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Last active October 6, 2020 18:04
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Approaches how to deal with null and exceptions in Kotlin

Code examples for - How to: Nulls and Exceptions in Kotlin from

Exception Handling

    fun reciprocal(i: Int): Double =
        when(i == 0){
            true -> throw IllegalArgumentException("Can not take reciprocal of 0.")
            false -> 1.0 / i
    @Test(expected = IllegalArgumentException::class)
    fun testReciprocalException() {


    fun parse(): Nothing = throw IllegalArgumentException("Can not parse anything.")
    fun reciprocal(): Nothing = throw IllegalArgumentException("Can not take reciprocal of anything.")
    @Test(expected = IllegalArgumentException::class)
    fun testParse(){

    @Test(expected = IllegalArgumentException::class)
    fun testReciprocal(){


    fun callFunction(function: (Int) -> Unit): Unit = (1..2).forEach(function)
    fun reciprocal(){}
    private val printNumber = { x: Number -> println("Number: $x") }
    fun testCallFunction(){
        assertEquals(UnitStyle.callFunction(printNumber), Unit)
    fun testReciprocal(){
        assertEquals(UnitStyle.reciprocal(), Unit)


    fun parse(s: String): Any =
            true -> s.toInt()
            false -> NumberFormatException("$s is not a valid integer.")
    fun testParse(){
        assertEquals(AnyStyle.parse("42"), 42, "42 expected")
            AnyStyle.parse("some string").toString(), 
            NumberFormatException("some string is not a valid integer.").toString(), 
            "some string can not be parsed"


    fun parse(s: String): Int? =
            true -> s.toInt()
            false -> null
    fun testParseElvisOperator(){
        val parseResult = NullableStyle.parse("some string") ?: -1
        assertEquals(parseResult, -1, "Elvis operator turns it into -1")

    // !! - operator
    fun testParseDoubleExclamationOperator(){
        val parseResultForSureNotNull = NullableStyle.parse("42")!!.div(42)
        assertEquals(parseResultForSureNotNull, 1, "42/42 must be one")


data class MyInt(val value: Int)

    private lateinit var toBeDefinedInt : MyInt
    fun parse(s: String): Int =
        when (s.matches(Regex("-?[0-9]+"))) {
            true -> s.toInt()
            false -> when (this::toBeDefinedInt.isInitialized) {
                true -> toBeDefinedInt.value
                false -> 79
    fun testParse() {
        assertEquals(LateInitStyle.parse("42"), 42, "42 expected")
        assertEquals(LateInitStyle.parse("some string"), 79, "some string shall be parsed to 79.")

NotNull Delegate

    var toBeDefinedInt : Int by Delegates.notNull()
    fun parse(s: String): Int {
        toBeDefinedInt = 79
        return when(s.matches(Regex("-?[0-9]+"))){
            true -> s.toInt()
            false -> toBeDefinedInt
    fun testParse() {
        assertEquals(NotNullDelegateStyle.parse("42"), 42, "42 expected")
        assertEquals(NotNullDelegateStyle.parse("some string"), 79, "some string shall be parsed to 79.")

Sealed Classes

sealed class ParseResult {
    data class IntResult(val value: Int): ParseResult()
    data class Exception(val error: String): ParseResult()

    fun parse(s: String): ParseResult =
            true -> ParseResult.IntResult(s.toInt())
            false -> ParseResult.Exception(NumberFormatException("$s is not a valid integer.").message.toString())
    fun testParse(){
        assertEquals(SealedStyle.parse("42"), ParseResult.IntResult(42), "42 expected")
        assertEquals(SealedStyle.parse("some string"), ParseResult.Exception("some string is not a valid integer."), 
            "some string can not be parsed")

        when(val r = SealedStyle.parse("42")) {
            is ParseResult.IntResult -> assertEquals(r.value, 42)
            is ParseResult.Exception -> fail(r.error)

Annotations - Nullable

    fun parse(s: String): Int? =
            true -> s.toInt()
            false -> null
    fun testParse() {
        assertEquals(NullableAnnotationStyle.parse("42"), 42, "42 expected")
        assertEquals(NullableAnnotationStyle.parse("some string"), null, "some string can not be parsed")

Λrrow - Option

    fun parse(s: String): Option<Int> =
            true -> Some(s.toInt())
            false -> None
    fun testParseWithOption() {
        assertTrue(OptionStyle.parse("42").isDefined(), "some expceted")
        assertEquals(OptionStyle.parse("42"), Some(42), "some containing 42 expceted")
        assertTrue(OptionStyle.parse("some string").isEmpty(), "none expected")
        assertEquals(OptionStyle.parse("some string"), None, "none expected")

Λrrow - Either

    fun parse(s: String): Either<NumberFormatException, Int> =
            true -> Either.Right(s.toInt())
            false -> Either.Left(NumberFormatException("$s is not a valid integer."))
    fun testParse() {
        assertTrue(EitherStyle.parse("42").isRight(), "42 is expected")
        // consider ShouldSpec as in @ 2020 09 21
        assertTrue(EitherStyle.parse("some string").isLeft(), "some string can not be parsed")
        EitherStyle.parse("some string").left().shouldBeLeft()
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