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Forked from tkadlec/perf-diagnostics.css
Last active June 8, 2021 13:12
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CSS used to highlight potential performance issues
:root {
--violation-color: red; /* used for clear issues */
--warning-color: orange; /* used for potential issues we should look into */
/* IMAGES */
* Lazy-Loaded Images Check
* ====
* Highlight any lazy loaded images so we can see if any are inside the viewport
* Uses an outline so it can pair with Unsized Images and Legacy Format checks
* Credit:
img[loading=lazy] {
outline: 10px solid var(--warning-color) !important;
* Unsized Images Check
* ====
* Highlight images that don't have a height or width attribute set
* Uses a border so it can pair with Lazy-Loaded and Legacy Format checks
img:not([height]), img:not([width]) {
border: 10px solid var(--violation-color) !important;
* Legacy Format Check
* ====
* Highlight tiff's and bmp's because we can do better
* Also JPG's because maybe we can use something like webp or avif instead
* Use opacity so we don't conflict with Lazy-Loaded and Unsized Images checks
opacity: .5 !important;
/* Synchronous Scripts Check
* ====
* Display any blocking synchronous scripts
* Credit:
script[src] {
display: block;
border: 10px solid var(--violation-color);;
* Display the URL/filepath of external scripts
script[src]::before {
content: attr(src);
font-size: 1rem;
* Hide other head content and non-blocking scripts
head *,
script[src][async], script[src][defer], script[src][type=module] {
display: none;
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