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Last active June 2, 2024 15:47
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short and comprehensive summary of english for SAT.


welcome to my 4th rendition of my english summary document. this document aims to be short and comprehensive (unlike the last one that took me ALMOST 10 hours to make and almost made me lose my sanity).


if you're struggling to understand this whole document, get your translator app prepared! translating word by word will help you to understand english better, and perhaps add new knowledge about new word you just discovered! so, don't be discouraged by using a translator while learning! :D

table of contents

analytical exposition text

alright, let's start with this boy.


analytical exposition text is a type of text that aims to explain an opinion or an argument in a logical way.


analytical exposition text is WAY different than hortatory exposition text, the one that we know and familiar with. while it serves the same purpose, analytical exposition doesn't end with a recommendation, as hortatory exposition does. however, analytical exposition does end with a reiteration, a conclusion to the whole text.

what purpose?

the purpose is not so different from hortatory exposition. the purpose of this text is to express an opinion accompanied by logical arguments so that the readers are convinced that the discussed topic is important.

as mentioned before, this text is not trying to change the reader's point of view. tricky, eh?

now, the structure

luckily, the structure is not far different from its sibling.

  • thesis

    thesis is used as a introduction to the topic or problem that will be discussed. an introduction is used to draw an attention to the readers/listeners to make them interested in continuing to listen/read more on the topic.

  • arguments

    arguments are, well... arguments... that is used to explain the thesis much more detailed and must be logical and supported by facts, data, and other good reasons. you can convince the readers more by writing more than one point of view, so that your arguments sound believable and... convincing. amirite?

  • reiteration

    this is what makes analytical exposition different from hortatory exposition. analytical exposition text ends with a conclusion of what you've written and as a reminder to the readers about your opinion about that specific topic.


or the cool name: language features.

unlike hortatory exposition text which has a ton of language features, analytical exposition has far less features than hortatory expostion.


taken from English Academy by Ruangguru

The Benefits of Early Childhood Education


Early childhood education plays a crucial role in a child’s development. It provides a foundation for future learning and contributes to their overall growth and success. Therefore, it is important to understand the benefits of early childhood education and support its implementation.


Firstly, early childhood education enhances cognitive development. During the early years, children’s brains are rapidly developing, and quality education in a stimulating environment can foster their cognitive skills, problem-solving abilities, and critical thinking. It lays the groundwork for a lifelong love of learning and prepares them for academic success.

Secondly, early childhood education promotes social and emotional development. Through interaction with peers and teachers, children learn important social skills such as sharing, communication, and cooperation. They also develop emotional intelligence, self-regulation, and empathy, which are crucial for building healthy relationships and navigating the challenges of life.

Furthermore, early childhood education prepares children for future success. Research shows that children who participate in high-quality early education programs are more likely to perform well academically, graduate from high school, and pursue higher education or successful careers. They develop a strong foundation in literacy, numeracy, and problem-solving, setting them up for a lifetime of achievement.

Critics may argue that early childhood education is not necessary and that children should simply play and explore. While play is an essential part of early childhood, structured educational programs provide a balanced approach that combines play-based learning with intentional teaching, maximizing the child’s learning potential.


In conclusion, early childhood education offers numerous benefits for children’s cognitive, social, and emotional development. It prepares them for future success, both academically and in life. Therefore, it is important to invest in high-quality early childhood education programs and ensure that all children have access to these opportunities for their optimal growth and development.

procedure text

the last bit of the document.

what is it?

as the name suggests, procedure text is a type if text that is written to explain how to do something. it's a step by step explanation of a process or a set of instructions for completting a specific task.


  • goal/purpose?

    this section should provide a clear statement of what the reader is trying to achieve by following instructions. it gives context and purpose, helping the reader to understand why they are undertaking the task.

  • materials/ingredients (prerequisities)

    1. materials: this include tools, equipment or other supplies. for instance, if you're assembling a piece of furniture, this section would list all the required parts and tools like screws, nails, a hammer, etc.

    2. ingredients: in cooking context, this refers to all the food items and quantities needed to prepare a dish. it's like a shopping list for your recipe, ensuring you have everything you need to start cooking.

  • steps

    this section provides a detailed, step by step guide on how to achieve the aim or goal. it breaks down the task into manageable parts, often in a chronological or logical order.

reference: Ms. Icha's Procedure Text material

language features

in general, procedure text normally:

  1. uses simple present tense
  2. uses imperative sentence
  3. uses temporal connectives
  4. uses adverb


i think that was it.... thank you for reading the whole document! hopefully this thing helps you when doing exam, even if it helps you a bit!

shout out to:

  • the internet, for all the references used in this document,
  • @ameriskeiko, for helping me gathering some information for procedure text, appreciate ya,
  • chatgpt, for helping me find differences between connective words and conjunctions,
  • you, for reading this document till the very end!

i hope you learned something new from this document! cheers!

this document is written using proper and trustworthy sources ar reference. correct me if you find any mistakes here.
written with <3 by Mas Gading and Ameris Keiko.
if you feel like i helped you learning english, why not trakteer me some?

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