Inggris Bab X: Hortatory Exposition. Depok. Kementrian Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan. 2

  2. Tasya Talitha. Pengertian Hortatory Exposition & Contoh Hortatory Exposition. Gramedia Blog.

  3. Adya Rosyada Yonas. 2023. Hortatory Exposition Text: Definisi, Fungsi, Struktur & Contohnya. English Academy by Ruangguru. 2

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