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Mario Álvarez Picallo m-alvarez

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module type Iter = sig
type 'a coll
type 'a t
val iter : 'a coll -> 'a t
val next : 'a t -> ('a * 'a t) option
module IterLemmas(I : Iter) = struct
let fold (x: 'a) (f: 'a -> 'b -> 'a) (coll: 'b I.coll) =
-- type-in-type is unlikely to be necessary, but it does make my life easier.
{-# OPTIONS --type-in-type #-}
module Scott where
open import Function
open import Relation.Binary.PropositionalEquality
open ≡-Reasoning
open import Data.Product
open import Data.Sum
exception Found_element of int
let find_first (p : int -> bool) (s : int Stream.t) =
try (
Stream.iter (fun elt -> if p elt then raise (Found_element elt)) s;
Found_element elt -> Some elt
package starfighter.types
sealed abstract class TList
sealed class TNil extends TList
sealed class TCons[A, B <: TList] extends TList
object TList {
type L[A] = TCons[A, TNil]
type ::[A, B <: TList] = TCons[A, B]
import std.stdio;
import std.algorithm;
mixin template VarDecl(T, alias string VarName) {
mixin (`private T `~VarName~`;`);
mixin (`T get_`~VarName~`() { return this.`~VarName~`; }`);
mixin (`void set_`~VarName~`(T value) { this.`~VarName~` = value; }`);
class Klass {
m-alvarez / gist:9b81383e15633c542582
Created April 23, 2015 02:42
Checking for balanced parentheses
validParentheses = (== 1) . foldl (flip ($)) 1 . map (\case { '(' -> (* 2); ')' -> (`div` 2) })
(* Dimensional analysis in OCaml, using only Hindley-Milner
with variance annotations!
The technique for representing typelevel integers that we use
here is from the talk "Many Holes in Hindley-Milner", by
Sam Lindley ( *)
(* This type needs to be covariant so we can
generalize one : ('_a, '_a suc) int to ('a, 'a suc) int *)
(* It is also necessary to make it concrete so we don't
allow circular types such as ( 'a suc as 'a, 'a ) int *)
module type Type = sig
module type T
module Equality = (struct
module Eq(Typ:Type)(X:Typ.T)(Y:Typ.T) = struct
module type T = sig end
module Eq_refl(Typ:Type)(X:Typ.T) = (struct
m-alvarez / C++TypeLevel.cpp
Created November 13, 2013 13:58
Some C++ type-level fun
#include <vector>
#include <iostream>
template<typename T, int i>
struct Conditional {
typedef T Type;
template<typename T>
struct Conditional<T, 0>;
m-alvarez / gist:7089999
Created October 21, 2013 20:03
rustc error log
convert: item __std_macros with id 4 rp None
convert: item SearchEngine with id 6 rp None
write_ty_to_tcx(6, SearchEngine)
write_ty_to_tcx(7, std::hashmap::HashMap<~str,~str>)
convert: item __extensions__ with id 16 rp None
write_ty_to_tcx(16, SearchEngine)
write_ty_to_tcx(65, extern "Rust" fn() -> ~std::iter::Iterator<std::send_str::SendStr><no-bounds>)
convert: item main with id 67 rp None