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Last active November 9, 2016 22:14
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# Update Gitlab CE 8.5 to CE 8.13.3 on Karoshi-Server.
# More info at:
# - Format echo statements in HTML5 style
# - Change the backup directory to the correct place
# 05/11/2016 (DD/MM/YYYY)
SERVERNAME=$(hostname -f)
if [ -f "/opt/karoshi/server_network/servers/${SERVERNAME}/gitlab" ]; then
source /opt/karoshi/serversetup/variables/distro
echo "Updating Gitlab CE 8.5 (trusty) to Gitlab CE 8.13.3-ce.0 (xenial)"
echo "Stopping Gitlab."
echo "Backing up /etc/gitlab (config and secrets)"
#TODO: Suitable backup dir
[ -d "/home/gitlab_backup" ] || mkdir -p "/home/gitlab_backup"
[ -d "/home/gitlab_backup/etc/gitlab" ] || mkdir -p "/home/gitlab_backup/etc/gitlab"
[ -d "/home/gitlab_backup/home/gitlab" ] || mkdir -p "/home/gitlab_backup/home/gitlab"
cp -r /etc/gitlab /home/gitlab_backup/etc/gitlab #TODO: Suitable backup dir
echo "Backing up /home/gitlab (user repos and data)"
cp -r /home/gitlab /home/gitlab_backup/home/gitlab #TODO: Suitable backup dir
echo "Removing existing Gitlab installation."
rm -rf /opt/gitlab
# Download Gitlab
# MD5sum: 8614aa27c0ff83ac209538a5bb762412
[ -d "/opt/karoshi/.tempdata/gitlab_temp" ] && rm -r "/opt/karoshi/.tempdata/gitlab_temp"
mkdir /opt/karoshi/.tempdata/gitlab_temp
[ ! -f /opt/karoshi/serversetup/modules/gitlab/gitlab.deb ] && echo -e "" >> /opt/karoshi/serversetup/modules/gitlab/gitlab.deb
checksum=$(md5sum "/opt/karoshi/serversetup/modules/gitlab/gitlab.deb" | cut -d ' ' -f 1)
if [ "$checksum" != "8614aa27c0ff83ac209538a5bb762412" ]; then
# The package does not exit and/or it is not valid
# Download Gitlab-CE 8.13.3-ce.0 (Omnibus, Ubuntu Xenial amd64) Package from
rm -f /opt/karoshi/serversetup/modules/gitlab/gitlab.deb
echo '<ul><li>'$"Downloading Gitlab package from"'</li></ul>'
echo '<div style="height: 180px;width:70%;font-size: 100%;overflow:scroll;"><pre style="font-size: 10pt; font-family:Arial, Times, Georgia, serif">'
wget --progress=dot:mega --timeout=10 -O /opt/karoshi/serversetup/modules/gitlab/gitlab.deb $WGET_URL 2>&1
echo "</pre></div>"
if [ $wgetOut != 0 ]; then
#We failed so bail out.
echo '<ul><li>'$"There was a problem downloading the archive."'</li></ul>'
sleep 5
exit 101
# Verify that the file is complete and that the correct file was downloaded
checksum=$(md5sum "/opt/karoshi/serversetup/modules/gitlab/gitlab.deb" | cut -d ' ' -f 1)
if [ "$checksum" != "8614aa27c0ff83ac209538a5bb762412" ]; then
echo '<ul><li>'$"There was a problem verifying the downloaded archive."'</li></ul>'
sleep 5
exit 101
echo '<ul><li>'$"Downloaded archive verified!"'</li></ul>'
echo '<ul><li>'$"Existing .deb archive validated, skipping download."'</li></ul>'
# Extract Gitlab
cd /opt/karoshi/.tempdata/
echo '<ul><li>'$"Extracting Gitlab"'</li></ul>'
dpkg -x /opt/karoshi/serversetup/modules/gitlab/gitlab.deb /opt/karoshi/.tempdata/gitlab_temp 1>/dev/null 2>/dev/null
# Copy files into place
echo '<ul><li>'$"Copying Gitlab files into place - This may take a while"'</li></ul>'
echo '<div style="height: 180px;width:70%;font-size: 100%;overflow:scroll;"><pre style="font-size: 10pt; font-family:Arial, Times, Georgia, serif">'
rsync -a --no-i-r --info=progress2 /opt/karoshi/.tempdata/gitlab_temp/opt/gitlab /opt/
# Symlink gitlab-ctl
/opt/gitlab/embedded/bin/symlink_ctl_cmds /opt/gitlab
# Delete temp extracted files (they total ~1GB)
rm -rf /opt/karoshi/.tempdata/gitlab_temp
echo '</pre></div>'
echo '<ul><li>'$"Reconfiguring and restarting Gitlab - This may take a while."'</li></ul>'
echo '<div style="height: 180px;width:70%;font-size: 100%;overflow:scroll;"><pre style="font-size: 10pt; font-family:Arial, Times, Georgia, serif">'
gitlab-ctl reconfigure
# Restart gitlab
/opt/karoshi/serversetup/distro/$DISTROCHOICE/scripts/control_services/gitlab_stop 1>/dev/null
/opt/karoshi/serversetup/distro/$DISTROCHOICE/scripts/control_services/gitlab_start 1>/dev/null
echo '</pre></div>'
echo "Gitlab has been updated and restarted, all exisitng configurations and user data should still be in place."
echo "Backups of Gitlab data have been made at: /home/gitlab_backup" #TODO: Suitable backup dir
echo "Gitlab could not be found on this server, skipping patch."
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