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High level plan: Change the calculator to a general purpose calculator that splits up input and uses python's builtin math tools.
Take in input
Split input on spaces
Cast first and last parts as Ints
If that doesn't work, return an error
Check for the operator in the middle piece of the input
If it's plus:
Add the first and last parts and return the answer.
If it's minus:
High level plan: convert code to async / await
Reduce the "arrow" appearance of the function
Properly comment it
let my_map = Map()
for (let i = 0; i < my_map.length; i++ {
do something;
for (let key of my_map) {
do something;
my_map = {}
for key, value in my_map:
do something
// test our charity navigator api wrapper
app.get('/charities/test', (req, res) => {
let test = {
result: {},
collection: {},
organization: {}
test.result.query = modules.charityNavigator.test();
test.collection.query = modules.charityNavigator.collection('10', '1', 'fire')
modules.axios.get(modules.charityNavigator.collection('10', '1', 'fire'))
app.get('/charities/test', async (req, res) => {
// our test object that holds the test queries we are going to send
let test = {
result: {},
collection: {},
organization: {}
// build a basic query string to test if we can access the class methods correctly
test.result.query = modules.charityNavigator.test()

Hi Uyen! I've graded your final project and have some feedback for you:

  • good job implementing your Dictogram and Listogram classes and passing all unit tests! had to fix some import statements.
  • good job with your sampling methods in both classes
  • good job implementing a >2nd order Markov chain; code is concise and clear
  • I'm sorry you weren't able to deploy your app to heroku! I was able to deploy your app locally with a few tweaks; I think you just need to generate a new requirements.txt to get it working on heroku.
  • try and add comments that give an overall description of the algorithm you are using or the specific implementation of the data structure; the why and how.
Binary files master/.DS_Store and tiago/.DS_Store differ
Binary files master/cms004/.DS_Store and tiago/cms004/.DS_Store differ
diff -r master/cms004/experimental.json tiago/cms004/experimental.json
< "output_dir_s3": "s3://idseq-samples-development/samples/406/14224/postprocess",
> "output_dir_s3": "s3://idseq-samples-development/samples/407/14227/postprocess",
< "s3_dir": "s3://idseq-samples-development/samples/406/14224/results/3.19"