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Last active June 27, 2019 08:21
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(* Dimensional analysis in OCaml, using only Hindley-Milner
with variance annotations!
The technique for representing typelevel integers that we use
here is from the talk "Many Holes in Hindley-Milner", by
Sam Lindley ( *)
(* This type needs to be covariant so we can
generalize one : ('_a, '_a suc) int to ('a, 'a suc) int *)
(* It is also necessary to make it concrete so we don't
allow circular types such as ( 'a suc as 'a, 'a ) int *)
type +'a suc = 'a * 'a
(* not necessary, but illustrates the general principle of what we're doing *)
type ('a, 'b) int = unit
let zero : ('a, 'a) int = ()
let inc : ('a, 'b) int -> ('a, 'b suc) int = fun x -> x
let add : ('a, 'b) int -> ('b, 'c) int -> ('a, 'c) int = fun x y -> ()
let sub : ('a, 'b) int -> ('c, 'b) int -> ('a, 'c) int = fun x y -> ()
module Dim :
(* This also needs to be covariant *)
type (+'a, +'b, +'c, +'d) dim
val (+) : ('a, 'b, 'c, 'd) dim
-> ('a, 'b, 'c, 'd) dim
-> ('a, 'b, 'c, 'd) dim
val (-) : ('a, 'b, 'c, 'd) dim
-> ('a, 'b, 'c, 'd) dim
-> ('a, 'b, 'c, 'd) dim
val ( * ) : ('a0, 'b0, 'c0, 'd0) dim
-> ('b0, 'b1, 'd0, 'd1) dim
-> ('a0, 'b1, 'c0, 'd1) dim
val ( / ) : ('a0, 'b0, 'c0, 'd0) dim
-> ('a1, 'b0, 'c1, 'd0) dim
-> ('a0, 'a1, 'c0, 'c1) dim
val meters : float -> ('a, 'a suc, 'b, 'b) dim
val seconds : float -> ('a, 'a, 'b, 'b suc) dim
end = struct
type ('a, 'b, 'c, 'd) dim = float
let (+) = (+.)
let (-) = (-.)
let ( * ) = ( *.)
let (/) = (/.)
let meters x = x
let seconds x = x
module Test = struct
open Dim
let z = zero
let test = meters 1.
let x = seconds 1. * meters 1.
(* This does not typecheck *)
(* let y = x + seconds 1. *)
(* This does *)
let y = x + seconds 1. * meters 1.
(* Also this *)
let z = y / seconds 1. + meters 1.
(* And this *)
let h = y * meters 1. / meters 1. + seconds 1. * meters 1.
(* But not this! *)
(* let h' = h - meters 1. / seconds 1. *)
(* Working as expected *)
let test =
let x = meters 2. in
let y = x * x in
let () =
let x = meters 1. in
let y = meters 2. in
let w = x * y in
let z = x + y in
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