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Created December 5, 2011 16:12
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class Cl.errors.Error
description: -> "An error has occurred in Cassowary Coffee"
toString: -> @description()
class Cl.errors.ConstraintNotFound extends Cl.errors.Error
description: -> "Tried to remove a constraint never added to the tableau"
class Cl.errors.NonlinearExpression extends Cl.errors.Error
description: -> "The resulting expression would be nonlinear"
class Cl.errors.NotEnoughStays extends Cl.errors.Error
description: -> "There are not enough stays to give specific values to every variable"
class Cl.errors.RequiredFailure extends Cl.errors.Error
description: -> "A required constraint cannot be satisfied"
class Cl.errors.TooDifficult extends Cl.errors.Error
description: -> "The constraints are too difficult to solve"
class Cl.LinearExpression
constructor: (clv, value, constant) ->
@val = clv
@_constant = constant || 0
@_terms = new Hashtable()
if clv instanceof AbstractVariable
@_terms.put clv, value || 1
else if typeof(clv) == "number"
@_constant = clv
initializeFromHash: (@_constant, terms) ->
@_terms = terms.clone()
return this
clone: -> new Cl.LinearExpression().initializeFromHash @_constant, @_terms
multiplyMe: (x) ->
@_constant *= x
@_terms.each (clv, coeff) => @_terms.put clv, coeff*x
return this
times: (x) ->
if typeof(x) == "number"
@clone().multiplyMe x
expr = x
if @isConstant()
expr.times @_constant
else if expr.isConstant()
@times expr._constant
throw new Cl.errors.NonlinearExpression()
plus: (expr) ->
@val + expr
# if expr instanceof LinearExpression
# this.clone().addExpression expr, 1.0
# else if expr instanceof Variable
# this.clone().addVariable expr, 1.0
goog.exportSymbol "LinearExpression", Cl.LinearExpression
goog.exportSymbol "",
set -e
#Clean output folder
rm -rfd $OUT
mkdir $OUT
#Compile CoffeeScript
find src/coffee -name '*.coffee' | xargs cat > out/
vendor/coffee-script/bin/coffee \
--google \
--compile \
--output $OUT \
#Run Closure Compiler
java -jar vendor/closure-compiler.jar \
--js vendor/base.js \
--js vendor/jshashtable.js \
--js $OUT/out.js \
--js_output_file $OUT/compiled.js \
--compilation_level ADVANCED_OPTIMIZATIONS \
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