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Created October 15, 2019 18:08
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Oracle to Postgres migration path

replace nvl with coalesce

replace rownum <= 1 with LIMIT 1

replace listagg with string_agg

replace recursive hierarchy (start with/connect by/prior) with recursive

replace minus with except


replace trunc(sysdate) with CURRENT_DATE

replace trunc(datelastupdated) with DATE(datelastupduted) or datelastupdated::date

replace artificial date sentinels/fenceposts like to_date(’01 Jan 1900’) with '-infinity'::date

remove dual table references (not needed in postgres)

replace decode with case statements

replace unique with distinct

replace to_number with ::integer

replace mod with % operator

replace merge into with INSERT ... ON CONFLICT… DO UPDATE/NOTHING

change the default of any table using sys_guid() as a default to gen_random_uuid()

oracle pivot and unpivot do not work in postgres - use unnest

ORDER BY NLSSORT(english, 'NLS_SORT=generic_m') becomes ORDER BY gin(insensitive_query(english) gin_trgm_ops)

Oracle: uses IS NULL to check for empty string; in postgres, empty string and null are different

If a varchar/text column has a unique index a check needs to be made to make sure empty strings are changed to nulls before adding or updating the column.

PostgreSQL requires a sub-SELECT surrounded by parentheses, and an alias must be provided for it. - SELECT * FROM ( ) A

any functions in the order by clause must be moved to the select statement (e.g. order by lower(column_name))

Any sort of numeric/integer/bigint/etc. inside of a IN statement must not be a string (including 'null' - don't bother trying to use null="" it won't work). Concatenating a NULL with a NOT NULL will result in a NULL.

Pay attention to any left joins. If a column from a left join is used in a where or select clause it might be null.

For sequences, instead of .nextval use nextval('')

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