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lynaghk / gist:1334086
Created November 2, 2011 16:20
Counting occurrences of items in a collection
;;Three ways to count the number of occurrences in a collection
;; ("orange" "bottle" "coke" "bottle") => [("bottle" "coke" "orange") (2 1 1)]
(let [c '("orange" "bottle" "coke" "bottle")]
(let [counts (reduce #(conj %1 (hash-map %2 (inc (get %1 %2 0))))
{} c)]
[(keys counts)
(vals counts)])
lynaghk / gist:1334952
Created November 2, 2011 21:17
<canvas> gradient generator
# print to console for debugging
p = (x) ->
console.log x
# generate HSL object from normalized arguments
hsl = (hue, saturation, lightness) ->
h: hue
s: saturation
l: lightness
$("#marketList tbody.yui-dt-data")
var $r = $(row);
var data = {
"name": $r.find(".yui-dt-col-market").text()
, "sell": parseFloat($r.find(".yui-dt-col-sell").text())
, "buy": parseFloat($r.find(".yui-dt-col-buy").text())
return data;
class Cl.errors.Error
description: -> "An error has occurred in Cassowary Coffee"
toString: -> @description()
class Cl.errors.ConstraintNotFound extends Cl.errors.Error
description: -> "Tried to remove a constraint never added to the tableau"
class Cl.errors.NonlinearExpression extends Cl.errors.Error
description: -> "The resulting expression would be nonlinear"
lynaghk / gist:1551222
Created January 2, 2012 16:06
ClojureScript multimethod namespace reference problem
;;ClojureScript compiler 329708 (2011.12.14)
;;Based on RangeNum protocol by Tassilo Horn:
(ns c2.main
(:refer-clojure :exclude [+])
(:use-macros [c2.util :only [typeof]]))
(defprotocol RangeNumProtocol
lynaghk / main.clj
Created January 6, 2012 15:26
Cassowary constraint solver in ClojureScript
;;Using the Cassowary constraint solver from ClojureScript
;;This demo shows using multimethods for readable constraint syntax using +, -, and =.
;;Output is a row of circles with random radii spaced so that the space between their boundaries is uniform.
(ns c2.main
;;refer-clojure :exclude is currently broken in ClojureScript master
;;Ticket open:
;;Fix applied here:
(:refer-clojure :exclude [+ - =])
lynaghk / gist:2206272
Created March 26, 2012 16:17 — forked from jonase/gist:2205346
A more advanced rule system?
(ns termite.core
(:refer-clojure :exclude [==])
(:use [clojure.core.logic]))
(defn- meta-guard [key]
(println % ":\t" (meta %))
(-> % meta key (= true))))
;;remove anything that has {:clj true} metadata, including on var declarations.
lynaghk / gist:2271894
Created April 1, 2012 06:03
core.logic questions
(def form '(defmacro nom [x] (some (delicious)) forms))
;;this works nicely
(let [x (lvar)
rest (lvar)]
(run* [q]
(== form (llist 'defmacro x rest))
(== q x)))
;;=> (nom)
color: gray
padding-left: 20px
//Add a blue CSS triangle
//could use any kind of icon or sprite in here too, of course
width: 0px
height: 0px
content: ""
position: absolute
lynaghk / gist:2504215
Created April 26, 2012 23:43
Reactive wishlist
;;Sketches of code I want to be able to write in ClojureScript
;; perf consideration (thanks dnolen):