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#!/bin/bash | |
########################################################################### | |
# Choose your ffmpeg version and your currently-installed iOS SDK version: | |
# | |
VERSION="2.0.2" | |
SDKVERSION="7.0" | |
ARCHS="armv7 armv7s i386" | |
# | |
# | |
########################################################################### | |
# | |
# Don't change anything under this line! | |
# | |
########################################################################### | |
DEVELOPER=`xcode-select -print-path` | |
cd "`dirname \"$0\"`" | |
REPOROOT=$(pwd) | |
# Where we'll end up storing things in the end | |
OUTPUTDIR="${REPOROOT}/dependencies" | |
mkdir -p ${OUTPUTDIR}/include | |
mkdir -p ${OUTPUTDIR}/lib | |
mkdir -p ${OUTPUTDIR}/bin | |
BUILDDIR="${REPOROOT}/build" | |
mkdir -p $BUILDDIR | |
# where we will keep our sources and build from. | |
SRCDIR="${BUILDDIR}/src" | |
mkdir -p $SRCDIR | |
# where we will store intermediary builds | |
INTERDIR="${BUILDDIR}/built" | |
mkdir -p $INTERDIR | |
######################################## | |
cd $SRCDIR | |
# Exit the script if an error happens | |
set -e | |
if [ ! -e "${SRCDIR}/ffmpeg-${VERSION}.tar.bz2" ]; then | |
echo "Downloading ffmpeg-${VERSION}.tar.bz2" | |
curl -LO http://ffmpeg.org/releases/ffmpeg-${VERSION}.tar.bz2 | |
else | |
echo "Using ffmpeg-${VERSION}.tar.bz2" | |
fi | |
tar jxf ffmpeg-${VERSION}.tar.bz2 -C $SRCDIR | |
cd "${SRCDIR}/ffmpeg-${VERSION}" | |
set +e # don't bail out of bash script if ccache doesn't exist | |
CCACHE=`which ccache` | |
if [ $? == "0" ]; then | |
echo "Building with ccache: $CCACHE" | |
else | |
echo "Building without ccache" | |
CCACHE="" | |
fi | |
set -e # back to regular "bail out on error" mode | |
for ARCH in ${ARCHS} | |
do | |
if [ "${ARCH}" == "i386" ]; | |
then | |
PLATFORM="iPhoneSimulator" | |
EXTRA_CONFIG="--arch=i386 --disable-asm --enable-cross-compile --target-os=darwin --cpu=i386" | |
EXTRA_CFLAGS="-arch i386" | |
EXTRA_LDFLAGS="-I${DEVELOPER}/Platforms/${PLATFORM}.platform/Developer/SDKs/${PLATFORM}${SDKVERSION}.sdk/usr/lib -mfpu=neon" | |
else | |
PLATFORM="iPhoneOS" | |
EXTRA_CONFIG="--arch=arm --target-os=darwin --enable-cross-compile --cpu=cortex-a9 --disable-armv5te" | |
EXTRA_CFLAGS="-w -arch ${ARCH} -mfpu=neon" | |
EXTRA_LDFLAGS="-mfpu=neon" | |
fi | |
mkdir -p "${INTERDIR}/${ARCH}" | |
./configure --prefix="${INTERDIR}/${ARCH}" --disable-ffmpeg --disable-ffplay --disable-ffprobe --disable-ffserver --disable-iconv --disable-bzlib --enable-avresample --sysroot="${DEVELOPER}/Platforms/${PLATFORM}.platform/Developer/SDKs/${PLATFORM}${SDKVERSION}.sdk" --cc="${DEVELOPER}/Toolchains/XcodeDefault.xctoolchain/usr/bin/clang" --as='/usr/local/bin/gas-preprocessor.pl' --extra-cflags="${EXTRA_CFLAGS} -miphoneos-version-min=${SDKVERSION} -I${OUTPUTDIR}/include" --extra-ldflags="-arch ${ARCH} ${EXTRA_LDFLAGS} -isysroot /Applications/Xcode.app/Contents/Developer/Platforms/${PLATFORM}.platform/Developer/SDKs/${PLATFORM}${SDKVERSION}.sdk -miphoneos-version-min=${SDKVERSION} -L${OUTPUTDIR}/lib" ${EXTRA_CONFIG} --enable-pic --extra-cxxflags="$CPPFLAGS -I${OUTPUTDIR}/include -isysroot ${DEVELOPER}/Platforms/${PLATFORM}.platform/Developer/SDKs/${PLATFORM}${SDKVERSION}.sdk" | |
make && make install && make clean | |
done | |
mkdir -p "${INTERDIR}/universal/lib" | |
cd "${INTERDIR}/armv7/lib" | |
for file in *.a | |
do | |
cd ${INTERDIR} | |
xcrun -sdk iphoneos lipo -output universal/lib/$file -create -arch armv7 armv7/lib/$file -arch armv7s armv7s/lib/$file -arch i386 i386/lib/$file | |
echo "Universal $file created." | |
done | |
cp -r ${INTERDIR}/armv7/include ${INTERDIR}/universal/ | |
echo "Done." |
help me
WARNING: pkg-config not found, library detection may fail.
mktemp -u XXXXXX
check_ld cc
BEGIN /var/folders/bq/tz1vgr9j1xv1s8pwlzx6_cg80000gn/T//ffconf.91jLl9Wt.c
1 int main(void){ return 0; }
END /var/folders/bq/tz1vgr9j1xv1s8pwlzx6_cg80000gn/T//ffconf.91jLl9Wt.c
/Applications/XCode.app/Contents/Developer/Toolchains/XcodeDefault.xctoolchain/usr/bin/clang --sysroot=/Applications/Xcode.app/Contents/Developer/Platforms/iPhoneOS.platform/Developer/SDKs/iPhoneOS7.0.sdk -isysroot /Applications/Xcode.app/Contents/Developer/Platforms/iPhoneOS.platform/Developer/SDKs/iPhoneOS7.0.sdk -arch armv7 -mcpu=cortex-a8 -c -o /var/folders/bq/tz1vgr9j1xv1s8pwlzx6_cg80000gn/T//ffconf.8iyA1IKl.o /var/folders/bq/tz1vgr9j1xv1s8pwlzx6_cg80000gn/T//ffconf.91jLl9Wt.c
./configure: line 786: /Applications/XCode.app/Contents/Developer/Toolchains/XcodeDefault.xctoolchain/usr/bin/clang: No such file or directory
C compiler test failed.
the libavcodec.a is large than 133.6MB , how can I make a small libavcodec.a
/Applications/Xcode.app/Contents/Developer/Toolchains/XcodeDefault.xctoolchain/usr/bin/ranlib: archive member: libavformat/libavformat.a(w64.o) cputype (12) does not match previous archive members cputype (7) (all members must match)
make: *** [libavformat/libavformat.a] Error 1
i do not know why?I use xcode 6.
Update for xcode 6.1 with ios 8 ver above. Recommended changes to the script ?
Moreover in the path I${DEVELOPER}/Platforms/${PLATFORM}.platform/Developer/SDKs/${PLATFORM}${SDKVERSION}.sdk/usr/lib - only 5.0sdk is avaialble even though i user xcode 6.1 with ios 8.0. Is sdks path changed , any changes in script? Thanks!
Thanks! But when I compile ffmpeg2.2.2 use your script ,I still encounter the problem "Unable to identify target architecture at /usr/bin/gas-preprocessor.pl line 82" .
I used iPhoneOS7.1.sdk .
I don't where is wrong .Thanks again.