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Git Cheat sheet
From forked & updated repo:
create branch
-git branch litmus_11759_test_blank_search (create branch)
-git checkout litmus_11759_test_blank_search (switch to that branch)
-git checkout -b litmus_11759_test_blank_search (create & switch to branch)
do work in branch
-if added files, add them to git
git add <filename>
-commit in branch
git add <changed files>
git commit -m 'message'
(do not use "git commit -a -m 'litmus 11759: added test for blank search' " as it will make AutomatedTester cry.)
push forked branch
- (if never pushed before)
git remote add myfork
- (every push)
git push origin litmus_11759_test_blank_search
Click "pull request" on original github repo
To move head back to master: git checkout master
Once work on branch is finished, clean up.
Sync back up with automatedtester's master:
git remote add automatedtester git://
git fetch automatedtester
git merge automatedtester/master
To change filename:
git mv
(commit the file)
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