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Created February 1, 2016 19:49
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Knytt Stories level map renderer
-- Pass this program a world name, and run it from the Knytt Stories root directory:
-- cd "Knytt Stories"
-- ./KnyttStoriesMapper "Nifflas - The Machine"
-- It will create a file called "Nifflas - The Machine.png" containing a map.
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}
import qualified Data.ByteString as B
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as BL
import Control.Applicative
import qualified Data.Array as A
import Data.Array (Array)
import Data.Char
import Data.Either.Unwrap (fromRight)
import Data.List (intercalate)
import Data.Map (Map)
import qualified Data.Map as M
import Data.Word (Word8)
import qualified Codec.Compression.GZip as GZip
import System.IO.Error
import qualified Data.Attoparsec.ByteString as P
import Data.Attoparsec.ByteString (Parser)
import Codec.Picture.Types
import Codec.Picture.Png (decodePng, writePng)
import qualified Vision.Primitive as Im
import qualified Vision.Image.Type as Im
import qualified Vision.Image.Class as Im
import Vision.Primitive (Z(..), (:.)(..))
import Vision.Image.Transform (crop)
import Vision.Image.RGBA.Type (RGBA, RGBAPixel(..))
import Vision.Image.JuicyPixels (toFridayRGBA, toJuicyRGBA)
import System.Environment
import qualified Data.Vector.Storable as V
-- Types
data ResourceType = Gradient | Tileset
type WorldName = String
type GradientArray = Array Word8 RGBA
type TilesetArray = Array Word8 RGBA
type SpriteMap = Map (Word8, Word8) RGBA
data Resources = Resources GradientArray TilesetArray SpriteMap
data LayerData
= TileLayer (Array (Int, Int) Word8)
| SpriteLayer (Array (Int, Int) (Word8, Word8)) deriving (Show)
-- Layers, tileset A, tileset B, background.
data MapData =
MapData [LayerData] Word8 Word8 Word8 deriving (Show)
type LevelData = Map (Int, Int) MapData
-- Constants
mapWidth, mapHeight :: Int
mapWidth = 25
mapHeight = 10
tileWidth, tileHeight :: Int
tileWidth = 24
tileHeight = 24
tilesPerTilesetRow :: Int
tilesPerTilesetRow = 16
tileSize :: Im.Size
tileSize = Im.ix2 tileHeight tileWidth
layerWidth :: Int
layerWidth = mapWidth * tileWidth
layerHeight :: Int
layerHeight = mapHeight * tileHeight
layerSize :: Im.Size
layerSize = Im.ix2 layerHeight layerWidth
-- File I/O
joinPath :: [String] -> String
joinPath = intercalate "\\"
resourceDirectoryName :: ResourceType -> String
resourceDirectoryName Gradient = "Gradients"
resourceDirectoryName Tileset = "Tilesets"
resourcePrefix :: ResourceType -> String
resourcePrefix Gradient = "Gradient"
resourcePrefix Tileset = "Tileset"
resourceName :: ResourceType -> Int -> String
resourceName r num =
resourcePrefix r ++ show num ++ ".png"
globalResourcePath :: ResourceType -> Int -> String
globalResourcePath r num =
joinPath ["Data", resourceDirectoryName r, resourceName r num]
localResourcePath :: WorldName -> ResourceType -> Int -> String
localResourcePath worldName r num =
joinPath ["Worlds", worldName, resourceDirectoryName r, resourceName r num]
mapBinPath :: WorldName -> String
mapBinPath worldName =
joinPath ["Worlds", worldName, "Map.bin"]
catchNotFound :: IO a -> IO a -> IO a
catchNotFound x y =
catchIOError x (\e -> if isDoesNotExistError e then y else ioError e)
readPng :: B.ByteString -> RGBA
readPng bs = case decodePng bs of
Right (ImageRGBA8 im) -> toFridayRGBA im
Right (ImageRGB8 im) -> toFridayRGBA (promoteImage im)
Right _ -> error "invalid PNG format"
Left _ -> error "invalid resource"
loadResource :: WorldName -> ResourceType -> Int -> IO RGBA
loadResource worldName r num = do
-- First, try reading a local file. If that fails (the file isn't found),
-- read a global file instead.
let localPath = localResourcePath worldName r num
let globalPath = globalResourcePath r num
bs <- B.readFile localPath `catchNotFound` B.readFile globalPath
return (readPng bs)
loadResourceArray :: WorldName -> ResourceType -> IO (Array Word8 RGBA)
loadResourceArray worldName r = do
resources <- mapM (loadResource worldName r) [0..255]
return (A.listArray (0, 255) resources)
spritePath :: (Word8, Word8) -> String
spritePath (b, n) =
joinPath ["Data", "Objects", "Bank" ++ show b, "Object" ++ show n ++ ".png"]
loadSprite :: (Word8, Word8) -> IO (Maybe ((Word8, Word8), RGBA))
loadSprite (b, n) = do
io <- tryIOError $ B.readFile (spritePath (b, n))
case io of
Right bs -> return $ Just ((b, n), magentaTransparent $ readPng bs)
Left e -> if isDoesNotExistError e then return Nothing else ioError e
loadSpriteMap :: IO SpriteMap
loadSpriteMap = do
ss <- mapM loadSprite [(b, n) | b <- [0..18], n <- [1..50]]
return $ M.fromList [(k, v) | Just (k, v) <- ss]
loadRawLevelData :: WorldName -> IO BL.ByteString
loadRawLevelData worldName = do
GZip.decompress <$> BL.readFile (mapBinPath worldName)
-- Parsing level data
pDigit :: Parser Word8
pDigit = P.satisfy (\w -> w >= 48 && w < 58)
pInt :: Parser Int
pInt = read . map (chr . fromEnum) <$> P.many1 pDigit
pTileLayer :: Parser LayerData
pTileLayer = do
ws <- P.count (mapWidth * mapHeight) P.anyWord8
return $ TileLayer $ A.listArray ((0, 0), (mapHeight-1, mapWidth-1)) ws
pSpriteLayer :: Parser LayerData
pSpriteLayer = do
hi <- P.count (mapWidth * mapHeight) P.anyWord8
lo <- P.count (mapWidth * mapHeight) P.anyWord8
return $ SpriteLayer $ A.listArray ((0, 0), (mapHeight-1, mapWidth-1)) (zip lo hi)
pMapData :: Parser MapData
pMapData = do
tileLayers <- P.count 4 pTileLayer
spriteLayers <- P.count 4 pSpriteLayer
tB <- P.anyWord8
tA <- P.anyWord8
_ <- P.count 3 P.anyWord8
bg <- P.anyWord8
return $ MapData (tileLayers ++ spriteLayers) tA tB bg
pMapDataPair :: Parser ((Int, Int), MapData)
pMapDataPair = do
_ <- P.string "x"; x <- pInt
_ <- P.string "y"; y <- pInt
_ <- P.string "\NUL"
_ <- P.count 4 P.anyWord8
m <- pMapData
return ((y, x), m)
pLevelData :: Parser LevelData
pLevelData = M.fromList <$> many pMapDataPair
loadLevelData :: WorldName -> IO LevelData
loadLevelData w = do
d <- BL.toStrict <$> loadRawLevelData w
return $ fromRight $ P.parseOnly pLevelData d
-- Image helpers
-- Wrap an image to a given size.
wrap :: Im.Size -> RGBA -> RGBA
wrap s im =
let Z :. h :. w = Im.manifestSize im
in Im.fromFunction s $ \(Z :. y :. x) -> im Im.! Im.ix2 (y `mod` h) (x `mod` w)
-- Map a Word8 in [0, 255] to a Double in [0, 1].
w2f :: Word8 -> Double
w2f = (/255) . fromIntegral . fromEnum
-- Map a Double in [0, 1] to a Word8 in [0, 255].
f2w :: Double -> Word8
f2w = toEnum . round . (*255)
-- Compose two images into one. `bottom` is wrapped to `top`'s size.
compose :: RGBA -> RGBA -> RGBA
compose bottom top =
let newSize = Im.manifestSize top
bottom' = wrap newSize bottom
in Im.fromFunction newSize $ \p ->
let RGBAPixel rB gB bB aB = bottom' Im.! p
RGBAPixel rT gT bT aT = top Im.! p
aB' = w2f aB; aT' = w2f aT
ovl :: Double -> Double -> Double
ovl cB cT = (cT * aT' + cB * aB' * (1.0 - aT')) / (aT' + aB' * (1.0 - aT'))
(~*~) :: Word8 -> Word8 -> Word8
cB ~*~ cT = f2w $ w2f cB `ovl` w2f cT
aO = f2w (aT' + aB' * (1.0 - aT'))
in RGBAPixel (rB ~*~ rT) (gB ~*~ gT) (bB ~*~ bT) aO
-- Make a collage out of an array of images, all of which are assumed to
-- have the same size.
collage :: Array (Int, Int) RGBA -> RGBA
collage arr =
let ((yMin, xMin), (yMax, xMax)) = A.bounds arr
Z :. height :. width = Im.manifestSize (arr A.! (yMin, xMin))
newSize = Im.ix2 ((yMax - yMin + 1) * height) ((xMax - xMin + 1) * width)
in Im.fromFunction newSize $ \(Z :. y :. x) ->
let (qY, rY) = divMod y height
(qX, rX) = divMod x width
in (arr A.! (qY + yMin, qX + xMin)) Im.! Im.ix2 rY rX
-- A blank image of the given size.
blankImg :: Im.Size -> RGBA
blankImg s@(Z :. h :. w) = Im.Manifest s (V.replicate (h * w) (RGBAPixel 0 0 0 0))
-- Make magenta transparent in the given image.
magentaTransparent :: RGBA -> RGBA
magentaTransparent = $ \input@(RGBAPixel r g b _) ->
if (r, g, b) == (0xFF, 0x00, 0xFF)
then RGBAPixel 0 0 0 0
else input
-- Drawing maps
-- A blank tile image.
blankTile :: RGBA
blankTile = blankImg tileSize
-- A blank layer image.
blankLayer :: RGBA
blankLayer = blankImg layerSize
-- Crop a tile (0-127) from a tileset.
getTile :: RGBA -> Word8 -> RGBA
getTile _ 0 = blankTile
getTile tileset i =
let (y, x) = divMod (fromEnum i) tilesPerTilesetRow
(w, h) = (tileWidth, tileHeight)
in crop (Im.Rect (x * w) (y * h) w h) tileset
-- Select a tile (0-255) from one of two tilesets (A and B).
drawTile :: RGBA -> RGBA -> Word8 -> RGBA
drawTile tA tB i =
let (q, r) = divMod i 128
in getTile (if q == 1 then tA else tB) r
-- Draw a sprite with the given (bank, number).
drawSprite :: SpriteMap -> (Word8, Word8) -> RGBA
drawSprite _ (0, 0) = blankTile
drawSprite ss x =
case M.lookup x ss of
Just im -> wrap tileSize im
Nothing -> blankTile
-- Draw a layer, given two tilesets and a sprite map.
drawLayer :: RGBA -> RGBA -> SpriteMap -> LayerData -> RGBA
drawLayer _ _ ss (SpriteLayer arr) =
collage $ fmap (drawSprite ss) arr
drawLayer tA tB _ (TileLayer arr) =
collage $ fmap (drawTile tA tB) arr
-- Draw a map by composing layers onto a background image.
drawMap :: Resources -> MapData -> RGBA
drawMap (Resources gs ts ss) (MapData layers tA tB bg) =
let bgImg = wrap (Im.ix2 240 600) (gs A.! bg)
layerImgs = map (drawLayer (ts A.! tA) (ts A.! tB) ss) layers
in foldl compose bgImg layerImgs
-- Draw a level by making a collage of all maps in it.
drawLevel :: Resources -> LevelData -> RGBA
drawLevel res lvl =
let (ys, xs) = unzip (M.keys lvl)
bounds = ((minimum ys, minimum xs), (maximum ys, maximum xs))
arr = A.listArray bounds (repeat Nothing) A.// M.assocs (Just <$> lvl)
drawMap' Nothing = blankLayer
drawMap' (Just m) = drawMap res m
in collage $ fmap drawMap' arr
-- Main
logItems :: LevelData -> (Word8, Word8) -> String -> IO ()
logItems lvl spr name = do
putStrLn (name ++ " at:")
flip mapM_ (M.assocs lvl) $ \((y, x), MapData ls _ _ _) -> do
if spr `elem` concat [A.elems layer | SpriteLayer layer <- ls] && y >= 1015 then
putStrLn ("x" ++ show x ++ "y" ++ show y)
return ()
putStrLn ""
logAllItems :: LevelData -> IO ()
logAllItems level = do
logItems level (0, 4) "Climb Powerups"
logItems level (0, 5) "Double Jump Powerups"
logItems level (0, 6) "High Jump Powerups"
logItems level (0, 9) "Umbrellas"
logItems level (0, 10) "Holograms"
logItems level (0, 21) "Red Keys"
logItems level (0, 22) "Yellow Keys"
logItems level (0, 23) "Blue Keys"
logItems level (0, 24) "Purple Keys"
renderWorld :: WorldName -> IO ()
renderWorld worldName = do
level <- loadLevelData worldName
logAllItems level
gs <- loadResourceArray worldName Gradient
ts <- loadResourceArray worldName Tileset
sm <- loadSpriteMap
putStrLn "Drawing map..."
let img = drawLevel (Resources gs ts sm) level
writePng (worldName ++ ".png") (toJuicyRGBA img)
main :: IO ()
main = getArgs >>= renderWorld . head
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