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Created April 27, 2020 11:41
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Curried Function example in Yul
object "ContractB" {
code {
datacopy(0, dataoffset("Runtime"), datasize("Runtime"))
return(0, datasize("Runtime"))
object "Runtime" {
code {
let _calldata := 2048
let _output_pointer := 0
// This is where we keep our virtual functions
// generated at runtime as partial function applications
let _virtual_fns := 1024
calldatacopy(_calldata, 0, calldatasize())
let fn_sig := mslice(_calldata, 4)
switch fn_sig
case 0xffffffff {
let internal_fn_sig := mslice(add(_calldata, 4), 4)
let input_pointer := add(_calldata, 8)
let input_size := sub(calldatasize(), 4)
let result_length := executeNative(
return (_output_pointer, result_length)
// other cases/function signatures
default {
mslicestore(_output_pointer, 0xeee1, 2)
revert(_output_pointer, 2)
function executeNative(fsig, input_ptr, input_size, output_ptr, virtual_fns) -> result_length {
switch fsig
// a + b
case 0xeeeeeeee {
let a := mload(input_ptr)
let b := mload(add(input_ptr, 32))
mstore(output_ptr, add(a, b))
result_length := 32
// a - 2
case 0xdddddddd {
let a := mload(input_ptr)
mstore(output_ptr, sub(a, 2))
result_length := 32
case 0xcccccccc {
// e.g. 2 steps:
// 000000020000002800000020
// bbbbbbbbeeeeeeee000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000004
// 00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000020
// number of execution steps
let count := mslice(input_ptr, 4)
// offsets/size in bytes for each step
let offsets_start := add(input_ptr, 4)
let input_inner := add(offsets_start, mul(count, 4))
let temporary_ptr := 0x80
let existent_input_size := 0
for { let i := 0 } lt(i, count) { i := add(i, 1) } {
let step_length := mslice(add(offsets_start, mul(i, 4)), 4)
// add current input after previous return value
mmultistore(add(temporary_ptr, existent_input_size), input_inner, step_length)
result_length := executeInternal(temporary_ptr, add(existent_input_size, step_length), output_ptr, virtual_fns)
// move termporary input after previous data
temporary_ptr := add(temporary_ptr, step_length)
// store output as new input for the next step
mmultistore(temporary_ptr, output_ptr, result_length)
existent_input_size := result_length
// move input pointer to the next step
input_inner := add(input_inner, step_length)
// curry1: fsig, partial application argument
case 0xbbbbbbbb {
// first 32 bytes is the next free memory pointer
let fpointer := mload(virtual_fns)
if eq(fpointer, 0) {
fpointer := add(virtual_fns, 32)
let internal_fsig := mslice(input_ptr, 4)
let arg := mload(add(input_ptr, 4))
// virtual function marker
mslicestore(fpointer, 0xfefe, 2)
// add input size (so we know how much to read)
mstore(add(fpointer, 2), input_size)
// store the actual data - partial application argument
mmultistore(add(fpointer, 34), input_ptr, input_size)
// update the free memory pointer for our curried functions references
mstore(virtual_fns, add(fpointer, 38))
// return the virtual function pointer
mstore(output_ptr, fpointer)
result_length := 32
// other cases/function signatures
default {
// revert with error code
mslicestore(output_ptr, 0xeee2, 2)
revert(output_ptr, 2)
function executeInternal(input_ptr, input_size, output_ptr, virtual_fns) -> result_length {
let fsig, offset := getfSig(input_ptr)
switch offset
case 4 {
result_length := executeNative(fsig, add(input_ptr, offset), sub(input_size, offset), output_ptr, virtual_fns)
case 32 {
result_length := executeCurriedFunction(fsig, add(input_ptr, offset), sub(input_size, offset), output_ptr, virtual_fns)
default {
// revert with error code
mslicestore(output_ptr, 0xeee3, 2)
revert(output_ptr, 2)
function getfSig(input_ptr) -> fsig, offset {
fsig := mslice(input_ptr, 4)
offset := 4
let fpointer := mload(input_ptr)
if lt(fpointer, 10000000) {
// check if the curried function marker exists
if eq(mslice(fpointer, 2), 0xfefe) {
fsig := fpointer
offset := 32
function executeCurriedFunction(fpointer, input_ptr, input_size, output_ptr, virtual_fns) -> result_length {
// first 32 bytes are the input size
let new_input_size := mload(add(fpointer, 2))
// exclude input size from input ptr
let new_input_ptr := add(fpointer, 34)
// store the inputs for the curried function after the curried function arguments
// effectively composing the input for the actual function that we need to run
mmultistore(add(new_input_ptr, new_input_size), input_ptr, input_size)
new_input_size := add(new_input_size, input_size)
result_length := executeInternal(new_input_ptr, new_input_size, output_ptr, virtual_fns)
function mslice(position, length) -> result {
result := div(mload(position), exp(2, sub(256, mul(length, 8))))
function mslicestore(_ptr, val, length) {
let slot := 32
mstore(_ptr, shl(mul(sub(slot, length), 8), val))
function mmultistore(_ptr_target, _ptr_source, sizeBytes) {
let slot := 32
let size := div(sizeBytes, slot)
for { let i := 0 } lt(i, size) { i := add(i, 1) } {
mstore(add(_ptr_target, mul(i, slot)), mload(add(_ptr_source, mul(i, slot))))
let current_length := mul(size, slot)
let remaining := sub(sizeBytes, current_length)
if gt(remaining, 0) {
add(_ptr_target, current_length),
mslice(add(_ptr_source, current_length), remaining),
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