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Some thoughts, tips and ressources on make your work more open using open licences, resusable formats, useful markup and versioning systems.

In a recent SG thread, some of us started dreaming of a game design scene that embraces and adapts various tools coming from the open source software world to the area of game design and game publishing.

In the thread, WarriorMonk asked for a thread to act as a guide and ressource for people who want to try this, so here’s my first try at this. In the course of this “guide”, I’ll mostly follow the levels outlined in my earlier post, ie. going roughly from least-additional-effort to most-value-added.

This guide probably won’t go into questions like why somebody would want to do that, beyond “Some people want to make it easier for other people to use their work in their own. Her

HAPPY CAT - A randomly generated short story in preperation for NaNoGenMo and homage to cybre cats everywhere.
from random import choice
VOCABULARY = ["maunz", "maunz", "miau", "schnurr", "miez", "hach", "mau",
"flausch", "fluffel", "putz", "kraul", "nom", "nomnom", "freu"]

Keybase proof

I hereby claim:

  • I am lordminx on github.
  • I am lordminx ( on keybase.
  • I have a public key ASA9MzzADTa2RTzIZLbDiFOD4as74IkQyemWVZw_XvFsLAo

To claim this, I am signing this object:

from random import choice
def opinion(current_distro=None):
"""All the linux opinions you'll ever need."""
distros = ["Xubuntu", "Ubuntu", "Manjaro", "Arch Linux", "Debian", "Kali Linux", "Fedora", "some distro you've probably never heard of"]
sentiments = ["awesome", "great", "a bit of a PITA", "like sticking needles in my eyes", "like ... so bad"]
opinion = "I'm currently using {} and it's {}, but I can't wait to give {} a try, I heard its {}!"