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Last active April 28, 2016 20:57
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// BEENewGameView.m
// beezy-bee
// Created by Hiroshi on 1/27/16.
// Copyright © 2016 Ideia do Luiz. All rights reserved.
#import "BEENewGameView.h"
#import "BEESessionHelper.h"
#import "BEESharedPreferencesHelper.h"
#import "BEEMainView.h"
#import "BEEPlayer.h"
#import "BEEItem.h"
#import "BEEBaseObject.h"
#import "BEEMonster.h"
@interface BEENewGameView ()
@property (nonatomic) NSMutableArray *objArray;
@property (nonatomic) NSArray *playerArray;
@property (nonatomic, weak) GameScene *parent;
@property (nonatomic) NSMutableArray *monsterArray;
@property (nonatomic) NSInteger counter;
@property (nonatomic) BOOL gameHasStarted;
@implementation BEENewGameView
SKLabelNode *pointLabel;
BEEItem *objItem;
#define DEFAULT_X -100
+ (instancetype) sharedInstance
static BEENewGameView *sharedStore;
if (!sharedStore)
sharedStore = [[self alloc] initPrivate];
return sharedStore;
- (instancetype) init
[NSException raise:@"Singleton" format:@"Use [BEENewGameView sharedInstance]"];
return nil;
- (instancetype) initPrivate
self = [super init];
if (self)
_objArray = [NSMutableArray array];
_monsterArray = [NSMutableArray array];
return self;
- (void) createNewGameWithParentScene:(SKScene *)parent
if ([parent isKindOfClass:[GameScene class]])
self.parent = (GameScene *)parent;
self.counter = 3;
self.gameHasStarted = false;
// here it will fire from 1 to 1 second.
__unused NSTimer *myTimer = [NSTimer scheduledTimerWithTimeInterval:1.0 target:self selector:@selector(timerDidFire:) userInfo:nil repeats:YES];
- (void) timerDidFire:(NSTimer *)timer
self.counter -= 1; // self.counter is a global variable that starts with 3 (seconds), for example...
// here you can show 3...2...1...go, depending on the self.counter var...
if (self.counter == 0)
self.gameHasStarted = true;
[timer invalidate];
// here you would call the function startNewGameWithParentScene:
[self startNewGameWithParentScene:self.parent];
- (void) startNewGameWithParentScene:(SKScene *)parent
[BEESessionHelper sharedInstance].currentScreen = BST_GAME;
[BEESessionHelper sharedInstance].userScore = 0;
[BEESessionHelper sharedInstance].isGameOver = NO;
if ([parent isKindOfClass:[GameScene class]])
__weak BEENewGameView *weakSelf = self;
[self.parent resetTimerDelegate];
[self.parent.timerDelegateArr addObject:weakSelf];
SKLabelNode *backLabel = [self createLabelWithParentScene:parent keyForName:@"back"];
[self setLabelNode:backLabel position:CGPointMake(backLabel.frame.size.width / 2 + 10, parent.size.height - backLabel.frame.size.height - 10)];
pointLabel = [SKLabelNode labelNodeWithFontNamed:[[BEESessionHelper sharedInstance] getLocalizedStringForName:@"font_style"]];
pointLabel.fontColor = [SKColor blackColor];
[parent addChild:pointLabel];
[self setLabelNode:pointLabel position:CGPointMake(CGRectGetMidX(parent.frame), parent.size.height - backLabel.frame.size.height - 50)];
pointLabel.fontSize = 80;
__weak BEEPlayer *player = [BEEPlayer playerWithParent:parent];
if (parent.size.height < 500)
player.yScale = 0.25;
player.xScale = 0.25;
player.yScale = 0.35;
player.xScale = 0.35;
[self.objArray addObject:player];
__weak SKLabelNode *weakScoreLabel = pointLabel;
[self.objArray addObject:weakScoreLabel];
- (void) deleteObjectsFromParent
if ([self.objArray count] > 0)
for (SKLabelNode *obj in self.objArray)
[obj removeFromParent];
self.objArray = [NSMutableArray array];
[self.parent resetTimerDelegate];
- (SKLabelNode *) createLabelWithParentScene:(SKScene *)parent keyForName:(NSString *)keyForName
SKLabelNode *label = [SKLabelNode labelNodeWithFontNamed:[[BEESessionHelper sharedInstance] getLocalizedStringForName:@"font_style"]];
label.text = [[BEESessionHelper sharedInstance] getLocalizedStringForName:keyForName];
label.fontSize = 25;
label.fontColor = [SKColor blackColor];
[parent addChild:label];
__weak SKLabelNode *weakLabel = label;
[self.objArray addObject:weakLabel];
return label;
- (void) setLabelNode:(SKLabelNode *)label position:(CGPoint)position
label.position = position;
- (void) handleNewGame:(UITouch *)touch andParentScene:(SKScene *)parent
CGPoint pointScr = [touch locationInNode:parent];
SKNode *nodeTouched = [parent nodeAtPoint:pointScr];
if ([nodeTouched isKindOfClass:[SKLabelNode class]])
SKLabelNode *label = (SKLabelNode *) nodeTouched;
if (label.text == [[BEESessionHelper sharedInstance] getLocalizedStringForName:@"back"])
[self deleteObjectsFromParent];
[[BEEMainView sharedInstance] createMenuWithParentScene:parent];
else if ([nodeTouched isKindOfClass:[BEEBaseObject class]] && == [[BEESessionHelper sharedInstance] getLocalizedStringForName:@"restart"])
[self deleteObjectsFromParent];
[self createNewGameWithParentScene:self.parent];
- (void)didUpdateTimerWithParentScene:(SKScene *)parent
if ([BEESessionHelper sharedInstance].isGameOver || !self.gameHasStarted)
if ([self.monsterArray count] > 4)
[self.objArray removeObject:self.monsterArray[0]];
[self.objArray removeObject:self.monsterArray[1]];
[self.monsterArray removeObjectAtIndex:0];
[self.monsterArray removeObjectAtIndex:0];
NSInteger randCnt = arc4random_uniform(2);
CGFloat y = 0.0;
BEEMonster *objMonster;
for (NSInteger cnt = 0; cnt <= randCnt; cnt++)
y = arc4random() % (NSInteger)(parent.frame.size.height);
if(cnt != 0){
while(objMonster.position.y > y - 50 && objMonster.position.y < y + 50 ){
y = arc4random() % (NSInteger)(parent.frame.size.height);
NSUInteger monsterType = arc4random_uniform(4);
objMonster = [[BEEMonster alloc] initWithImageNamed:@"Monster-Wasp" imageMovableName:@"Monster-Wasp-Move" position:CGPointMake(parent.frame.size.width + 100, y) andParentScene:parent];
objMonster = [[BEEMonster alloc] initWithImageNamed:@"Monster-Spider" imageMovableName:@"Monster-Spider" position:CGPointMake(parent.frame.size.width + 100, y) andParentScene:parent];
objMonster = [[BEEMonster alloc] initWithImageNamed:@"Monster-Bat" imageMovableName:@"Monster-Bat-Move" position:CGPointMake(parent.frame.size.width + 100, y) andParentScene:parent];
objMonster = [[BEEMonster alloc] initWithImageNamed:@"Monster-Bat-2" imageMovableName:@"Monster-Bat-2-Move" position:CGPointMake(parent.frame.size.width + 100, y) andParentScene:parent];
[objMonster setType:(BEE_MONSTER_TYPE)monsterType];
if (parent.size.height < 500)
objMonster.yScale = 0.3;
objMonster.xScale = 0.3;
objMonster.yScale = 0.4;
objMonster.xScale = 0.4;
y = objMonster.position.y + objMonster.frame.size.height / 2 > parent.frame.size.height ? parent.frame.size.height - objMonster.frame.size.height / 2 - 10 : objMonster.position.y;
y = objMonster.position.y - objMonster.frame.size.height / 2 < 0 ? objMonster.frame.size.height / 2 : objMonster.position.y;
objMonster.position = CGPointMake(objMonster.position.x, y);
//calculate your new duration based on the distance
//float moveDuration = 0.001*distance;
//move the node
SKAction *move = [SKAction moveTo:CGPointMake(DEFAULT_X, y) duration: 2.0];
SKAction *removeFromParent = [SKAction removeFromParent];
[objMonster runAction: [SKAction sequence:@[move, removeFromParent]]];
__weak BEEMonster *weakObj1 = objMonster;
[self.objArray addObject:weakObj1];
[self.monsterArray addObject:weakObj1];
- (void)didUpdateTimerDelayWithParentScene:(SKScene *)parent
if ([BEESessionHelper sharedInstance].isGameOver || !self.gameHasStarted)
if (objItem)
[self.objArray removeObject:objItem];
NSInteger randPoint = arc4random_uniform(2);
if (randPoint == 1) {
NSInteger randPoint = arc4random_uniform(4);
CGFloat y = arc4random() % (NSInteger)(parent.frame.size.height);
case 0 :
objItem = [[BEEItem alloc] initWithImageNamed:@"Item-Honey" position:CGPointMake(parent.frame.size.width + 100, y) andParentScene:parent];
objItem.special = YES;
case 1 :
objItem = [[BEEItem alloc] initWithImageNamed:@"Item-GreenFlower" position:CGPointMake(parent.frame.size.width + 100, y) andParentScene:parent];
case 2 :
objItem = [[BEEItem alloc] initWithImageNamed:@"Item-RedFlower" position:CGPointMake(parent.frame.size.width + 100, y) andParentScene:parent];
case 3 :
objItem = [[BEEItem alloc] initWithImageNamed:@"Item-BlueFlower"position:CGPointMake(parent.frame.size.width + 100, y) andParentScene:parent];
if (parent.size.height < 500)
objItem.yScale = 0.3;
objItem.xScale = 0.3;
objItem.yScale = 0.4;
objItem.xScale = 0.4;
y = objItem.position.y + objItem.frame.size.height / 2 > parent.frame.size.height ? parent.frame.size.height - objItem.frame.size.height / 2 - 10 : objItem.position.y;
y = objItem.position.y - objItem.frame.size.height / 2 < 0 ? objItem.frame.size.height / 2 : objItem.position.y;
objItem.position = CGPointMake(objItem.position.x, y);
//calculate your new duration based on the distance
//float moveDuration = 0.001*distance;
//move the node
SKAction *move = [SKAction moveTo:CGPointMake(DEFAULT_X, y) duration: 2.0];
SKAction *removeFromParent = [SKAction removeFromParent];
[objItem runAction: [SKAction sequence:@[move, removeFromParent]]];
__weak BEEItem *weakObj2 = objItem;
[self.objArray addObject:weakObj2];
- (void)didUpdateParentScene:(SKScene *)parent
pointLabel.text = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"%lu",(unsigned long)[BEESessionHelper sharedInstance].userScore];
if([BEESessionHelper sharedInstance].isGameOver)
[self doGameOverWithParent:parent];
- (void) doGameOverWithParent:(SKScene *)parent
for (id obj in self.objArray)
if ([obj isKindOfClass:[BEEBaseObject class]])
BEEBaseObject *baseObj = (BEEBaseObject *)obj;
[baseObj removeFromParent];
BEEBaseObject *restart = [[BEEBaseObject alloc] initWithImageNamed:[[BEESessionHelper sharedInstance] getLocalizedStringForName:@"restart"] position:CGPointMake(CGRectGetMidX(parent.frame),CGRectGetMidY(parent.frame)) andParentScene:parent];
restart.yScale = 0.5;
restart.xScale = 0.5;
__weak BEEBaseObject *weakRestart = restart;
[self.objArray addObject:weakRestart];
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