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Last active November 30, 2015 18:06
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SVG elements supported in Scribus 1.5.x
Category SVG Scribus 1.5 Notes
Shape circle πŸ‘
Shape ellipse πŸ‘
Shape line πŸ‘
Shape path πŸ‘
Shape polygon πŸ‘
Shape polyline πŸ‘
Shape rect πŸ‘
Container a πŸ‘
Container defs πŸ‘
Container glyph
Container g πŸ‘
Container marker
Container mask
Container missing-glyph
Container pattern
Container svg
Container switch πŸ‘
Container symbol πŸ‘
Graphic image πŸ‘
Descriptive desc πŸ‘
Descriptive metadata
Descriptive title πŸ‘
Gradient linearGradient πŸ‘
Gradient radialGradient πŸ‘
Gradient stop
Misc. clipPath πŸ‘
Misc. color-profile
Misc. cursor
Misc. filter
Misc. foreignObject
Misc. script
Misc. style
Misc. view
Font font
Font font-face
Font font-face-format
Font font-face-name
Font font-face-src
Font font-face-uri
Font hkern
Font vkern
Text Content altGlyph
Text Content altGlyphDef
Text Content altGlyphItem
Text Content glyph
Text Content glyphRef
Text Content textPath
Text Content text
Text Content tref
Text Content tspan
Text Content Child altGlyph
Text Content Child textPath
Text Content Child tref
Text Content Child tspan
Light Source feDistantLight
Light Source fePointLight
Light Source feSpotLight
Filter Primitive feBlend
Filter Primitive feColorMatrix
Filter Primitive feComponentTransfer
Filter Primitive feComposite
Filter Primitive feConvolveMatrix
Filter Primitive feDiffuseLighting
Filter Primitive feDisplacementMap
Filter Primitive feFlood
Filter Primitive feFuncA
Filter Primitive feFuncB
Filter Primitive feFuncG
Filter Primitive feFuncR
Filter Primitive feGaussianBlur
Filter Primitive feImage
Filter Primitive feMerge
Filter Primitive feMergeNode
Filter Primitive feMorphology
Filter Primitive feOffset
Filter Primitive feSpecularLighting
Filter Primitive feTile
Filter Primitive feTurbulence
Animation animate ❌
Animation animateColor ❌
Animation animateMotion ❌
Animation animateTransform ❌
Animation mpath ❌
Animation set ❌


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