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Last active October 30, 2023 03:24
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import itertools
import re
import unicodedata
# S T P H * a e m 3
# S K W R * o u q 2 1
# + O E U
onsets = {
"": "",
"PW": "b",
"KR": "c",
"KH": "ch",
"TK": "d",
"TP": "f",
"TKPW": "g",
"H": "h",
"SKWR": "j",
"K": "k",
"HR": "l",
"PH": "m",
"TPH": "n",
"KWR": "nh",
"P": "p",
"R": "r",
"S": "s",
"SH": "sh",
"T": "t",
"W": "ꝡ",
"KW": "z",
vowels = {
"": "a",
"E": "e",
"EU": "ı",
"O": "o",
"U": "u",
tails = {
"": "",
"F": "a",
"R": "o",
"P": "e",
"B": "u",
"FR": "ao",
"PB": "ı",
"FP": "eı",
"RB": "oı",
"FRPB": "aı",
valid_rimes = """
a u ı o e aq uq ıq oq eq am um ım om em
aı ao oı eı
ua ıa oa ea uaq ıaq oaq uam ıam oam eam
ıu eu ıuq euq ıum eum uı uıq uım
uo ıo eo uoq ıoq eoq uom ıom eom
ue ıe oe ueq ıeq oeq uem ıem oem
uaı uao uoı ueı
ıaı ıao ıoı ıeı
oaı oao oeı
eaı eao eoı
def in_tone(s, num):
s = unicodedata.normalize("NFKD", s)
s = re.sub("[\u0300\u0301\u0308\u0302]", "", s)
d = ["", "\u0300", "\u0301", "\u0308", "\u0302"][num]
return unicodedata.normalize(
re.sub("[aeiıou]", lambda m: m[0].replace('ı', 'i' if num > 1 else 'ı') + d, s, count=1, flags=re.I),
def underdot(s):
s = unicodedata.normalize("NFKD", s)
s = re.sub("\u0323", "", s)
return unicodedata.normalize(
lambda m: m[0] + "\u0323",
def to_toaq(stroke):
if "*" in stroke or stroke in ("", "-S", "-SZ", "-Z"):
raise KeyError
m ="(S?T?K?P?W?H?R?)(A?O?[-*]?E?U?)(F?R?P?B?)(L?G?)(T?S?D?Z?)", stroke)
if m:
onset, vowel, tail, extra, tone = m.groups()
if "D" in extra:
raise KeyError
cont = "A" in vowel
vowel = re.sub("[-*A]", "", vowel)
if onset == "" and vowel == "" and tail == "F":
raku = "a"
elif vowel == "" and (len(tail) == 1 or tail == "PB"):
# Something like "Ke" instead of "KE".
raise KeyError
# But we do want to write CF syllables as "Kao, Kae, Kaoeu" etc:
v = "" if vowel == "" and tail else vowels[vowel]
raku = onsets[onset] + v + tails[tail]
if "G" in extra:
raku += "q"
elif "L" in extra:
raku += "m"
elif extra:
raise KeyError
if raku.lstrip("bcdfghjklmnprstꝡz'") not in valid_rimes:
raise KeyError
if tone == "TS":
raku = in_tone(raku, 4)
elif tone == "T":
raku = in_tone(raku, 3)
elif tone == "S":
raku = in_tone(raku, 2)
elif tone == "Z":
raku = in_tone(raku, 1)
elif tone:
raise KeyError
glue = "{^}" if cont else ""
oaomo = "'" if cont and onset == "" else ""
return glue + oaomo + raku
def lookup(key):
if len(key) >= 2:
word = to_toaq(key[0])
for k in key[1:]:
if k == "-S":
word = in_tone(word, 2)
elif k == "-T":
word = in_tone(word, 3)
elif k == "-TS":
word = in_tone(word, 4)
elif k == "-B":
word = underdot(word) + "{^}"
elif "A" in k:
word += to_toaq(k)
raise KeyError
return word
return to_toaq(key[0])
def subsequences(s):
for k in range(0, len(s)+1):
for c in itertools.combinations(s, k):
yield "".join(c)
if __name__ == "__main__":
d = {}
for left in subsequences("STKPWHR"):
for v in subsequences("AO*EU"):
for right in subsequences("FRPBLGTSZ"):
v = v or "-"
stroke = (left + v + right).rstrip("-")
if stroke in d:
print("Duplicate", stroke)
d[stroke] = to_toaq(stroke)
except KeyError:
import json
with open("toaq.json", "w") as f:
f.write(json.dumps(d, ensure_ascii=False, indent=0))
print("Done!", len(d))
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