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Lucas Ferreira lucasferreira

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MarceloPrado / DestructiveActionGuard.tsx
Last active April 22, 2024 17:35
An easy way of seeking user confirmation before proceeding with a destructive action. Demo:
import type { ReactElement } from "react";
import { cloneElement, memo, useCallback } from "react";
import { AlertV2 } from "@/components/AlertV2/alertV2Helpers";
export interface DestructiveActionGuardProps {
children: ReactElement<{ onPress: () => void }>;
confirmationTitle?: string;
confirmationDescription?: string;
mikowl / oneliners.js
Last active June 29, 2024 17:39
👑 Awesome one-liners you might find useful while coding.
// Inspired by and
// Remove any duplicates from an array of primitives.
const unique = [ Set(arr)]
// Sleep in async functions. Use: await sleep(2000).
const sleep = (ms) => (new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(resolve, ms)));
// or
const sleep = util.promisify(setTimeout);
joshwcomeau / use-change-log.hook.js
Last active December 12, 2021 04:29
ChangeLog Hook
`useChangeLog` - dev-mode helper hook to let you
know why a memoized component re-rendered!
Usage example:
const YourComponent = React.memo((props) => {
// Just drop this fella into your memo component's body.
thedaviddias / Preload CSS - Not blocking CSS.html
Last active February 1, 2024 08:24
Preload CSS and don't block the DOM with your CSS file request.
<link rel="preload" href="css/global.min.css" as="style" onload="this.rel='stylesheet'">
<noscript><link rel="stylesheet" href="css/global.min.css"></noscript>
/*! loadCSS. [c]2017 Filament Group, Inc. MIT License */
!function(a){"use strict";var b=function(b,c,d){function j(a){if(e.body)return a();setTimeout(function(){j(a)})}function l(){f.addEventListener&&f.removeEventListener("load",l),||"all"}var g,e=a.document,f=e.createElement("link");if(c)g=c;else{var h=(e.body||e.getElementsByTagName("head")[0]).childNodes;g=h[h.length-1]}var i=e.styleSheets;f.rel="stylesheet",f.href=b,"only x",j(function(){g.parentNode.insertBefore(f,c?g:g.nextSibling)});var k=function(a){for(var b=f.href,c=i.length;c--;)if(i[c].href===b)return a();setTimeout(function(){k(a)})};return f.addEventListener&&f.addEventListener("load",l),f.onloadcssdefined=k,k(l),f};"undefined"!=typeof exports?exports.loadCSS=b:a.loadCSS=b}("undefined"!=typeof global?global:this);
/*! loadCSS rel=preload po
heron2014 /
Last active May 21, 2024 07:25
Visual instructions how to enable Google Maps on IOS using react-native-maps

Visual instructions how to enable Google Maps on IOS using react-native-maps

UPDATE: Following instructions are now a year old. I have recently managed to upgrade react-native-maps from 0.17 to the latest version 0.21 with react-native 0.51 - if you want to follow my instruction scroll down to the end this doc! Hope that will work for you too!

This is for my personal use, things might not be correctly explained here. For the official docs please check

Steps from scratch:

1.react-native init GoogleMapPlayground

This is a proposal for a lightning talk at the Reactive 2016 conference. If you like this, star the Gist.

Thinking metrics on React applications

In regular websites, it is common to send multiple events to track user clicks. Single Page Applications change the way you look at metrics. This is a talk about a simple pattern we created at to manage a metrics layer for The talk will cover how to track user flow using Google Analytics and other services. We solved the challenge of tying metrics and components, keeping information across pages and having global data. Also some React, React Router and React Side Effects concepts like context, higher order components, history state will be covered.

iammerrick / PinchZoomPan.js
Last active April 22, 2024 02:54
React Pinch + Zoom + Pan
import React from 'react';
const MIN_SCALE = 1;
const MAX_SCALE = 4;
const SETTLE_RANGE = 0.001;
const ANIMATION_SPEED = 0.04;
const INITIAL_X = 0;
jarretmoses / React Native Clear Cache
Last active July 17, 2024 15:14
Clearing the Cache of your React Native Project
RN < 0.50 - watchman watch-del-all && rm -rf $TMPDIR/react-* && rm -rf node_modules/ && npm cache clean && npm install && npm start -- --reset-cache
RN >= 0.50 - watchman watch-del-all && rm -rf $TMPDIR/react-native-packager-cache-* && rm -rf $TMPDIR/metro-bundler-cache-* && rm -rf node_modules/ && npm cache clean && npm install && npm start -- --reset-cache
RN >= 0.63 - watchman watch-del-all && rm -rf node_modules && npm install && rm -rf /tmp/metro-* && npm run start --reset-cache
npm >= 5 - watchman watch-del-all && rm -rf $TMPDIR/react-* && rm -rf node_modules/ && npm cache verify && npm install && npm start -- --reset-cache
Windows - del %appdata%\Temp\react-native-* & cd android & gradlew clean & cd .. & del node_modules/ & npm cache clean --force & npm install & npm start -- --reset-cache

From zero to microservice with 𝚫 now

The following guide will show you how to deploy a simple microservice written in JavaScript using 𝚫 now.

It uses Open Source tools that are widely available, tested and understood:

  • Node.JS
  • NPM
  • Express
rafaelrinaldi /
Last active January 22, 2021 09:04
`.mov` to `.gif` using QuickTime and Photoshop

.mov to .gif using QuickTime and Photoshop

This is my prefered way to create GIF animations for demos and whatnot.


  1. QuickTime » File » New Screen Recording
  2. Select area to record » Start recording your thing
  3. File » Export » Select max resolution available » Save
  4. Photoshop » Import » Video Frames to Layers (no need to follow step 2 if not on retina screen)