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make animated GIFs out of vim commands!
#!/usr/bin/env python3
r"""vimanim - make animated GIFs out of vim commands!
vimanim <code> <output.gif> [<input>] [options]
<code> should contain the exact bytes to feed to vim.
This means: raw newlines for <Enter>, raw \x1b bytes for <Esc>, etc.
Some UTF-8 codepoints have special meaning, though:
「 switches to "fast" frames (default: 200ms)
」 switches to "slow" frames (default: 800ms)
・ inserts a "pause" frame where no keypress is drawn.
<output.gif> is where to save the generated animation.
<input> is, optionally, a file to open for editing in the vim session.
-c, --columns N set terminal width to N columns [default: 80]
-l, --lines N set terminal height to N lines [default: 24]
-f, --font-path FILE set the font to FILE [default: DroidSansMono.ttf]
-s, --font-size N set font size to N pixels [default: 16]
--long-delay N set the delay between "slow" frames to N milliseconds [default: 800]
--short-delay N set the delay between "fast" frames to N milliseconds [default: 200]
from docopt import docopt
from PIL import Image, ImageDraw, ImageFont
import pexpect
import pyte
import sys
def keyname(s):
if len(s) > 1 or ' ' < s <= '~':
return s
if s == ' ':
return 'Space'
if s == '\x1b':
return 'Esc'
if s == '\n':
return 'Enter'
if '\0' <= s < ' ':
return '^' + chr(ord(s) + 64)
def to_rgb(color_name, bold, default):
palette = {
'black': [(0x00, 0x00, 0x00), (0x55, 0x55, 0x55)],
'blue': [(0x00, 0x00, 0xAA), (0x55, 0x55, 0xFF)],
'green': [(0x00, 0xAA, 0x00), (0x55, 0xFF, 0x55)],
'cyan': [(0x00, 0xAA, 0xAA), (0x55, 0xFF, 0xFF)],
'red': [(0xAA, 0x00, 0x00), (0xFF, 0x55, 0x55)],
'magenta': [(0xAA, 0x00, 0xAA), (0xFF, 0x55, 0xFF)],
'yellow': [(0xAA, 0x55, 0x00), (0xFF, 0xFF, 0x55)],
'white': [(0xAA, 0xAA, 0xAA), (0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF)],
'default': [(0xAA, 0xAA, 0xAA), (0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF)],
if color_name == 'default':
color_name = default
if color_name in palette:
return palette[color_name][bold]
r = int(color_name[0:2], 16)
g = int(color_name[2:4], 16)
b = int(color_name[4:6], 16)
return (r, g, b)
def render_screen(screen, font, popup=None):
# Measure an at sign.
char_width, char_height = font.getsize('@')
char_height = int(1.2 * char_height)
# Make a canvas.
image_width = screen.columns * char_width
image_height = screen.lines * char_height
image ='RGB', (image_width, image_height))
draw = ImageDraw.Draw(image)
# Draw backgrounds.
for y in range(screen.lines):
for x in range(screen.columns):
char = screen.buffer[y][x]
position = (x * char_width, y * char_height)
bottom_right = ((x+1) * char_width, (y+1) * char_height)
reverse = char.reverse ^ ((x, y) == (screen.cursor.x, screen.cursor.y))
color = to_rgb(char.fg if reverse else, False, 'white' if reverse else 'black')
draw.rectangle(position + bottom_right, fill=color + (255,))
# Draw foregrounds.
for y in range(screen.lines):
for x in range(screen.columns):
char = screen.buffer[y][x]
position = (x * char_width, y * char_height)
reverse = char.reverse ^ ((x, y) == (screen.cursor.x, screen.cursor.y))
default_color = 'black' if reverse or == 'white' else 'white'
color = to_rgb( if reverse else char.fg, char.bold, default_color)
draw.text(position,, font=font, fill=color + (255,))
# Draw the popup rectangle and its contents.
if popup:
x = (screen.cursor.x + 1) * char_width + 4
y = (screen.cursor.y + 1) * char_height + 4
w = char_width * len(popup)
h = char_height
my = 1
mx = 5
draw.rectangle((x-2, y-2, x+mx+w+mx+2, y+my+h+my+2), fill=(255,255,255))
draw.rectangle((x, y, x+mx+w+mx, y+my+h+my), fill=(255,180,100))
draw.text((x+mx, y+my), popup, font=font, fill=(0,0,60,255))
return image
def vimanim(code, input_filename, output_filename, font_path, font_size, columns, lines, long_delay, short_delay):
# Load the specified font.
font = ImageFont.truetype(font_path, font_size)
# Launch vim.
screen = pyte.Screen(columns, lines)
stream = pyte.ByteStream(screen)
child = pexpect.spawn('vim', ['-n', '-u', 'NONE'] + ([input_filename] if input_filename else []))
child.setwinsize(lines, columns)
delay = long_delay
# Render first frame.
child.expect(pexpect.TIMEOUT, timeout=0.1)
frames = [render_screen(screen, font)]
durations = [delay * 2]
# Render a frame for each keystroke.
for c in code:
if c == '「':
delay = short_delay
elif c == '」':
delay = long_delay
elif c == '・':
frames.append(render_screen(screen, font))
child.expect(pexpect.TIMEOUT, timeout=0.1)
frames.append(render_screen(screen, font, keyname(c)))
# Render last frame.
frames.append(render_screen(screen, font))
durations.append(delay * 3)
# Save image.
frames = [frame.convert('P', dither=Image.NONE) for frame in frames]
frames[0].save(output_filename, save_all=True, append_images=frames[1:],
duration=durations, loop=0)
if __name__ == '__main__':
arguments = docopt(__doc__, version='1.0.0')
with open(arguments['<code>']) as f: code =
problem_input = arguments['<input>']
output_filename = arguments['<output.gif>']
font_path = arguments['--font-path']
font_size = int(arguments['--font-size'])
columns = int(arguments['--columns'])
lines = int(arguments['--lines'])
long_delay = int(arguments['--long-delay'])
short_delay = int(arguments['--short-delay'])
vimanim(code, problem_input, output_filename, font_path, font_size, columns, lines, long_delay, short_delay)
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