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Created May 4, 2012 09:05
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Stand alone compact module for managing python paths
'''Stand alone compact module for managing python paths.'''
import os
import sys
if sys.version_info > (3,0):
string_type = str
string_type = unicode
range = xrange
__all__ = ['Path']
class Path(string_type):
def __new__(cls, path = None):
path = path or ''
abspath = os.path.abspath(path)
return super(Path,cls).__new__(cls, abspath)
def cwd(cls):
'''Return the current working directory as a path object.'''
return cls(os.getcwd())
isfile = lambda self: os.path.isfile(self)
isdir = lambda self: os.path.isdir(self)
exists = lambda self: os.path.exists(self)
realpath = lambda self: self.__class__(os.path.realpath(string_type(self)))
def join(self, *path):
return self.__class__(os.path.join(self, *path))
def split(self):
d,f = os.path.split(self)
return self.__class__(d),f
def dir(self):
if self.isfile():
return self.parent
elif self.isdir():
return self
raise ValueError('{0} not a valid directory'.format(self))
def parent(self):
return self.__class__(os.path.dirname(self))
def ancestor(self, n):
p = self
for i in range(n):
p = p.parent
return p
def add2python(self, module = None, up = 0, down = None, front = False,
must_exist = True):
'''Add a directory to the python path.
:parameter module: Optional module name to try to import once we have found
the directory
:parameter up: number of level to go up the directory three from
:parameter down: Optional tuple of directory names to travel down once we have
gone *up* levels.
:parameter front: Boolean indicating if we want to insert the new path at the
front of ``sys.path`` using ``sys.path.insert(0,path)``.
:parameter must_exist: Boolean indicating if the module must exists.'''
if module:
return module
except ImportError:
dir = self.dir().ancestor(up)
if down:
dir = dir.join(*down)
added = False
if dir.isdir():
if dir not in sys.path:
if front:
added = True
raise ValueError('Directory {0} not available'.format(dir))
if module:
return module
except ImportError:
if must_exist:
return added
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