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Created February 28, 2023 16:46
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Conditionally add property to JavaScript object

Conditionally add property to JavaScript object

I had to look this up on the internet so many times during the years that I decided to write this Gist to see if I memorize it once for all (or at least I have a quick place to look next time).

Say your code creates an object and there's a particular property that it sometimes needs to add, sometimes it doesn't. The straightforward way of coding this would be:

const x = {
  a: 1

if (someCondition) {
  x.b = 2;

But I find this ugly and verbose. Luckily, JavaScript offers an alternative way of writing it using object destructuring:

const x = {
  a: 1,
  ...(someCondition ? { b: 2 } : {})

This is destructuing either { b: 2 } or {} depending on someCondition. Since destructuring {} results in an empty set of properties, we get exactly what we want. It is even possible to make it shorter by doing:

const x = {
  a: 1,
  ...(someCondition && { b: 2 })

The object { b: 2 } is still only destructured if someCondition === true. The interesting thing here is that, if the condition is false, the result is ...(undefined), which is happily resolved to an empty set.

Bonus: conditionally push item to array

There is an analogous situation when you want to conditionally add an item to an array that is being created:

let y = [1, 2, ...(someCondition ? [3] : [])];

Here, 3 is pushed into the array only if someCondition === true, otherwise an empty array is destructured instead, resulting in an empty set again. There is particularity here, though: doing someCondition && [3] won't work if the condition is false!

Uncaught TypeError: (false && [3]) is not iterable

JavaScript can only destructure iterables as arrays, so the ternary operator is the best we can do.

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