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Last active July 22, 2021 21:03
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A number of overwrites to make JITLib gui (especially NdefGui) more readable on HiDPI screens + responsive to local specs
// Some patches to make JitLib gui stuff more easy on the eyes. Mostly: Larger!
// Also: Make it respond to local specs if defined using the NamedControl style
// FIX: Change font size, button heights and color scheme
+ JITGui {
*initClass {
GUI.skins.put(\jit, (
fontSpecs: ["Helvetica", 16],
background: Color.grey(0.90),
foreground: Color.grey(0.95),
onColor:, 0.15),
onColor2:, 0.15),
offColor: Color.grey(0.9, 0.5),
hiliteColor:, 0.25),
margin: 0@0,
buttonHeight: 32,
headHeight: 32
// FIX: Look up Ndef's local spec when making GUI
+ EnvirGui {
getSpec { |key, value|
var spec = ?? specs[key] ?? { key.asSpec };
if (spec.isNil) {
spec = Spec.guess(key, value);
specs.put(key, spec);
// FIX: Increase GUI buttons' size
+ NdefGui{
*initClass {
Spec.add(\ampx4, [0, 4, \amp]);
Spec.add(\fadePx, [0, 100, \amp, 0, 0.02]);
buttonSizes = (
name: 70, type: 40, CLR: 50, reset: 50, scope: 50, doc: 40, end: 40, fade: 80,
monitor: 200, monitorM: 250, monitorL: 300, play: 100, pausR: 50, sendR: 50,
ed: 30, rip: 40, poll: 50, wake: 50
makeFadeBox { |width = 60, height = 18|
fadeBox = EZNumber(zone, width@height, \fade, \fadePx,
{ |num| try { object.fadeTime_(num.value) } },
try { object.fadeTime } ? 0.02,
labelWidth: width / 2,
numberWidth: width / 2
+ NdefParamGui{
makeViews {
var sinkWidth = 20;
var height = skin.buttonHeight;
specs = ();
replaceKeys = ();
prevState = ( settings: [], overflow: 0, keysRotation: 0, editKeys: []);
labelWidth = zone.bounds.width * 0.15;
#drags, paramViews = { |i|
var drag = DragBoth(zone, Rect(0, 0, sinkWidth, skin.buttonHeight))
var parView = ParamView(zone, Rect(0, 0, bounds.width - sinkWidth - 20, height))
// .resize_(2)
.useRanger_({ this.useRanger });
// parView.textview.textField.align_(\right);
// parView.textview.textField.background_(;;
[drag, parView];
zone.decorator.reset.shift(zone.bounds.width - 16, 0);
scroller = EZScroller(zone,
Rect(0, 0, 12, numItems * height),
numItems, numItems,
{ |sc|
keysRotation = sc.value.asInteger.max(0);
prevState.put(\dummy, \dummy);
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