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Created May 28, 2015 18:25
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import std.stdio;
import std.algorithm;
mixin template VarDecl(T, alias string VarName) {
mixin (`private T `~VarName~`;`);
mixin (`T get_`~VarName~`() { return this.`~VarName~`; }`);
mixin (`void set_`~VarName~`(T value) { this.`~VarName~` = value; }`);
class Klass {
mixin VarDecl!(int, "age");
mixin VarDecl!(int, "height");
mixin VarDecl!(string, "name");
int main() {
auto k = new Klass;
auto age = k.get_age();
printf("%d\n", k.get_age());
return 0;
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