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Created December 19, 2012 23:36
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A ClojureScript usable version of pipe that will return a seq and a function to add elements to the end of the pipe. I found it here: and just wanted to have a copy I could find
(defn pipe
"Returns a pair: a seq (the read end) and a function (the write end).
The function can takes either no arguments to close the pipe
or one argument which is appended to the seq. Read is blocking."
(let [promises (atom (repeatedly promise))
p (second @promises)]
[(lazy-seq @p)
([] ;close the pipe
(let [[a] (swap! promises #(vector (second %)))]
(if a
(deliver a nil)
(throw (Exception. "Pipe already closed")))))
([x] ;enqueue x
(let [[a b] (swap! promises next)]
(if (and a b)
(deliver a (cons x (lazy-seq @b)))
(throw (Exception. "Pipe already closed"))))))]))
;;Beware of not printing the seq while the pipe is still open!
(let [[q f] (pipe)]
(future (doseq [x q] (println x)) (println "that's all folks!"))
(doseq [x (range 10)]
(f x))
(f)) ;close the pipe
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