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UPDATE graffiti_locations
SET the_geom = ST_Transform(
ST_MakePoint(x * 0.3048006096012192, y * 0.3048006096012192),
print('hello world!')
import csv
from requests_html import HTMLSession
class FashionArticleScraper:
def __init__(self, csv_file_path):
self.csv_file_path = csv_file_path
self.base_url = ''
self.headers = {'User-Agent': 'LVNGDBot 1.0'}
<script src=""></script>
label {
font: "Helvetica Neue", Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif;
import nltk
from nltk.tag.stanford import StanfordNERTagger
Named Entity tagging in Python with NLTK and the Stanford NER tagger
PATH_TO_MODEL = '/Users/christina/Projects/stanford_nlp/stanford-ner/classifiers/english.all.3class.distsim.crf.ser.gz'
from __future__ import unicode_literals, print_function
import random
import plac
import pickle
from pathlib import Path
import spacy
from spacy.util import minibatch, compounding
Script to train a custom Named Entity Recognizer with Spacy.
dob_violation_codes = {'B':'Boiler',
'V': 'DOB Violation',
'VP': 'Violation Unserved ECB-Active',
'VP*': 'Violation Unserved ECB-Dismissed',
'BDM': 'Boiler',
'V*': 'DOB Violation Dismissed',
'BMD': 'Boiler',
'V%': 'Precept issued for Unsafe Buildings Violation',
'C': 'Construction' ,
'VAC': 'Vacate',
import requests
import pandas as pd
Script to fetch 50,000 311 noise complaints from NYC Open Data.
Substitute your own API key.
from random import shuffle
import copy
input: grid can be a 2-D matrix of a Sudoku puzzle to solve, or None to generate a new puzzle.
class CocktailSuggester:
def __init__(self, ingredients, ratio=0):
self.ratio = ratio
self.ingredients = self.format_ingredients(ingredients)
#lookup tables and graph
self.cocktails_to_ingredients, self.ingredients_to_cocktails, self.compatible_ingredients = self.get_cocktail_lookups()
self.cocktail_matches = set()
self.partial_cocktails = {}