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Created February 19, 2019 06:01
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import { TestBed } from '@angular/core/testing';
import { TodoListService } from '@app/core/todo-list/todo-list.service';
import { TODOItem } from '@app/shared/models/todo-item';
import { provideMockActions } from '@ngrx/effects/testing';
import { cold, hot } from 'jasmine-marbles';
import { Observable } from 'rxjs';
import { LoadTodoList, TodoItemsLoaded, TodoItemsLoadFailed } from './todo-list.actions';
import { TodoListEffects } from './todo-list.effects';
describe('TodoListEffects', () => {
let actions: Observable<any>;
let effects: TodoListEffects;
let todoListService: jasmine.SpyObj<TodoListService>;
beforeEach(() => {
providers: [
provideMockActions(() => actions),
provide: TodoListService,
useValue: {
getTodos: jasmine.createSpy()
effects = TestBed.get(TodoListEffects);
todoListService = TestBed.get(TodoListService);
describe('loadTodoList', () => {
it('should return a stream with todo list loaded action', () => {
const todoList: TODOItem[] = [{ title: '', id: '1', description: '' }];
const action = new LoadTodoList();
const outcome = new TodoItemsLoaded(todoList);
actions = hot('-a', { a: action });
const response = cold('-a|', { a: todoList });
const expected = cold('--b', { b: outcome });
it('should fail and return an action with the error', () => {
const action = new LoadTodoList();
const error = new Error('some error') as any;
const outcome = new TodoItemsLoadFailed(error);
actions = hot('-a', { a: action });
const response = cold('-#|', {}, error);
const expected = cold('--(b|)', { b: outcome });
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