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Lynn lynn

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const tau = 2*Math.PI;
const bpm = 132;
const bps = bpm / 60;
const spb = 1 / bps;
function pos(t) {
const beat = Math.floor(t / spb);
const frac = (t / spb) % 1.0;
import random
def keysmash(alphabet, size):
smash = ["a"] * random.randint(0, 1)
queue = list(alphabet)
for _ in range(size):
lynn /
Created October 5, 2022 19:36
Makes an animated GIF explaining the uxn sprite format
from PIL import Image, ImageDraw
sprite_data = bytes.fromhex('''
00 00 3c 06 1c 06 3c 00 00 7f c3 f9 e3 f9 c3 ff
00 00 68 2c 78 2c 34 00 00 fe ff ff ff ff ff ff
00 01 19 07 0f 1f 07 0f ff ff e7 fb fd fe ff ff
00 80 f0 e0 c0 f0 f8 f8 ff ff ff ff ff ff 7f 7f
0f 0e 0c 00 80 ff ff 7f ff ff ff ff 7f 00 00 00
e8 e0 e0 60 01 ff ff fe 7f ff ff ff fe 00 00 00
lynn / cassini.lean
Created September 24, 2022 22:19
Proof of Cassini's identity in Lean 3
import data.nat.fib
import data.matrix.basic
import data.matrix.notation
import linear_algebra.matrix.determinant
theorem matrix.map_pow {m α β : Type*} [fintype m] [decidable_eq m] [semiring α]
{M : matrix m m α} {n : ℕ} [semiring β] {f : α →+* β} :
(M ^ n).map ⇑f = ( ⇑f) ^ n :=
induction n,
# Discord bot for playing ABC notation music.
# ### Installation
# - Get the dependencies: abc2midi, timidity, ffmpeg, and lame.
# - `pip install`
# - `ACCORD_TOKEN=(your bot token) python3`
# ### Usage
# In any channel where the bot is, say: $play (abc notation)
# The input may be multiple lines long, and may be in a ```code block```.
lynn / PrettyParseError.hs
Last active October 20, 2020 09:29
Pretty ParseErrors for Text.Parsec
module PrettyParseError (
) where
import Data.List (intercalate, nub)
import Text.Parsec
import Text.Parsec.Error
import Text.Parsec.Pos
lynn /
Last active March 19, 2020 15:35
A bitwise-magic fractional part function
/// A "fractional part" function on f32s that does bitwise magic
/// on the representation of its argument.
pub fn frac(f: f32) -> f32 {
/// A "fractional part" function that operates on a signed integer
/// representation of an IEEE single-precision floating point number.
fn _frac(i: u32) -> u32 {
// A floating point number consists of a sign bit,
lynn / mod1.c
Last active March 15, 2020 15:54
#include <stdint.h>
#include <stdio.h>
typedef float f32;
typedef int32_t i32;
f32 mod1(f32 f) {
i32 i = *(i32*)&f;
i32 e = (i >> 23) & 0xff;
i32 m = i & 0x7fffff;
lynn / now-i-am-an-arsonist
Last active February 21, 2024 11:46
"Now I Am An Arsonist" by Jonathan Coulton (feat. Suzanne Vega) chords for soprano ukulele
"Now I Am An Arsonist"
by Jonathan Coulton (feat. Suzanne Vega)
chords for soprano ukulele
Capo on 1st fret, or tune up a semitone to G# C# E# A#.
Pattern 1 (C lydian)
# To use this, you need Python 3.5+ and pip.
# 1. Make a new Discord app with a bot.
# 2. Set environment variable SIMPLEWORDS_TOKEN on your computer to the bot's Token.
# Unix/Mac: export SIMPLEWORDS_TOKEN=MzABCDefghIJKLmnopQRSTuv.EnZ3kg.b5bdD74CKCr3du679hkemGJ7R7N
# PowerShell: $env:SIMPLEWORDS_TOKEN='MzABCDefghIJKLmnopQRSTuv.EnZ3kg.b5bdD74CKCr3du679hkemGJ7R7N'
# 3. Invite the bot to your server: